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Every major comedy show on TV these days isn't a one person process. Many of them have "think tanks" where people spend 15 hours a day bashing ideas against each other and throwing things at a wall to find out what sticks. These shows of course have budgets and pay people, so for fan projects a 15 hour think tank is way out of the range possibilities, but I think the idea of a casual think tank could have some really positive results.

Has anybody tried these things out? This group is really quiet, but I think that forming into little groups to throw around ideas could be really good. It helps keep things fresh because people share all sorts of life perspectives and you also get out of your normal frame of mind. Comedy writing is hard because it requires so much of everything else for perspective. Stuff that is as good as Community, Arrested Development, Monty Python, Stephen Colbert (Late night or Report), The Daily Show (Jon Stewart is such a hero), or any of the other greats, don't just happen through having one writer. Even stand up comedians are limited with only being able to create so much content. It takes a while to come up with a stand up routine. Would anybody be interested in forming that kind of group for a more powerful comedy writing experience?


This is a really good idea, actually. Skype group maybe?

5484348 Skype or Discord work.

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