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For the record, EmositeCC started this story idea.

Anywho, lately, I’ve had Wallflower Blush on my mind. Now for this story idea, picture this:

Spike was left by his lonesome and happens to befriend an equally lonely earth pony named Wallflower Blush.

Wallflower reveals that she has a very rare talent for making plants grow, simply by touching. Unfortunately, she has trouble controlling it, which has lead to many accidents and destructions in her wake, resulting in her getting ostracized and run out of town so many times.

Which was why she became rather withdrawn and unlike her human counterpart, prefers to be invisible than to get in trouble.

She had just arrived in Ponyville, after getting kicked out from a neighboring town, when Spike bumped into her.

Since then, they bonded over their uniqueness, with Wallflower finding it fascinating to how a young dragon was raised by ponies, and such.

And over the story, Spike would try and help Wallflower find a place to stay, as well as find a new job, and helping her control her powers. (And above all…WATCH OUT FOR THE CABBAGES!)

Nice one. And I love that comic bit with the two. Even Dog Spike knows how unappreciated he is in the series and funny they think it’s because they’re green.

And not a bad plot focusing on those two. Pony Wallflower would be the first earth pony to have plant magic before the earth ponies of Gen 5 could


And not a bad plot focusing on those two. Pony Wallflower would be the first earth pony to have plant magic before the earth ponies of Gen 5 could

Oh yeah. Question is: How will she learn to control it? So that later on, in the near future, her descendants won’t have too much trouble?

Imagine being blessed, or cursed, with the power to grow plants beyond their average size and growth rate.

And how much trouble Wallflower must’ve gotten into, involving the Apple Families on Appleloosa, the Hooffield on Smokey Mountains, Poison Jokes in the Everfree Forest, the deers from the IDW comics, etc.

Endless possibilities to how she got in so many troubles, and how she escaped arrest.

She would definitely need to keep herself calm and focused. Maybe use Twilight and Cadence’s breathing exercise

So many ways for Spike and Wallflower to get into troubles.

Sweet Apple Acres

Wallflower Blush: “Okay. Just need to buck trees. That’s easy enough.” (She bucks a tree, but instead of dropping apples, she accidentally made the tree grow bigger, and taller) “Uh oh…” (And the apples also got bigger too. One of them dropped to the ground) “HEY, BIG MAC! HEADS UP!”

(Both she and Spike cringed when the giant apple runs over Big Mac into a pancake)

Spike: “You okay, Big Mac?”

Big Mac: “Nope.”

Working for Cherry Jubilee

Wallflower was touching some cherries, pushing them into their assigned baskets, when the cherries suddenly got bigger, until they exploded all over town.

Spike: “Now that’s a cherry bomb…”

Setting up the pumpkin catapult for Nightmare Night

Wallflower Blush: “Hey! It worked! I actually did it! I set up the pumpkin catapults and nothing happened!” (Accidentally made a pumpkin enlarge and it rolled down the street) “Oopsie…”

Cabbage Merchant: “MY CABBAGES!”

Poison Jokes

Wallflower Blush ran off into the Everfree Forest, ashamed of her blunders. But she accidentally galloped into the Poison Jokes and they grew out of control, multiplying all over Ponyville.

Wallflower Blush gets turned invisible for real, Spike gets turned into…something hilarious. And the ponies all get turned into all kinds of whacky.

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