Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

Well, we didn't reach our goal for how many fanfics we were going to get the incoming folder down to in May, but I did say I'd unlock it at the end of May either way, so it's back open with 30 in queue.:unsuresweetie:

I swear, I get so tempted sometimes to just clear the whole current queue out and ask people to resubmit, just so we can get back in pace with the fiction coming in.:twistnerd:

While it is open, and you can technically submit as many fanfics as you want, I would ask that people try to keep it down to a reasonable level for a bit. That is, don't submit all your fanfics now. Maybe submit your best one, and submit the others late, for example.

And I could still really use everyones help in getting things out of the queue. I'd consider it an accomplishment if we could get it down to 20, and absolutely wonderful if we could actually clear the whole thing out...

I'd offer, but I'm in so many groups that the add to group thingy doesn't even open any more.

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