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It hasn't been made(or started) yet, but its a song inspired fic to the song Dreaming Wide Awake by Poets of the Fall.

It will be about Twilight, a human, who always has dreams and delusions of Equestria, and even though her psychiatrist tries to help, they won't stop. And she's fallen in love with one of the ponies in her dreams. (Either Dash or Pinkie.)

I'd like a cover for it, if anyone would be willing. :twilightsmile:

Shame. Humans are much harder to draw :applecry:

1719389. Unless they're stick figures, like me.

I don't know, you have very defined shadows. :pinkiesmile:

1719475. Meh, I'm too pixelated, my creator really needs to step my image up.

And by the way, my creator sends his regards for the complement to his creation. He says he even did it on Flipnote Hatena, my original destination.


Would you be interested in stick figures?

1719629 No, I don't think so. Haha, thanks for the offer~

1719389 I as thinking maybe a sleeping Twilight head(human), with a dream bubble of either all her friends, or the romantic Interest in particular.

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