Living the Dream fan-club 148 members · 8 stories
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I can (not so) gladly say I have been stabbed in the face with a steel pipe to the point of needing reconstructive surgery, dislocated my right arm helping someone move something, belly flopped from a 20 foot high diving board, been beaten up multiple times, nearly broken my leg in a biking accident, got stabbed in the eye and needed surgery on that, had nine teeth removed due to non-cavity related causes, backflipped down a ski slope, backflipped down a flight of wood stairs, had the left side of my body lit on fire entirely, been flipped out of a trampoline, and had a massive gash cut across my chest during what I assume was a robbery and not a botched attempt at rape. Anyone think they're more accident prone?

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:rainbowderp: I've had a couple of accidents in my life but not as much as that!

Stormy Vision
Group Contributor

Alright you win. I've almost died seven times, got my right arm broken twice, cracked my head open twice, and get hurt about once a week.

Group Admin

I got my leg broken once, but that's about it

Group Admin

I do the damage, but, I have a dislocated shoulder.

307738 Well I would be second you being first i have had three surgaries one for dislocateing my shoulder and my elbow due to a bully throwing a big rock at my skate board when i was going down a big hill and the third surgarie was from getting shot on the leg by a metal pellet air soft gun they had to get the pellet out before it started to cause an infection.

well now that out of the way i have been jumped before by some brony haters apparently he would'nt stop talking smack so i just looked at him and said box it out and i jumped on him and started to throwing punches but then his friends sall and joined in and kicked my ass.

my leg got sliced in half due to being pushed off a ledge a big rock made a huge cut through my leg and it hurt like a living hell but they had to stitch it up

well that is all that has happend to me i'm sorry about that stuff that has happend to you and for getting bullied dont let them get to you i sure dont let them get to me but hey when some one needs to be put back in there place you gotta do what you gotta do.

Man, what's with you and big rocks? And don't worry about the bullying thing, that's old. Also, I cracked someones skull with a pillow twice, so I can say I can handle myself. And I neglected a part of it. I got bucked off a horse into a patch of thorns, trampled, gotten back on, been hit in the face with a swinging branch, and knocked back into the same patch.

307990 I know the rocks its like they wait for me
Well i'm sorry about alll dose things that have happend to you and you cracked someones skull just with a pillow wow that sounds rough was the pillow hard or something or did you just keep on hitting it till it broke danm im sorry man :fluttershysad:

307990 hat's nothing bro I've been beaten so badly I went into a Coma took an arrow to the knee in a hunting accident, (NO FUCKING JOKE IT HURT LIKE A BITCH) been shot in the leg, contracted cat scratch fever from a cat scratch I forgot to wash, tripped on a branch and fallen down a cliff, shattered my knee cap into 20 different parts after I fell down said cliff and bashed my head on a rock, took a shit clogged the toilet and it spewed in my face, have been hit by a car where it gave me glokhoma from where it hit, AND I woke up while my house was being robbed and was knocked out.

Beat That

Holy fuck. How far was the fall?

308324 It was 20 feet give or take and at the bottom there was a river... Only reason I've alive today is because my arm caught on some moss.

Sounds a bit like my flop off of the diving board, but then again, I didn't break anything then, and it was meant for falling off of, so, yeah. That has to suck.

I am one unlucky sunuvabitch hell more shit has happened to me today that is pretty bad as well.

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308329i have been beaten to death in a muy thai fight had my arm dislocated then my collar bone broken on the same day also i have been kicked down a set of stairs while fighting and broke three ribs one time while i was walking to school a car turned the corner and slammed into me i broke like three bones (lucky right) then after i healed i was walking to school then a car almost hit me i was able to backflip out of the way...and into the path of another car death number two for me and thats all i can remember right know.

If you're dead... who's posting this?

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311413i didn't die permanently just for like a couple minutes. each time.

Group Contributor

311419yes you didn't know that could happen? im not saying it happens all the time but i would have thought you heard of a few cases.

10 yrs old, some jeep my cousin had, we fell down a 90 foot hill with the jeep going up and down and hitting trees and rocks. Hospital.

I also recently fell into coma for a week a few months ago because I was hit by a car my back legs stretched all the way back an touched my face, hell i'm lucky i'm not a vegetable, I could've broken my spine. The coma sucked too but no-one was surprised I get beat up, shot, fall, and get hit by cars more than the average person.

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