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Okay so now it seems a bit more repetitive. There's like already four contests that I already know about in the latest forums. Either ways, let me explain.

Note the following paragraph is spoilers though not in detail.

My story is called The Great Conflict which is set to begin after Season 9's The End of the End and before Season 9's Last Problem. A conflict that had emerged millions of years ago had returned and has arrived to Twilight's world. She soon gets captured and thus the story begins.

This shall be a fight that will change the balance of time and space. Every fight will send shockwaves across all universes. This fight will be the most deadliest one and whoever prevails will win this deadly duel.

I need all of you to go and give me all of you powerful OCs you can find. This fight ranges from Planetarian level to Multidimensional God Tier. Your foes are strong. They can be killed and revived due to the fact that all of them have some level of paradoxical strength. Some will be weak but impossible to kill by regular means. Some are so strong that they don't even need the paradoxical power. And here's the catch: You'll decide what team you must be in.

Apart from other OCs that can be used as background characters, you'll have to decide which of the four groups would you be in.

The New Order - After the destruction of the previous kingdom and the deaths of millions, including his friends and family by The Legions, the new ruler named Spectrum rules his kingdom with a strict hoof. His ideologies are that chaos should be erradicated completely and only Harmony should be left, so he keeps his kingdom in a strict manner.

The Freedom Army- Feeling betrayed by his own people, the mysterious ruler got his revenge by destroying the previous kingdom. Now faced with The New Order, the two 'New Orders' clash. While seeming to be a killer by many, he treats his own people and even some from the ones that had nothing to do with the betrayal that they committed fairly. He believes that chaos and Harmony should coexist, something that Spectrum hates.

The Time Patrol: Seeing how corrupt both seem, now having the power of a god, the 'Terror of the Dimensions' leaves the New Order to create his own group, the Time Patrol, which originally began as the Time Disrupters. Gathering as many as he could, he decides to wage war with the fourth group. He believes that Spectrum's intention are right but that he fails to do so correctly. He decides to take everything to his own hands.

The Remnants - Formed secretly by the General of the Freedom Army, this pony believed that their ruler's Intention are correct, but that he tactics aren't as harsh as they should be. Instead he decides to kick things into the violent gear, which is why the Freedom Fighters are usually dubbed as violent. Waging war against the Time Patrol and The New Order, this is a group for the elite as well.

And so there you have it. Four groups, who will you pick. You can change the group as the story goes on but for now it's time to send your OCs

Race: (Unicorn, Pegasi, Earth, Thestrals, Changelings, Dragons, or any other MLP species and their hybrids)
Tier: (This is how far their power can shake and extend to. Planet, Solar System, Stellar Region, Galaxy, Cluster, Supercluster, Universe, Multiverse, Multidimensional, OP (too much to calculate)
Abilities (each character has their own ability. Some has a active regeneration, others can gradually increase their power as the fight goes on. Some can control the elements of nature etc. )
Special Skills: (Powerful Special Attacks if they have one or major abilities)
Cutie Mark (optional)

By the way if you participated in Fanfiction's version, it's best that you send a different one, mainly because I already organized them. So AMF, I already know where Ink goes, can you send another?

And here shall be the list of all the OCs from this contest.

Name: Inogma.
Gender: male
race: Soul feeder( An extinct race that feed on souls and flesh)
Tier: Solar system
abilities: Regeneration, adaption to environment (If you throw him to the sea, he will grow gills, and they will gone when he will return to a land.)
Special skills: Manipulation. He have a skill to turn ponies against each others with his voice but only ponies.
strength: His words, agility of a cat, and the strength of a lion.
Weaknesses: He can manipulate ponies only,he can't regenerate his heart an hour, if the heart is out of his body, he could be taken out.
personality: Manipulative, sadistic, egomaniac, with hatred for alicorns and ponies.
Backstory: A warlord that lived in the crystal empire and fed on the souls of ponies, until the sisters rose up and banished him to mount eris, chained in a cave, and a manticore will eat his liver everyday, and every night his liver will grow. The new order finds him and free him from his chains, and make him one of them due to his abilities and skills.

If you want it to be with songs, you can use a version of be prepared

This is actually a great counter to the Paradoxes. He eats their souls do they can be reborn. Excellent. Accepted.

The image is how he look. And he is a villain.
If you have a hard time, try to picture scar meet pennywise.

Good thing I never made any of my OCs this overpowered. I would have been rejected from the community years ago.

He then might have trouble with Spectrum. Spectrum wants to eradicate all evil and chaos, and your OC fits both. Maybe they find the other ruling as an enemy do they have a common enemy? He's probably more likely to switch to the Time Patrol which is a sub groups of the New Order.

? Well OP OCs are accepted here. In Fanfic I got a OC who can control basically Reality itself

Yeah make sense, Inogma will betray the new order, and the spectrum that heard the legend of the dreadful Inogma will take him to the time patrol with the promise of getting his revenge on the sisters, and take back the empire he lost.

But the time patrol is evil? Because Inogma is known to ponies as the soul eater, and that is not a nickname for a good guy

We already have Discord for that.

Does your story have a plot, or is it a death battle?

The time patrol are not evil, that would be the Time Remnants

Inogma is evil, only to keep it in mind. He know he's evil, and he enjoy it.

I never watched it.

If you have trouble writing him try to think like Littlefinger. Chaos is a ladder

You don't watch game of thrones. He's using chaos to gain himself power, create conflicts so he could gain higher titles and powers in the government.

Okay. So basically the more chaos he makes the more powerful he is so he's power hungry in a sense? What are his morals by his way as everyone has their reasons and morals. Like the whole reason started because one side wanted the other side (chaos) eliminated and the other side thinks that's unfair since many thrive on it. At least let them Learn Harmony and develop a way to live on it but no they want it eliminated right now so war. Some don't kill the injured and pregnant etc

Can you invite more people to enter their OC?

He is a villain, his morals is the rules of survival, do whatever you must to survive.

Okay. If he has to save someone to survive he'll do it then... For now...

Yes, exactly, if he need a protector, he'll save him and pretend he cares about him. When he's useless, he'll eat him or abandon him.
Also I told my friends about you.

Okay thanks. So should he be part of the Freedom Army or the more deadlier subgroup of it called the Remnants

Alright. You want OP OCs? Meet one I rarely use due to being so powerful.

Name: Osoroshi
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon Pony Hybrid
Tier: Multidimensional
Abilities: Use of Blood Magic as weaponry, Plane Shifting, High Tolerance for Pain, Regeneration, Ability to Cause Fear, Dream Walking, Alternate Form
Special Skills: In his final form, he practically matches the description of an eldritch being. In this form, he can legitimately show you your worst nightmares, manipulate your emotions to match his desires, make you go mad if he chooses, and absorb your power.
Strengths: Battle in general, Emotion manipulation, Dream Alteration
Weaknesses: Despite being this powerful, even Multidimensional beings have problems with stamina. Attack him enough times, he will eventually give up. Another option is to neutralize his fear powers, which cause him to lose something he counts on in-battle. Make no mistake, it will not destroy him, only bring his power to manageable levels.
Personality: As a logical and manipulative thinker, he thinks five moves ahead. He speaks only short, clipped sentences that get his point across, preferring not to be descriptive. If you somehow make him a friend, he will be quite loyal to you. However, betray him, and he will show no mercy.
Cutie Mark: He does not in fact have one. Nor does he need it.
Appearance: This OC appears to be a gray-furred and purple-maned dragon pony with sky-blue eyes.
Backstory: Born from a GrimDark pony and a dragon, Osoroshi is a literal god of fear. Those around him at his full power are frozen into place due to a visible aura that exudes said emotion.

Osoroshi is the youngest in a duo of brothers, and was orphaned most of his life. His brother took care of him as best as he could, and the two were loyal to one another their entire lives.

One day, however, Osoroshi woke to find signs of a desperate struggle and a single portal open. Looking into the portal, he was grief-stricken to find his brother's dead body lying on the ground in their personal portal.

From that day onwards, Osoroshi has been cold-hearted and sadistic, wandering the land spreading fear and nightmares in his search for vengeance for his brother's death.

Hopefully this one suits your needs. I also have another, but I'll only tell you about him if need be.

I had to take both of my OC's up several notches, but here we go.

Name: Book Knight (AKA, the Shadow Knight)
Gender: male
Race: Unicorn
Tier: I don't know how they work, but Book relies mainly on stealth and skill. Planet-Solar System
Abilities: Book utilizes Shadow magic to remain hidden and ambush his enemies. His weapons of choice are throwing stars.
Special Skills: For a limited time Book can create a Shadow Void, engulfing the immediate area in pure darkness. This is where Book is at his strongest and can terrorize his targets. He can also make Shadow Clones, but will not be able to use other magic while he's using them. Book also has an eye condition which not only made him nearsighted (He wears contact lenses) and his eyes will glow a bit when his heartrate is elevated. It makes him look scary.
Strength: Darkness, strong tactical mind.
Weaknesses: Bright and exposed areas, lack of trust in others,
Personality: Serious, task-oriented, stubborn, cold, calculating.
Cutie Mark: A book with a knight's helmet on it.
Appearance: Full suit:
Backstory: Book Knight was inspired by old comic books he read as a kid, and as the nations started going at each other he started seeing innocent ponies getting hurt in the crosshairs of the war. He holds no real care of who wins this war, but takes it on himself to protect the innocent, and will fight anypony who dares to attack them. Book took a new identity and became the Shadow Knight, the unholy offspring of darkness and fear.

Name: Light Heart
Gender: Male
Race: alicorn
Tier: Supercluster-Universe
Abilities: Light is a lot more powerful than he shows. He can make large toys that can follow his orders and are able to fight.
Special Skills: He is the most dangerous when he is angry. Alicornian adrenalin runs through him and makes him extremely strong and fast, and he won't calm down until he takes down the target of his rage. He will ignore any damage inflicted on him and will keep fighting until he burns through his magic or takes down his target.
Strength: His rage.
Weaknesses: Kids (He has a soft heart and will not do anything to hurt them, self-doubt
Personality: Socially awkward, protective, playful, self-doubt.
Cutie Mark a teddy bear
Backstory: Light was a simple toymaker and wanted nothing to do with the war or politics, unfortunately, the war found him as a battle tore apart his home town and saw several kids become homeless in the process. At this point, Light was chosen by fate to become an alicorn to protect these kids. Light then made a sanctuary for them to try keeping them safe, but was then met by the New Order who demanded his property and the kids. Light refused and when they tried taking the kids by force Light snapped and killed the guards brutally. Light then took the kids and founded a new castle and would take the orphans of the war or nay good pony who was searching for sanctuary there where they would be safe. Light then made a clear threat to all factions. Mess with these kids or come to attack his castle would be met with his rage. He is also Book's brother, but they don't know the other sibling is alive.

Name: Marc Wayne Kurtzman
Age: Biologically; 16. Chronologically: 93 plus.
Gender: Male
Race: Human(Vampire)/ Cinnigaran* hybrid.
Tier: varies*
Abilities Mastery of all magic and martial arts. Regeneration. Shapeshifting. Telepathy. Limited telekinesis.
Special Skills: May I explain in PMs? This one is a little hard to explain.......
Strength: Swordplay. Expert marksman. Tactician. Genius.
Weaknesses: Some holy symbols. Godanium* Darkened worlds* Magic draining* Crippling alcoholic and crippling depression.
Personality: He comes off arrogant, cold, secretive. He can be stoic, cryptic. He quips, makes jokes, and tries to be friendly, however, all this belies his depression, anger, and sadness.
Cutie Mark: Golden bastard sword crossed over a gold pen spilling ink, both resting on a gold yang symbol
Appearance: Sea-green eyes with red and gold flecks, when angered, his eyes glow red. When at full power his eyes glow a mix of gold and crimson. Dirty blonde hair with gold and white streaks. Caucasian skin. Dresses in blue jeans, dark green polo, brown leather belt, a gold pocket watch in his pockets*, a brown trench coat(ala Doctor Who), gray sneakers with black streaks and laces.
Backstory: May I explain over PM's? It's a bit....convoluted.

*I'll explain iver PM's

Cool. Like him. Which faction will you place him in though? New Order? Freedom Army? Time Patrol? Or Time Remnants (go to the first post to get further details as their names are somewhat based on their self opinion) Concerning about your other OC it's your choice to send it in or not, I'm prepared for the acceptance of more.

Hmm... Ok so the way the tiers work (both are good OCs but it might seem that I need to re-tier them) is the scale of their energies. Example, those who are lower than planetarium scale are those superhuman beings that can take on anything that come from their world, but nothing more. Planetarium scale has the power to shake their world and possibly destroy it. Systematic Scale has their power felt in a light year's span. Galatical beings can shake the entire Galaxy with their power and so forth. Watch Dragon Ball Super? Beerus and SSG Goku's fist when connected nearly destroyed their own universe when their fist connected. That is universal and multi universal and multi a dimensional is further beyond. These are the Breakers, a being who can break the limit of something. So you have a reality breaker, time breaker etc.

Your first OC is somewhat in his place. If you think you want me to rescale him, compare him to Mayhem Alias who will be coming out next chapter. Spoiler, he has control of basically every type of reality, and yet what prevents him from going from low tier Multi-dimensional to High Tier Dimensional are the Skills and Abilities. When I said skills they are not just their strengths, but perks and tricks. Example those can regenerate might be weaker in power but could be higher up the tiers because they are 'invinsible' with the exception of some of their weak points, like Buu from DBZ. As long as one atom of him survived, he regenerate, but if you destroy him completely, he can't regenerate every again and will be gone. Your second OC might be an alicorn, but being an alicorn does not automatically mean OP-ness. In the world of MLP standards, yeah maybe, but this is beyond that. Powers and Abilities that make other worlds seem puny. If I were to compare him to someone, that would be SSJ2 Gohan from the Cell Games. Note that compared to DBS standards this is nothing, but back in the old days of Z, in the Buu Arc, the arc after the Cell Games, the standard was a power of SSJ2 Gohan, meaning that during those 7 years, if Gohan had kept his power as a young teen and maybe even furthered increased it, it would not have been outdated, in fact his father barely was able to surpass him in SSJ2 Which shows the power of rage. I think I would rank him (the second) at Planetarium level but note that SSJ 2 Gohan is still strong. If you think I need to reevaluate then go ahead and reply .

Okay, I was right and had no clue how the tiers worked. Please reevaluate them for that and tell me which teirs they should be in.

As for skills (now that I understand them) Book Is skilled at martial arts, and uses throwing stars and other gadgets (Think batman).

Light is a toymaker, and tends to be creative. His security system tends to be like the one from those home alone movies.

Skills are traits used in battle. Okay.

We have a Berserker Skill which makes a character
basically immune to most regular and even some super attacks and their power increases gradually.

That's how skills work.

Well, At least I know what to call Light's Rage skill.

Do you at least know what I'm going for with these guys?

Its like comparing rje sun tl the Galaxy

I don't know what that means.

Compare the size of the sun to the Galaxy.

Probably the Freedom Army. Or perhaps aercenary for hire. Who knows?

For once, having an overly powerful OC isn't a bad thing!

Name: Moonstruck/Night Terror
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Necricorn (dark twin/equivalent of Alicorn)
Tier: Planet, Solar System
Abilities Flight (on bat wings or magic), powerful energy beams from horn, gravity magic, can read people's emotions/feelings when examining them with his horn (he can basically sense strong feelings like if your feeling anxious over something without telling anyone).
Special Skills: Moonstruck can fire a "fear beam" that causes someone to see their worst fears. Its a hallucinatory beam, what they see isn't real and its only temporary. Moonstruck has a split personality called "Night Terror", a demonic force that was supposed to take over his mind, soul and body but was interrupted during a ritual. Night Terror is cold, ruthless, sadistic and takes ecstatic glee in slaughtering and torturing others. He loves to fight and has no restrictions when it comes to who he fights or what he does to others. Night Terror emerges when Moonstruck experiences severe trauma or anger and cannot be controlled or reasoned with. Only a positive reaction or expression/experience of love can bring Moonstruck back and seal Night Terror up.
Strength: Reads emotions well, expert at hiding/concealing his presence, knowledgeable on curses, hexes as Night Terror, his speed, strength, magic and power are intensified exponentially. He can conjure thunder storms, hurricane like winds and vaporize large chunks of land and buildings with magical energy beams.
Weaknesses: Moonstruck cannot control Night Terror once he emerges and severe trauma or stress can trigger him to come out. Moonstruck's ability to "read" people does not work on those with unique or chaotic compositions (such as Discord).
Personality: Sarcastic, friendly, loyal, broods over sins caused by Night Terror. He seems critical and rude but likes to crack jokes and has a dry wit that sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Those he trusts and cares for, he is fiercely loyal and would die for them. Has no fear or reluctance to "tell it how it is."
Cutie Mark: Full moon with a skull fused into it (whole moon looks like a moon shaped skull basically). When Night Terror emerges, the skull's teeth sharpen into fangs and the skull's eye sockets grow bright red).
Appearance: https://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65/Reaper969/moonstruck2.png
Backstory: Moonstruck was stricken by an incurable virus as an infant and was going to die very soon. His parents took him to a cult known as "The Horn and Wing Society" who were dedicated to creating a Necricorn to overthrow the Royal sisters and turn all of themselves into Necricorn rulers. Moonstruck would be their test subject and if he lived, he would house the demonic spirit of Night Terror and lead the Society to overthrowing the Royal sisters. Moonstruck's parents interrupted the ritual, thinking they could cure/save him before the evil took over. The spell overloaded Moonstruck and he created a huge explosion, killing everyone in the society (and his parents) and curing him of the illness. His memory is hazy regarding these events and now possesses half of the full Necricorn powers in his normal state and 100% of the Necricorn powers when Night Terror takes over.

Yes I support OP OC since I created a world especially for them.
He's pretty interesting character. What faction should I place him in?

Excellent. Hope your OC is ready to face of equally strong OC

Keep me posted on when he appears and if you have any questions about his powers, personality and any aspect of who he is and what he’d do, feel free to ask!

Okay. I'l try to remember. PM me so that when the time comes I immediety tell you

OCs are still accepted. Whether OP or non OP OCs.

All types of OCs are acceptable.

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