Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
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And I've done three, with two more in progress. I feel so unique but at the same time, I feel like the ship deserves much more love than it gets. Sigh, if only more would write about the pairing.

(BTW, the clopfic "Milk is a Girl's Best Friend" doesn't count since there is no romantic interest between them, and the non-clopfic "Kindness in Dancing doesn't count because it was never finished)

2737475 Careful about which kind of Fleur de lis you're talking about. Someone will confuse him with him

2737475 Tis the nature of uncommon shipping pairs, alas. When you've got two characters that have never interacted in the show, it doesn't really matter how well you think they'd match up, you're not going to get a lot of folks shipping them.

Keep at it, don't let it get you down. Rare ships have their downsides, but they've got their rewards as well.

2737864 On a dedicated MLP fanfic site, I think most people understand which Fleur is being spoken of. :unsuresweetie:

2738735 Yeah, I know, it's only for talking

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