Transformations 5,819 members · 5,266 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Hello, all, I'm seeking people to review stories for the sake of featuring them in our humble group here.
Requirements will be:
A) Must read the first 3 chapters or 30k words of the assigned story at minimum, if available.
B) Must submit reviews in a timely fashion, let's say 2 weeks.
C) If you reject the story, please say why.

I'll make a separate thread for submitting fics once we have some people signed up.

Please submit in the following format, remember to Reply to me so that I'm guaranteed to see it:
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Types of Stories you Prefer:
Types of Stories you Will Not Review:

I shall begin, to demonstrate.

Username: Ether Echoes
Tell us a bit about yourself: I founded this group because I figured there'd be fans of transformation stories here, too. I write stories with a lot of buildup and I try to dig deep into character and setting, and I like seeing that in the stories I read.
Types of Stories you Prefer: Age, Gender, Monster, Rainbow Dash, Inventive worlds
Types of Stories you Will Not Review: Sex, clop, gratuitous violence, vore, inanimate, Brony, Ponyfall

So this'll be for that "Best of" category, eh? Count me in!

Username: Mileau
Tell us a bit about yourself: Found the group just after reading the most recent chapter of Alicorn when I noticed this was one of the groups it had been submitted to. I was pleasantly surprised to see that several of my favorite TF-related stories were also included here.
Types of Stories you Prefer: Humans into Ponies, Inanimate, Alicorn, Octavia and/or Vinyl
Types of Stories you Will Not Review: Ponies into Humans, age regression, excessive violence/gore, sex (as a major part of the story- just don't ask me to read something about little more than 2+ ponies bucking each other's brains out and we're good. I actually like the occasional tasteful & intimate scene when it's done well.)

I know I'm missing something in the 'Preferred' bit, but nothing else comes to mind at present. When in doubt, ask me, and if it's definitely not something I'd be interested in, I'll say so. Otherwise I'll at least give it a chance.

I'm sure you'd prefer any critic be able to spin a decent yarn themselves, so they'll better know what to look for. Have a look at mine in the 'Humans into Ponies' section if you'd like to see the sort of standard I hold myself to.

Group Contributor

877516 Are admins allowed? If so, I guess I can give it a shot.

Tell us a bit about yourself: I've been in this group since before it had 100 members. I'm a video gamer as well. I prefer reading fics to writing them.
Types of Stories you Prefer: Gender, age, and stories that aren't particularly long, Comedies.
Types of Stories you Will Not Review: Any story with a Mature label, stories with excessive cussing, and Lesbian romance stories (If that's the story's focus).
Types of Stories you are reluctant to review: HiE stories in general, Misanthropic TCB stories, crossovers, stories with cliched premises, and lengthy stories (The longer it is, the less likely I am to review it.).
That last catagory is for stuff that I will review if tasked, but they aren't my first choices. The main exceptions to these are the really good ones of their kind.

If there's anything else you need to know, feel free to ask me.

Username: Brightcake
Tell Us a Bit About Yourself: I like reading for the sake of reading, and for the sake of being able to respect it as an art form. I like to think about what I read, both to add suspense and out of habit. I write, myself, and try to create characters that have deep personality and backstory (If it's a shorter story, I usually don't do this as much, though.)
Types of Stories You Prefer: Comedy, sad, humans into ponies, action, sex
Types of Stories You Will Not Review: As I said, I can respect any story as an art form. I'll try literally any story.
Stories I Don't Really Prefer: Slow to start, full of clichés, stories with too much teen drama.
Other Random Info: I don't really care if a story is long or a one-shot. I'm usually more likely to keep reading a story if it isn't breakneck fast or tediously slow.
Questions: Will these be reviews for "best of" stories, or just generally featured stories?

Ether Echoes
Group Admin


I'M allowed, aren't I? :raritywink:

That's part of what we'll try to figure out.

Group Contributor

879528 True. Out of curiosity, how many reviewers are we looking for?

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Probably 3, but we may need to tag someone in.

Should we have several people review the same story (to provide perspective) or have everyone review a unique story?
The former, of course, would involve having to avoid specific triggers, so we'd need several people for different types.

Group Contributor

879599 I'm not entirely sure which to method to go with either. I'd say for now, to assign every reviewer unique somewhat obsure stories and maybe for the more well known stories we could assign multiple reviewers do those. My reasoning for this is that obsure stories aren't likely to result in controversy but well known ones might in the event of a negative review.

Now I have to ask, when should we start?

I guess I will throw my hat into the ring.

Atomic Clock

Tell us a bit about yourself:
I am 26 years old, and have a wife and 3 month old daughter.
I am not much of a writer. I only get a few paragraphs/sentences out before throwing it away, and starting over. That and I feel my stories are never good enough. (I rewrote this about five times).

Types of Stories you Prefer:
Human into ponies, HiE, Gender, just about anything that's good.

Types of Stories you Will Not Review: Not much I will not read/review.

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