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Did this get your attention? Yes? Good, please read until the end, its worth it, trust me.

Good morning people! Now of course I dont want to start by saying, give me money! Because that's just not feasible and I dont want to seem like someone with a cup searching for nickels in peoples pants. So hence why Im doing the following! I'm taking sketch requests! Yay!

What this means is that this is more of a Pay What You Want Event.
Now why am I doing this? A friend of mine is getting married! What a joyous occasion, right!? So Im going to save you the sob story that most of this things do and just upright tell you that some money to make ends meet would be very helpful for her. She has worked very hard for this and I think I can probably help her near the finish line.

This is her go fund me (Read what Im offering before just clicking back on your browser because you saw a go fund me link, trust me. Its most likely worth it for you.)

Any and all donations are very much appreciated, even if its just spreading the word all over the place like that silly string in a can that always seems to go everywhere.

So now for the fun stuff! (Fun for you, that is!) Just go ahead and start posting your requests in this thread (Please limit one per person) And I'll get to dishing them out fresh from the oven as fast as possible. And should your generous heart be exploding with love because of the lovely art and you feel like perhaps helping out my friend via the go fund me please go do so and tell me so that I can I post a little something on your page to remind you of this good deed youve done!

Now this wont work if you guys dont know what Im capable of doing art wise so heres an example of what I can do!

Thanks for reading! Spread the word! (Yes, even to your pets):raritywink:

Disclaimer: If you have commissioned me and are still waiting to hear from me, please send me a PM to remind me, things have a been a bit hectic lately.:twilightsmile:

Wow, seems they haven't gotten donations in quite a while.


I might think about this later. Can donations be made anonymously? Although I can't give much, I can give what I can?

5549665 Absolutley! Anything helps!

5549606 It has been a while, this is more of a last push thing so I decided Id give her a bit of a hand publicity wise.:twilightsheepish:

Hello marking, I caught wind of your offer, and I must say, I'm always interested in art opportunists. :raritystarry:

Wow it has been a minute since the last donation.

Silly question, but does this connect with Paypal? How does this work exactly?

5549552 I'll make sure to share this!
Can you draw a cute Soarindash pic for me?


I'll check this out later! Not sure if I can pay or not, once I know if I can donate I'll be in touch. I had art I needed commissioning now anyway.

Thank you for your interest! The event is now over, and although we sadly didnt make it to the goal at the very it can be said that an honest effort was made. I will finish up the final sketches *if you asked for a sketch before the event was over or participated before it ended and havent gotten a sketch please reply to this with the sketch you wanted in order for me to get it done.*

5557825 Aww :fluttershysad:

Well, PM you for the commission. Thanks :twilightsmile:

5557825 yeah, I requested a cute soarindash sketch

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