Art for Fanfiction 5,183 members · 214 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Ok I need a picture of Luna sitting next to Celestia but Celestia looks like luna and there facing the opposite way and there's a stary background.


Why can't Celestia just look like Celestia?

1705016 cause its something in the story.


Care to give a quick explanation?

Twilight is has found a new spell when on a quest with her friends and it's basically called the 2 moon spell. What she doesn't know is that the spell makes two moons instead of a sun and moon which means that Celestia turns to a night version of herself and the main six and Luna and Celestia have to figure out everything.


Sounds neat. Now, for the next step, you should show what you're willing to do in order to receive this artc whether it be pay money, write a story, or make other art.

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