
Site Update » Library Update - FAQ · 12:33am Oct 9th, 2014

Hi guys. These are certainly interesting times we're living in, what with the onset of Bookshelves (as prophesied by our forefathers) and the return of notifications for posting Group Threads to our feeds. It's been noted that there are a few common questions people seem to be asking about how to navigate this brave new world the update's brought us, so we're going to try to address those in a space where everyone can see it.

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Report Obselescence · 7,732 views ·

Site Update » The Library Update · 4:04am Oct 8th, 2014

The Library Update

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Site Update » Story Update Emails · 9:15pm Sep 28th, 2014

...are currently disabled. As we work over to the bookshelf system, I wanted to scrap these emails that basically only cause issues with bulk sending. In the future we want to have a system that emails you weekly with a list of your updates if you opt into that.

edit: That's not to say I won't bring them back if people rely on them a lot...

edit: We're going to turn them back on for now and then bookshelves will be daily emails.

Report knighty · 3,924 views ·

Site Update » Unread Chapters · 5:16pm Sep 24th, 2014

EDIT: I have made a quick script that fixes this on an individual user basis. Click here to fix the issue for your account

Edit 2: For people having trouble with the link, what would have happened is you must have clicked mark all read at some point in the past which removes all your unread entries. Now the script is repopulating all the ones that had been removed.

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Report knighty · 6,285 views ·

Site Update » FAQ UPDATED · 2:20am Jul 22nd, 2012

Howdy ho, neighborino! Just diddly-dropping by to let you know that I just gave a FAQ a pretty significant update. I added a couple of questions to it, corrected some outdated information (most notably the character tag limit), as well as a lot of miscellaneous corrections. I also completely rewrote both the Story Submission Rules and the Comment Rules. No rules have changed, simply clarified.

Give it a gander, goosies!

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