Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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The video went all clip show on me. Do you happen to have an alternate link?

Got a better frame rate this time. Looks like Megatron gets a face lift to go along with becoming Unicron's b****. Here is hoping he doesn't change his name, too.

1500056 can you say...


You are correct in guessing the time I don't want Megatron going by. Thank you, and goon night.

1500172 Galvatron has been a main stay since G1. You can't hate that guy! :rainbowlaugh:

Please. The guy was crazier and more unpredictable than the Protagonist of Saints Row, only without the Playa's charm, street savvy, or people skills. There is a reason the comics retconned him into being a clone, and brought Megatron back as a competent leader. There may have been time travel involved, as well.

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