Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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Have THIS!

It's nice to have something ready, when someone says something stupid,but most times it's best to focus on minding your business rather than winning.

Just have Fun.

Group Contributor

That'll do it.

*is laughing his ass off*

As much as I want to take comfort in that, there are just some misanthropes who are so firmly rooted in their stance that physically being the subject of their pseudo-philosophical ire simply doesn't deter them. Frankly they may say "yeah and I hate myself too!" or the eternally pretentious "at least I admit it!"

Christ, do you people do anything particularly productive, or is it all about poking fun at the CB folk? XD

311772 Poking fun is what I do. I don't troll or harass anyone and I don't represent the entire group.

The group's intent is to deconstruct the arguments of anti-human sentiment in the fandom.

I'm just playing these up for laughs.:moustache:

Ah, wonderful. If I were being honest, I'd say that I really shouldn't be here, considering how misanthropic I can be at times. But I'm not being honest, now am I? XD

Well, I'm a concrit troll. I live to harass, annoy, and point out to people that they are, in fact, damned stupid. I've considered playing both sides of the misanthrope argument. XD

If Humans Aren't Bastards, then I'm not human. XD

When we say Bastards we don't mean, trolls or tricksters, we just mean characters that are evil with no explained motivation other than the innate 'evilness' of being homo-sapiens.

And hating stupid people doesn't count as misanthrope. it's just regular frustration.

Well, that's boring. :P Though I could say we are the only species capable of killing out of spite, jealousy, anger, bla bla bla misanthropic bullshit bla bla.

I don't just hate stupid people. D: I can hate perfectly intelligent people, too! Like... umm.... Well, fuck. Politicians don't count as people, do they?

killing out of spite,jealousy, anger and whatnot is only bad according to morality that was...wait for it...made by humans!
misanthrope is really just a quest to see who can kick themselves hardest in the nuts . Totally asinine.:moustache:

You can hate whomever you want. the only problem is you waste time and energy doing it. It achieves nothing.

and Politicians? they're human...I just want them to shut up.:moustache:

Exactly! It's all our fault and we're so evil and shit bla bla bla more BS bla.

Morality (at least, the popular version) is stupid. We're all going to die anyway, and when that happens whatever significance our existance may have had will die with us. With that said, I prefer to live how I want; fuck "morality," the only ethics I believe in are my own. :D Whee~

That depends on misanthropes having nuts in the first place, mate. XD

It's not a waste of time and energy if I gain satisfaction from hating others. ^_^ You should try it. It's fun. :D

Politicians aren't human. They're piles of shit disguised as humans that really need to pull their heads out of their nonexistant asses. :P

Well if that's how you live, So be it! try to have as much fun as possible but don't wreck or kill any one.
Here's One for the road.

Killing people is messy and boring. You get blood everywhere, and there's all this legal shit, and so on. Wrecking can be fun, but it depends on what. :P

Rakdos forever~


*is laughing his ass off*

Group Admin


Well, in case you were still wondering, the purpose behind this group is (as stated on the front page) to promote the idea that people in general aren't actually all that bad, rather than to hate on any one particular group (such as TCB).

Our slogan is: We can love ponies without hating people!

I firmly stand by both of those beliefs, although I will always welcome anyone to the group (regardless of what their own beliefs are) so long as they're open to honest and frank discussion. Feel free to join in or give your opinion on some of the other threads that discuss the nice face of the human coin.

311936:twilightsheepish: I hope I didn't stain the group's reputation.

...Not sure if me gusta.... Eh. I'll just be my normal, howitzer'ing self. I love ponies, but I sure as hell don't love a lot of people. Feel free to ban me if I get too rowdy. For the most part, this is for funzies. :D

I'm a helluvalot more likely to do that than you, mate. ^_^

Group Contributor

311746 Was it something I said?

More along the lines of an agreement.

Group Contributor

312046 I thought so, just a tad confused, because I'm crazy.

Group Admin


It'd be silly for me to ban someone for having an opposing view. Besides, I don't expect anyone to like everyone. But, like the front page suggests, I maintain that humanity as a whole has loads of potential and does a lot of good. I also realize that, as a species, we've done a lot of damage to ourselves and our environments.

So, the question remains: Do you have hope that as we move forward, we will continue to improve? Become more informed and better as a whole? I certainly do.

Misanthropy is not just hatred for humanity. It is hatred for human nature. And for every example out there of the dark side of our natures, there are just as many for the good. Since plenty of people sit around pointing out how much everyone else sucks, I'm going to go ahead and point out how much they don't. Because no single human is made up of just one story, much less humanity as a whole.

And I welcome the challenge of proving that our nature is more than just a silver lining. That we are hardwired to cooperate and help each other, and that with the right impetus, we can can strive for utopia. One that we built, rather than one that was built for us.

By all means, stick around. Challenge us with opposing viewpoints. Expand our horizons and our knowledge with measured responses. Start discussions and put your reasoning and worldviews (as well as ours) to the test.

Chances are, we won't change your mind (only you can do that), but at the very least you'll get both sides of the story. Take that as you will.

You seem to be under the impression that I play by the standard rules of argumentative engagement.

I don't. :pinkiehappy:

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