FlutterDash 2,595 members · 1,424 stories
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(Its been ages since I've done this...) Good evening (or morning depending on when you read this). Before I begin, to insure that I don't waste anyone's time, I can do a paid commission (up to 20$ at most) or if you can do a free coverart (if you're curious). With that said, let's continue on.

Art:To give a more accurate depiction of what I'm ask for, here's an example-

In case the picture wont load (or you need more details), the request I'm making is of Fluttershy(Equestria Girls) being on the left having a smile on her face (with her eyes closed) while a second version of her above her, showing a(somewhat) bitter smile with Rainbow Dash on the right with a sad smile (with open eyes) with Sornin being above her (albeit, not as easy to spot, A.K.A, mostly invisible). There is no mouth on him. Just closed eyes. The background having a mixture of light pink and light blue. A faint heart could be seen in the background along with the title of the story (Where Your Heart is). If enough room is available, then at the bottom, it would say "By Saberking2012"

To give a bit more context, I've got a description (although it is in the process of being fixed)-After her relationship with Soarin comes to an abrupt end, Rainbow Dash is left broken, confused, and lost. Luckily for her, her best friend has an idea to cheer her up, as well as maybe confessing her own feelings in the process.

I grant the artist full control over other details, but I'd like to have the image at least appear close to the picture I posted(I do have the coverart on the story. I just can't post it as picture for some odd reason).

If more details is needed, either contact me here or PM (Although it would be easier if you message me here). The only thing I request is an example of your drawing (so I can see if it will match what I'm requesting). I thank you for your time and eagerly wait for a response.

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