Alternate History Bronies 733 members · 630 stories
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I've recently gotten an idea for a alternative history themed fanfic, the premise of which is that just as the mane six are reimprisoning Discord, he uses his magic to transport Equestria and its solar system into Harry Turtledoves World War timeline, right in the place of our solar system, and right before the Race Invasion Fleet enters the system.

I'm wondering what thoughts anyone might have that could be relevant to it, but more importantly, I'm looking for anyone who may be interested in Collabing this story with me.

Any takers? :twilightsmile:

I would probably enjoy taking part in it, but with my current schedule I don't think that I could keep working regularly on this. Consider me as a very interested reader.

I might do pre-reader though, I've got time to do that.

359148 At this point, I have too much I want to write, and too little time to do it.

I'd read the story if you write it, but it's hard to set such a story in a world with magical creatures, including two deities. "And Celestia hurled them into the sun" doesn't make a good series. All repetition and awkward sex scenes aside, one thing Harry Turtledove did right is create a race with a technology level that made an ongoing conflict, rather than an instant win for one side, the logical development in the story.

Well, if I was going to write it, for one thing, I'd be reinterpreting Celestia and Luna's powers. It'd be more of a case of they keep the planet spinning rather than actually raising the sun or moon.

I was thinking the fic would be more of the interaction between the beings of Equestria and that of the Race. I mean, would the race even still invade once they reach orbit? The solar system they intended to invade has seemingly vanished to be replaced with a different one, and while the third planet is still capable of supporting life, it does not have the life they thought they'd be taking on.

One very important thing to decide would be what exactly Equestria's tech level is. We've seen a number of things that make it hard to nail it down. The best I can think of is some sort of steampunk/clockpunk industrial age with magic thrown in.

359676 I think invasion is forced, because the colonization fleet is still on its way.

That depends though. One must always remember one of the fundamental problems the Race has. When it comes to change, they prefer (greatly even) to take it slow. The invasion fleet has twenty years with which to decide what to do. Unlike in the OTL World War series, they've got that time, in a fashion. The liklihood of the Ponies or other creatures of Equestria catching up to them is debatable, especially in a twenty year period.

There's also the question of deciding how big their world actually is, and if the entire planet is inhabitated by some form of sentient life, or if there's an area they could just settle down in.

EDIT: Obviously, the Race invading the world would likely be a bit more interesting, but I'm trying to look at all the angles possible here.

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