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So I am in need of some more ocs for my story, Ask Roseate Grimsbane, this time however I am looking for some young colts and fillies to serve as her students in Muleport (think the CMC's age before they found their marks).

Here is what I need:

  • Name: Nothing stupid
  • Race: Earth Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn (ponies only).
  • Gender: Male (colt) or Female (filly)
  • Appearance: How do they look? Remember they are just kids.
  • Likes: What do they like? :pinkiehappy:
  • Dislikes: What do they dislike? :rainbowhuh:
  • Fears: What scares them the most. What haunts their nightmares. :pinkiecrazy:
  • Nightmare Night Costume.

I will let you know if your OC is selected and you will be credited in the chapter(s) they are featured. :pinkiesmile:

If you have already seen this in another group and have commented on it in that group, then please don't comment here. Thank you.

Have fun. :twilightsmile:

You can use Lil' Quilly, if you want.

  • Name: Quillian B. Inkheart
  • Race: Unicorn
  • Gender: Colt
  • Appearance:
  • Likes: Books, Reading, Writing, Librarians, Ponies Who Like Books
  • Dislikes: Large Crowds, ponies talking while he's trying to read, the Color Orange, Broccoli, getting to know other ponies
  • Fears: He's got social anxiety and is afraid of the dark. Oftentimes, in his nightmares, this manifests as growing pools of ink that cover everything and make everything dark. The Nightmares have marked him as a potential target and tend to manipulate his nightmares to make him afraid of specific stimuli. This makes it so his fears are constantly changing to adapt the Nightmare's latest schemes.Their ultimate goals are unknown, but it's entirely possible that they seek to control him in some manner later in life.

Fun Fact: His glasses are fake. He's also a bit of a know-it-all, for one so little. He's a lot like young Twilight that way, without the magical prowess.

Name: Golden Storm
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Colt
Appearance: Graphite Grey Skin, Black and White Fair haired Mane
Likes: Learning (he's a nerd), photography, comics. :pinkiehappy:
Dislikes: Farming :rainbowhuh:
Fears: Falling, failing, starving, being eaten, and demonic fillies that stare at you and then strangle you to death. :pinkiecrazy:

Hope this helps

Name: Fuss Budget

Race: Thestral (still a pony race)

Gender: Colt

Appearence: he is a whip thin, tall young thestral. He has a navy blue coat and fuchsia eyes. His mane is charcoal. Do not get these wrong, he will go into great detail about all the minute differences for hours. He wears glasses as he is a touch near sited.

Likes: Books, Obssessive scheduling (if it is not to an atomic time frame then you are doing it wrong) his schedule book, finding everything around him substandard, his schedule book, the night, his schedule book, mangoes, his schedule book (did I mention he loves this thing, he coos to and cuddles it at night. It goes where he does. Touch it and risk pulling back a bloody stump.), measuring all things down to an obsessive level, (he can do this in his head, he has no need for any measuring equipment, he's more accurate anyway.)

Dislikes: those that mess with his schedule book. Everything and everyone in existence (just you are all so inexact) being in anyway inaccurate, bullies. Those that speak poorly of Princess Luna. (He has a bad crush on her, like real bad.)

Fears: disappointing Princess Luna, Discord, Parasprites (this is his worst fear. He is excessively phobic of those horrid things).


Name: Arcanum Folklore or "Archie" or "Lore"
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Greyish-blue fur, amber eyes, and a black mane.
Likes: Magic, science, poetry, Comic Books, Heroic Stories, doing Coin Tricks, stick fights with branches, chess, baseball, caramel popcorn, his mom and dad, his friends, peanuts.
Dislikes: Bullies, those that steal his Lunch Money, being late, being caught doing shenanigans, getting in trouble for something he did not do, failing at anything, disappointing dad, not knowing something.
Fears: His dad when he is angry, the wooden practice sword his dad beats him with when he really does something wrong, monsters, getting a failing grade, ghosts, fairies, spiders, snakes, the door opening by itself.

Um here is mine, I hope he's what your looking for.

  • Name: Fire Sprout
  • Race: Earth Pony
  • Gender: Colt
  • Appearance: White fur, with a fire red color mane and tail, yellow eyes.
  • Likes: His parents, his amazing older brother, hanging out with his best friends, running, writing stories (whenever he's bored), helping his friends, working on his endurance, racing, gym class, summer, pizza, soup, milk.
  • Dislikes: Math class, boring lectures, detention, bullies, other colt or fillies bullying his friends, being grounded, cold weather, not being able to race, tons of chores, coffee, jellybeans, bees and wasps, big needles.
  • Fears: His parents and older brother dying, his friends betraying him, death, Terick, being all alone in the world.

    Anyway I hope that you chose this OC. I hope I make the cut :)

Name: Tuff Nut

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Female (filly)

Appearance: ivory coat, light brown mane and tail, brilliant cobalt blue eyes

Likes: Trees, studying tree bark fungi and mosses, LOVES nuts and legumes (her favorite snack)

Dislikes: Ponies who cut down trees only for expansion, girly fillies (she is a tomboy), adult problems (they seem silly to her because she sees things simply)

Fears: since her Daddy got sick and died, she knows her Mother is looking toward mares more often than stallions, she is afraid her mother is going to steal somebody else's Mommy (and that wouldn't be fair in her mind even though it would not be what happened, she has been intentionally sabotaging her mother's romantic life because she is afraid of this happening)

She has nightmares about her mother remarrying a mare and one night hearing a colt or filly crying outside her window because their Mommy was taken from them. Tuff Nut has Aspergers, so she does not understand many simple or social things, but she is an absolute sweetheart... even if her classmates think she's weird. She is literally unable to pick up on any social cues and is bluntly honest, even hurtful though she does not intend to be.

Just a quick update. I added a Nightmare Night costume section, that you can fill in.

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