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Guys, I am running out of patience ! I really want to know if some Sparity thread will be touched before show ends ! And min-hiatus barely started ! Do you know how long it will last ? I am actually quite nervous because I want to mentally prepare myself for the best and for the worst. This is the terrible thing about the last season, that we won't know what will happen after it. And what happens now, will be set in stone

In his farewell letter regarding the end of MLP FiM production a week ago, Big Jim stated that the second half will " wrap up" some things while others won't be dealt with. Do you think that Spike and Rarity will have the moment of confrontation and the decision what will happen ? Maybe something between them will be simply implied ? My god, this waiting is unsettling !

Honestly. I don't think they will. They have pretty much said they will do nothing about any romances with the main 6.


I don't think they will explicitly address Sparity, because it is the relationship most apt to be misunderstood and seen as perverted by mundanes. There are issues of both age and species here. And I say this despite the fact that I have Sparity as explicitly true in my main story verse.

I challenge the "seen as perverted" part. While on the web I'd agree to that, I trust and hope the creators who do check online content (as "Slice of Life" and "Equestria Girls" shows) know it's something many are very passionate about. Deep down, I know they will not touch on it at the depth and level I would want them to, however, I do believe it WILL be addressed SOMEHOW. It may be a blink and you'll miss it scene like with Marble Pie seeing Big Mac was with Sugar Belle, it could be a short or small thing or something but I believe it will be touched on in some way.

I just feel that if you're bringing this pairing up all the way to "Gift holiday special", clearly it's not something that people have forgotten about. I'm trying to be positive and optimistic it will be touched upon even if its in a small capacity. I've thought cartoon shows in the past would never give some couples their just dos (Phineas and Isabella from "Phineas and Ferb" and more recently, Zack and Melissa from "Milo Murphy's Law", but the creators of those shows have proven me wrong so stranger things have happened. MLP has evolved greatly due to the comments, fanwork, fan fiction and requests from fans so its not unreasonable or that out there to think they may have noticed Sparity as well. This day and age, fan power has a strong influential voice and no matter what the odds, I've still got my heart set on Spike and Rarity's hearts ending up together.

Found this today, the narrator has some awkward dry moments but I find a lot of what he's saying interesting and quite agreeable. I especially would like to point out listening at the 4:30 mark in regards to acknowledging Sparity.

An interesting perspective on Sparity

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