Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Okay, just asking but how many of you are fed up with the drama created by the latest episode (And any episode in general really). Personally, I've had it and sometimes it is making me wonder why I joined this fandom if it seems to be creating drama half the time. You thoughts? (Only reason I'm posting this here is because the latest episode to create real drama was Wonderbolts focused.)


5223078 I'm reminded of the words of BronyCurious with his Filli Vanilli review:

Rarity: Isn't it great when a plans comes together without any drama?

BronyCurious: Being part of this fandom, I wouldn't know.

5223099 I agree. Personally, I'm only here to read and write fics. I don't want to see the drama so from now on I'm just going to ignore it. Here's hoping this week's episode will go down nicely without too much trouble. Can't really see how a holiday one will be taken too badly.

5223475 Well to be fair as several other people have pointed out, quite a few of us were bullied so some tend to be a bit oversensitive about it and can react in turn to anything that resembles bullying slightly.

5223670 Yeah, I don't understand it either. One possible although rather sad explanation is that some have forgotten the show's message. Of course there is another one which is some people are just watching the show to say they have and don't care about the message. Of course it's all possible neither of these is it and it's just something else. Anyway, MST3K Mantra, anyone?

5223767 Anyway, talking about something less depressing. Anyone here (Not just you) have any Wonderbolts or Spitfire themed stories in the works?

5223776 Actually, yes. Then again, mini-epilogues to Rainbow Dash episodes seem to be an unintentional forte of mine. :rainbowwild:

5223776 Coincidentally, I wrote a 2300 word story yesterday in one sitting that basically involves Rainbow feeling embarrassed about her actions in the episode and Spitfire giving her advice on what it means to be a Wonderbolt. It was more something to get my mind off the drama for a bit and nothing special, but I don't plan on publishing it because—you know. :applejackunsure:

5223789 Huh, cool. Writing mini epilogues can be fun, as I once wrote a romantic ending to Amending Fences. The ending for that was great, but it's always nice to show a possible alternate turn of events. Must be why I like AUs so much. Anyways, I've got a Spitfire themed one shot and cross over in the works where Spits gets a new friend who... Well let's just say he's more then meets the eye.

5223796 Can't say I blame you, although that is a bit of a shame that no one will see it.

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