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If you don’t know this, I’ll explain since there is no subtitles.

One Male masseuse is helping women from another world lose weight or help them with their problems.

Here’s a list of them, their addictions since some of them have them and some don’t and their problems their trying to fix or read the manga and its sequel. I won’t add their names but since its a hassle but I imagine there might be 26 episodes
look at your own risk unless you want to be spoilers

Elf - French Fry Addiction, stomach

Elf’s Aunt - Ice Cream addiction, stomach

Dark Elf - lower body, (No addiction)

Mermaid - Weak arm muscles, (No addiction)

Mandragora - Shoulders and back, (No addiction)

Ogre - abdominal region, Alcohol

Cyclops - stomach & thighs, (No addiction)

Lycanthrope - Stomach, hind legs, (No addiction)

Orc - entire body, (No addiction)

Kobold - Face cheeks, (No addiction) eats a lot of snacks

Skeleton - Lower back, (No addiction)

Dragon - Stomach and tail, (No addiction)

Gorgon - Stomach, Ramen Addiction

Elder Gorgon - None, (No addiction)

2nd Elder Gorgon - None, (No addiction)

Satryess - Unknown, obsessed with revenge but really weak against only male MC’s nudity

Love the manga, can't wait for the anime.

If it's anything like the manga, it should be pretty good

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