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[Contains spoilers for ep 19 and series finale TRAILER. Material has a source in the official trailer for all to watch !]

I loved episode Dragon Dropped for a few reasons, despite a few...intense moments. For Sparity shippers that episode is very crucial moment as Rarity's perspective on Spike changes a lotWhen she momentarily looses him to Gabby, she freaks out, becomes jealous and obsessed. But most importantly, she realizes how meaningful Spike is to her, not only as a helper, but as a closest friend. Now when she knows how it feels to loose him, she seems to think about him warmer and even doing things he likes, for him.

And it seemed that would be the end of Sparity arc, quite good end actually. But in this season we shouldn't take things for granted.

Two days ago, the official trailer for series finale was released. It was a majestic and sad glimpse of the endgame struggle our heroes will have to push through. In this trailer, one scence caught my attention

1:17, we are presumably in the middle of the battle. We see Spike knocked down, with a slightly burnt and scortched side and wing. Rarity protectively shields him with
her body and when the magical beam strikes, she deploys beautiful diamond shield, something we didn't see her do before. And judging by the magic hue, she is battaling none other than Chrysalis.

This scence may be quite meaningful. It seems thatChrysalis is battling Spike and Rarity1 on 2 (or 1 on 1, in the shield case) because I don't believe others would just stand by and let Chrysalis constantly bombard Rarity with the spells. I presume that Mane 6 was scattered by some spell, as we also seen Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie evading beams of magic that seemed to be Tirek's.

Here is my headcanon of what may happen:
Mane 6 is separated, Rarity, Spike and maybe someone else ends up in front of Chrysalis. Chrysalis attacks Rarity but Spike, being Spike, takes a hit on himself. Chrysalis senses Spike's strong love towards Rairty and wants to consume it but despair and rage after Spike getting hurt and not giving any signs of life awakens Rarity's new powerful magic. Maybe we will even get a Sparity version of what Cadence and Shining did but on the smaller scale

Whatever those scenes are quite intentionally Sparity or not, through my sadness I can feel the excitement for what is about to come !

ohhhh super cool

that Naruto quote comes more in mind don't know how it went but Haku said it in the early story arcs

"When the person has someone to protect, that is when they can truly become strong" ?

I'm hoping with this being the last season AND last few episodes, they can throw caution to the wind and have a full sparity scene without having to worry about repercussions. sure some parents or fans might whine, but the show is done, the creators have nothing to worry about anymore (theoretically).
Although i will feel sorry for DWK.

We can all hope this happens, or at least something along these lines.

I'm REALLY hoping that this trend of "tying up loose ends" will include Spike and Rarity's relationship. I mean, they're already closing out things I never thought they'd do: bringing back Sombra, Cheese Sandwich again, reforming Garble etc. I also think that because, as said before, this is the last season they can actually do something. Throw out the rules, stop worrying about prudish concepts and actually just show genuine affection and love. The show has rarely had touched on romantic love, and when it has, the characters are already married or about to be married. It took 9 seasons for this show to even have a pony propose to someone (Rainbow Road trip special).

The final battle hopefully will push some boundaries and awaken some feelings (nothing like being at death's door to get someone to quit dancing around the issue), maybe so maybe not. Either way, its now or never. If the writers and creators do read what fans have been saying and discussing then maybe (as astronomical as it may be) someone noticed this passionate support for this pairing enough to give it some closure.

i also saw some leaks about the last episode in the website derp somthing , forgot the name but yea

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