Sparity 1,912 members · 1,024 stories
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Hi all :)

the long & short of it is i red a story on this site about a month ago & forgot to save it(i know, stupid lol) the thing is i dont remember it well but im hoping if i wright down the bits i remember here some one may know it, so here goes

so its a rainy night & some one shows up at the door, while the girls are there, as they get to talking, this stranger tells them they know alot about dragons. they find out that spike is incapable of having a crush on rarity(like everyone thinks), he says its not biologically possible for dragons & that spike loves rarity to the point where even if she dosnt feel the same way about him, he will stay by her side till the day she dies wanting nothing but her to be happy & that even when she dies he will remain to watch over her childrens, children, making sure they are safe & happy till the day he dies.

& theres abit more about how there are many forms of love or something(cant really remember lol) as the stranger is explaining all this rarity is trying to work out her feelings & in the end finds spike & if i remember right they end up together

i dont think it was a long story, may of only been 1chapter, i really hope some one know what im talking about. thanks for taking the time to read this, fingers crossed lol

I think what you're looking for is Ties that Bind by Snowy Flanks.

If it isn't then my mistake.

Nope you were spot on, thanks so much, been looking for this for awhile :) thanks

No problem! :D

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