The Cult of Prey 111 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Okay, so, mayyybe it wasn't a week or two but rather three, but hey, life happens and.. better late than never, right?

TWe, who meddle.
Sometimes just before the twilight there is some bright light. Briefly.
Fatail · 1.4k words  ·  51  0 · 1k views

There we go. It's not grand or great, nor action or dread packed, but it's here and it's mine. Proud of meself. But for all that is holly, never let me touch Photoshop again guys. I think I went insane at least three times while making the cover.

Also for some reason, I do not see the "add story" button in our fan-works folder. Is it broken or is it just my dumb ass? Nevermind, I fixed it by not being an idiot.

Hooray for more lamb words, even if only fan lamb words.

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