Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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By now I belive that no one can deny that Fall of Cybertron is the prequel to Transformers: Prime:pinkiecrazy:

I thought we already agreed on this?

1743690 goldymarg doesnt seem to agree

1743688 You fooled me.

Nope, I don't. You can't fit a circle into a square hole :trixieshiftleft:
And I've nothing witty to say, so here's a cat.

Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Sep 13th, 2013

So you truly believe that Fall of Cybertron Is purely Generation 1

I see FoC as it's own entity. As far as linking it with Prime, High Moon Studios would have to make a DC-scale reton to make it work. And we all know how ugly THOSE can get...

You know what I mean ya goon!


Then you'd be happy to know that activision has announced new games for 2014

It's either WFC 3 or the Age of extinction game

1745011 Then never use that expression anymore. It's stupid.

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