AI art group 43 members · 6 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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7940941 Yes, you can. You can create anything your heart desires. Your own imagination is the only limit.

awesome hoe do I get access to that?

7941046 It's not yet time.
But soon.

You can start preparing everything else in the meantime:
sites on which you'll post it

I can already tell you'll make it big, but only if you jump on it right away. Every day you delay will give power to your competition and believe you me, there will be many. The whole world of people will be your competition.

Yeah make me feel it will be less special in the long run since everyone can do it now

7941087 That's why you'll have to be super fast. Make all the preparations now. You won't have time to do them after Sora comes out.

Thank you I guess I have to ask do you know when and what all I need to do to prepare. I currently have my a few scripts for one concept

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