Art for Fanfiction 5,185 members · 214 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Once again I am requesting a fanfic cover to be made :fluttershysad: if, um, that's alright...with you.

The cover is for a short story called One Shot ((which is a working title atm)) The picture should be of an earth ponies head being centered in the crosshairs of a sniper rifle.

PayPal will be my method of payment, just pm me here or here with a sketch and the price you want me to pay; if ILIK e the sketch, I'll send you the money and wait for the final version.

1699978 I have looked over your art and it does look good, tell you what; I'll keep your offer in mind and if no one else looks good enough to pull it off, then I'll contact you.

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