Art for Fanfiction 5,183 members · 214 stories
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Ducati #1 · Sep 2nd, 2013 · · 1 ·

I am requesting a simple cover art for my new story, and it is fairly simple.

Basically, I want this OC:

Riding this bike with a helmet on:

And as for background (IF YOU WANT TO DO IT) is the city, any city, just buildings in the background and most importantly, at night. Thank you very much if you decide to take this project, you can PM me or what not, but I would be very happy if someone if anyone did this. :scootangel: Take your time


And how will you be paying/repaying someone for such a thing?

1658941 I honestly have money, but sadly no way to give it to you. I mean, my parents are really up tight about me using their credit cards, and I wish I could do commisions, but I can't. I could try repaying you by writing a story, of a OC you may have? Or some type of chore for you, but other then that, I am hoping someone would do it out of kindness.

I feel bad... but that is the way it has to be until my parents know I am a brony, and stop being so strict :ajbemused:


Don't worry, I wasn't even going to do the picture, but that's only because I can inoy draw stick figures. I just thiught that it would be a good thing to put up a method of payment for anyone that can do it, even if it's writing a one-shot.

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