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Since the show has ended, should the writers have do more with Spike and Rarity's relationship then being a ship tease throughout the show?

Yes, I think so. I'd say as much about several ships.

Group Admin

I had felt that for the relationships they did end the show with they really built on little things for them throughout the season. Rather it was Twilight talking about Dash and A.J. being unbeatable together during the Trivia game, Angel telling how Shy wants to marry Discord, and Pinkie and Cheese having another episode together where Pinkie is the one pony who can set Cheese on the right path again and again. There was a sort of love is free concept to it all with a lesbian couple/inter-race couple, a inter-species couple, and the classic hetero couple with a child. Course that just made it weirder that the two who had the longest standing quasi-romantic relationship and got a episode about Rarity being almost unable to live without Spike anymore because he had become such a huge part of her life didn't really show as being together in the end.

Part of me thinks it's because Spike had the most potential romantic relationships in the entire show that they left it open, part of me thinks that the subtle building on their relationship through out everything had them want to end it on that same question, and part of me thinks the writer/writers for the episode are fans of Like Fine Wine and wanted to leave the door open to them getting involved now that they're exactly where that story from Sleepless put them oh so very long ago. It's a tad annoying all the same though, because well... they gave everyone else but Twilight, Spike, and Rarity a definitive this is who they're with (Regardless of how many are trying to argue A.J. and Dash aren't together... denial is not just a river in Egypt it seems). Yet they still take the time to keep those two constantly near each other from the moment Rarity walks in and stands by Spike to the very last moment. Honestly, I'd like to see the shows writers out right tell us why they didn't do for them what they did for everyone else. It could honestly come down to the room being split between Spike and Rarity and Spike and Twilight.

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That's my problem with the finale, the writers don't mind hinted Fluttercord and AppleDash but not Sparity, which is one of the oldest and popular ships of the fandom.

They did absolutely nothing with them! I'm very disappointed about that.

7052729 I would like to know why in Season 9 the idea of Spike being in a relationship at all suddenly became taboo despite all the ship teasing with Rarity. Why did they treat him being with Gabby as a platonic thing when it's painfully obvious that there are romantic undertones and Rarity is acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend? Just dumping Sparity without any fanfare after eight seasons off again on again teasing was wrong.

Group Admin

See I disagree, I think Dragon Dropped was great. We get to see Rarity start to understand her feelings towards Spike. I mean Spike is allowed to have feeling for more than one girl, he's not actually dating anyone. That being said, "I'll always want my Rarity time." was a pretty great line and he obviously still has strong feeling towards her.

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I wouldn't say Spike and Gabby are a couple since their relationship was never mentioned again after that episode not even the finale, but the ship teasing between them was there. I kinda feel that Gabby was just there for the plot then anything else.

And another issue I have with the episode is the crush was completely ignored, the episode have a chance to provide resolution on the Sparity ship but it didn't honestly. I don't generally hate the episode but it could be better.

I feel the end for them didn't give justice, espcially for spike since hes well i believe he did work hard for him to get the mare of his dreams at least, but thought wrong im just being patient with season comic 10 and hopefully they go into detail for them.

Couldn't agree more with you. Spike and Rarity, whether people liked the flirting and hinting throughout the series, have been closely connected from beginning to end. All other ships came MUCH later and some of them were straight out of the blue with no continual build up, yet they all got confirmations while Spike and Rarity were left ambiguous and uncertain. They deserved better than the "indifferent" ending we ultimately got. Like AmazingPeanuts said, the episode didn't handle the subject well considering this was the final season, I expected a bit more effort.

I can only hope the comics try and do something to give the ship some steam though I never followed the comics that heavily so I;'m not sure what will happen. If this is meant to be season 10, then does that mean we will see more of the same indifference and stagnation in the show, or will they try something different since they have new freedoms to try/do new things and maybe give Sparity a better shot? Maybe even hint it/reveal it to be something they do at the epilogue where their older now.

and maybe a kid or two; just to see what spike can do as a father.

I for one support this ship. I can't picture them with anyone else.

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