AI art group 43 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin
SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

This is pretty much why I've been saying that ai art will be a tool for artists, rather than cutting out artists whatsoever. You can see all the work that can go into getting a good ai art image here...

(And I do have Stable Diffusion installed, though my graphics card isn't good enough for me to be, say, fiddling with the width and height much or train it, and each one of those pictures takes several minutes. I'm sort of right around the minimum to use it. When they talk about models, keep in mind besides superhero ones, there are pony and furry ones you can use...)

--Sweetie Belle

Interesting I definitely need to look into this

Group Admin

Just look at TheXtra89

Original v.s. the AI one

My Girlfriend's Notebook


I agree with you.

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