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Today is the day you ask Celestia or Luna to marry you. Which is the first place you would take them to on your date before asking them the important marriageable question?

I bring them both to a quaint small coffee shop, the small noise of chatter would fill the air along with the scent of coffee. Upon a small secluded table I would hesitate at it, the monstrous big question would hang in my throat as the air of the table became still. They would ask what was wrong and hold my hand, as I calmed myself with small intakes and exhales I would look upon their shinning eyes, troubled by loving stares that held years of experience in their souls. I would slowly mouth the words before really letting go.

"I-" would feel sick to my stomach with the nervousness building inside. But they wouldn't push, silently awaiting with nods of encouragement.

With another deep inhale, I would let go my problems and anxiety with the exhale, as if letting go of everything.

A smile would touch my mouth as I looked upon both deities. "I think I like your mom more."

I'd wait until the a party then profess my love to Luna through a modified version of the song Greensleeves that I'd call Bluesleeves

I'd take them back to the place of our first date. A bit cheesy, but still quite romantic.

Comment posted by Dracthul deleted Jul 7th, 2022

I know this is kinda an old question, but why not answer anyway, right?

If it was Celestia, I would take her to some kind of dessert themed restaurant, eating a meal before getting a small cake. We would split it, and then I would tell her I have one more surprise for the night. Then, the waiter would deliver a platter with a lid on it, setting it in front of her. She would then ask what it was, but I would say what she means to me, and how happy she’s made me. Then, I would tell her to take off the lid. She would—all while I fumble for a small box from my pocket—seeing the cake I secretly told the waiter to bring that said “Will you marry me?” She would then look up at me, seeing my large smile as I held the open box in my hands, a beautiful horn ring affixed with diamonds resting in the velvet box.

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