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Comments ( 19 )
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So, there are a lot of people hating on the primaris marines, saying that they don't make sense, and/or are heretical... These people are wrong, and I will address these two complaints.

1: A random tech-priest did better then the Emperor. This is wrong for several reasons. First: Belisarius Cawl is a ten-thousand-standard-years-old archmagos dominus, If you don't know what that means, he is basically just bellow a fabricator general in terms of standing, and he is far older then most people in the imperium. Second: The Emperor had less then a millennia to create the space marines, and Cawl had the entirety of ten millennia to create the primaris, and even then they are still not as powerful as a primarch. Third: The primaris marines are still not as powerful as a primarch, and the emperor put a lot more care into the primarchs then he did into the space marine legions, and therefore Cawl didn't do a better job then the emperor, he just did a better job then the emperor's half-assed grandchildren.

2: The primaris marines are heretical. While I understand why many would say this, you must understand that the imperium is currently on it's last leg, and even the Inquisition is willing to use xeno artifacts or enslaved daemons when they are the only hope of saving the imperium, and the primaris are just what the imperium needs to save it's self.

I personally welcome the primaris since It levels the playing field and gives the imperium a chance of survival in these dark times, they also provide hope to one of my favorite space marine chapters: The blood angels, since I'm fairly sure that they arn't effected by any gene-seed defects of their chapters... and I'm also curious how they will interact with my other favorite space marine legion: The thousand sons.

yeah... I kind of agree... I have been pretty neutral about them... except the Mk 10 armor... whatever happened to Mk 9?

Edit: okay... I think I just thought of a Windows joke, since Windows did the same, going from Windows 8 to Windows 10

Also, I love the designs of primaris chaplains:

Holy Bolters! That looks amazing! The only Primaris Marine variant I highly doubt we will see will be Primaris Legion of the Damned... because of how they work.

Thank you I'm sick of all these crybabies bitching about the plot first they were commissioned by Guilliman who is Lord of the imperium so unless the other primarchs want to wake up from their nap or quit their would goose chases they are not heretical.

I'm a fan of the 40k universe and I like the Primaris Marines, both their design and as mentioned, their origin is explained, well-enough. If this can cure the Blood Angels and their successor chapters, that'd be a boon to the Imperium. Primaris Marines might be used to help chapters with reduced numbers, like the Crimson Fists too? Or maybe replace the mutated gene-seed of other chapters, like the Black Dragons, who suffer some pretty concerning mutations.

I have no issue with the Primaris. I love their look and lore actually. Also, as to the Blood Angels, I’m pretty sure they’re just being shipped out en-masse to whichever Chapter needs them. So I highly doubt that Primaris Marines are going to have the Red Fury and the Black..... something I forgot the other major defect. :facehoof:

And to the same loer stuff. I love how pissed Guilliman got when he was resurrected. How soon before the Ecclesiarchy is disbanded?

I like the Primaris not as lore but as miniatures. I mean come on, my Chaos Marines are the same height as the cultists. it's absurd. Standardizing the scale of the miniatures was the LEAST GW could do if it was going to release new models and make us buy em all. I think calling them Primaris is just a cover buzzword because obviously 'truescale' means the re-release is unnecessary. But such mind games are unnecessary when you consider Forge World and 30k are a thing

What I would like to see is the Primaris Techmarine variant

Primaris Blood Angel


and to both of you... I keep seeing an "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" scenario... I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it... since I think something similar happened with the Inquistion

So have I... Multiple times

I concur with this! I want to see a Primaris Techmarine as well!

Face it. The Space Marines needed an upgrade.

What are your thoughts on Arch Warhammer's Primaris vids?

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