Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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There's a bus monitor by the name of Karen Klein. Someone posted a video of people bulling her to tears.

Someone decided to try to raise funds in support of her to give her "a vacation of a lifetime".

The goal of the campaign was $5,000...

As of this writing... they have raised a staggering... unbelievable... $291,945... and growing...

This is what gives me hope for humanity. This right here is just beautiful that people would group up and come together for this woman.

Group Contributor

Yes, it's very nice. I must wonder where most of this money will go. She can't use it all on this one vacation, that would be more than a little selfish. Still, though, this is a very warm thing to see.

What's a 'bus monitor'?

Group Admin


The right thing to do would be to take the greatest vacation of her life, then donate the rest of it (aka the vast majority) to various anti-bullying and education-themed charities in her name. Hopefully that's what they'll do.


A volunteer, teacher, or temp that rides the bus and keeps the kids under control so the bus driver doesnt have to do it. Probably for the best, since you don't want the guy/gal driving the giant vehicle full of children not wearing seat belts getting distracted.

Group Admin

Hearing these sort of stories does help restore my faith in humanity. Not that I am in any risk of having none left any time soon. It's always the little acts of benevolence that go under the media radar, and while they deserve more attention they are no less significant.

After 3.5 hours, I see that they raised over $60,000 more... that's amazing!

I do hope as well that, wherever this money goes, that it gets used both wisely and fairly. Probably what Invictus said.

It's always nice to hear that no matter how minuscule, there's always someone willing to do good deed.
Brofist for all.

Since when the hell did that job start? When I rode the bus the only 'monitor' was the 8th graders telling the short people to shut up so they could listen to their mix-cds on plastic sony headphones with cd players.

God damn I feel old and I'm not even 18.

Group Admin


It's a job as old as big, well-funded public schools and magnet private schools. Basically, schools with the money to dump into it... or teachers who are silly enough to volunteer for it.

Didn't have one myself... but I didn't go to either of those two types of schools.

Side note: I don't yet have the right to say "I feel old" at the ripe age of 26. You, sir, have no business using the word in any sort of relation to yourself if your age still ends in "teen".

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