The New Lunar Republic 1,790 members · 768 stories
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I know, that we all are for the New Lunar Republic, but do you think, there could be a bad ending? Just imagine the following:
Luna has sucessfully overthrown and banished, maybe even killed Celestia. Now she is trying her best to avoid, making the mistakes that happened in the Solar Empire. First everything is going well and the nation recovers from years of tyranny. The ponies even praise and adore Luna.
But over the time Luna starts to get worried and paranoid. What, if there are still ponies from the Solar Empire? What, if somepony tries to take away her power? To prevent this from happening Luna installs a special squad, which has the task to capture and execute every foe of the Republic. Luna gets more and more corrupted by her fright, until she becomes an even crueler ruler then Celestia had been. Only when Luna realizes, she is about to repeat the mistakes of her sister, she decides to go after her and bring an era of Harmony, where both reign. Maybe even somepony else is doing it like Twilight.
So yeah, in short words: Do you think Luna's reign could turn out for the worst? Could she rule alone? What is her goal? Do you think the New Lunar Republic could become a tyranny like the Solar Empire, but on another basis?

4692689 Careful, they might burn you a heretic. But in all seriousness, cool idea.

I do not mind. I mean, if this is the New Lunar Republic this possibility has to be open as well.

4692740 Just saying. But considering the group is more or less dead i don't think you have to worry.

I think it is quite the twist!:moustache: I like the possibility for what it could offer on ideas.:twilightsmile:


4692901 Sorry for that...^

4692902 Got to Pony2 and start an NLR RP if you'd like. Maybe get some life back to the group

No problem. I might write something with my headcanon. But first I have to finish a story of mine. Or actually two.

Interesting. What is that?

4692913 Thanks, mate. I'll give it a look!:moustache:



But in all honesty, I think it would feel like ba sing se from avatar.

Could you explain that for I have not seen Avatar?

4692919 it's a site souly for RP. I'm on it but i don't have time to run anything anymore. I can participate though. But now that I think about it, anyone that'll actually get on it would shout for my banning. :3

4692984 I'm one of the former Admins. The ones that everyone banned.


well in the show there is a grand city that is seemingly perfect and protected from all harm. but the King's assistant is head of security and very patriotic to the earth kingdom. so he creates a secret police called the "Dai lie" (Not sure in spelling) to covertly kidnap people who would cause trouble to the kingdom or reveal the corruption of Ba Sing Se. he would then proceed to brainwash them to do his bidding….. it creeps me out so much because I'm not joking about that. he inputs mental phrases to leash his puppets to either fight or propagate Ba Sing Se's "Utopia"-ness.

the guy is the human equivalent of Starlight Glimmer, without the smiles.


Your idea already happened. It was called the RP ban ;P But in all seriousness that would make a great fic I reckon. Get the storyline all sorted, figure out what's going to happen in it and you've got yourself a good fic with something you like thats not the whole stereotype of the NLR being a large scale gary sue.

4694361 It does sound like a better fic than RP. But I do think people want to RP, that's why I gave them the link to Pony2


That's fair enough. I'm still on G+ to be honest. Equestria Defence Force is actually really good. Good Owner and who knows how to run a community. Just finished up the End Game of Op: Warhammer Battle Group RRF. One sick as community with others tied to it.

Thanks. I guess, I will work on it, when I find the time. (I have got two stories, I am working on at the moment) I also think about giving Discord a role in it.

Ah, interesting. Well, as I said, it is a possible bad ending. It does not mean, that it has to happen.


Alright that's fair enough. I'd put the idea on the side lines till you've got at least one story finished. Better to not have to many things on your mind.

Yup, that is true. But I have another inspiration apart from Animal Farm, which is Repo The Genetic Opera.

5103428 That's why I was the least liked officer. That and I was the one that broke all the news to them.

5103432 Well then, I have a changeling queen to relocate... :twilightsheepish:
And no, it is not Chrysalis.

5103437 That's what I called it.... looked a lot more like genocide.... granted I didn't kill those who surrendered but still....

5103438 I completely agree! With all the detection spells, changeling repellant (yes that is a thing now), and the outlawing of giving refuge to a changeling (undocumented or otherwise), you'd think that we're paranoid or something!

5103443 Actually we'd integrated them into society before the downfall of the whole thing. There was even a whole colony of peaceful changelings that were easily integrated.

5103444 Well I've given refuge to a changeling queen who rules over a rather powerful--but also starving--empire. Since no one seems to trust changeling leaders, she has chosen to conceal her identity while in public. However, I happen to research dark magic, (in fact I'm one of the best in the field) and my assistant recently uncovered her identity, and reported it to the Lunar Military... as an attack...

I think the NLR Military Police are about to arrest her for attacking, and me for hiding her... What should I do?

5103456 I don't know. I don't have any control over the NLR or their policies any more. I've been banished. Not too bad though, they sent me to the SE where I'm allowed to live in peace with my wife and kids.

5103458 Well, Mimic is a changeling queen so, the way I see it, she and I have two options.

One: We can stay and get arrested. I can only hope that they will be merciful--which is highly unlikely, so I find this option most undesirable.
Two: We can flee to Mimic's empire. I personally like this option since this queen happens to love me as much as I love her, so I can expect her subjects to treat me well.

EDIT: GTG! My friend is here.

5103465 I can't help you. This is out of my power to do anything.

5103469 Well, I'm going with the second option--and also, I'm going to fire my assistant!

5103471 Like I said I don't know how their policies are now. Maybe they went full Hitler on the changelings, I wouldn't know.

5103487 Well, considering that Mimic got really ticked off and straight up attacked my assistant, I don't think that their policies will really matter as much. And even if we get a fair trial, the is still the fact that this particular changeling is technically an illegal immigrant.

So, either way, she and I are both screwed if we stay here...

5104036 legally she can't be sentenced to death unless she's been spying and that there is full proof of it.

5104080 Well, she has been living under another name the whole time she's been here, she's been secretly feeding on my love daily, and the empire she rule hasn't had any contact with the New Lunar Republic until now.

5104098 Then she'd more than likely (if I were still in charge) go through a citizenship test to gain hers, then receive an identity. She would have to be under full time surveillance incognito (maybe by other changelings we have a couple of spies) for a year before being trusted enough to not have that security.

5105410 Also, there is the time that I nearly blew up a city block by accident, when I tried mixing light magic with dark magic--which I am never doing again! Ever since then, the NLR Military Police have been trying to find a good enough reason to arrest me. (Surprisingly enough, that didn't count since I didn't actually know what the outcome of that experiment would be...)

By the way, why were you banished to the Solar Empire? I'm actually quite curious about it because I never heard about that happening...

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