Comment Club 68 members · 145 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Comment Club
Group Admin


I have been thinking recently about how to revive Comment Club and learn from my previous experience in running it. I think that next time, instead of our previous nominate/vote system that worked like a "book club", it should instead really be a "comment exchange", with people being assigned submitted fics based on their preferences. This way, each round you are only obligated to read and comment on roughly the same amount of fic that you will be getting read and commented in return, and those fics should be ones you have a preference for.

As a participant, this is how it would break down:

  • Step 1: Submit fics that you want to have read and commented on.
  • Step 2: Once everyone's nominations are in, look over other people's nominations and rate how much you want to read them from -2 to 2 (0 being the default).
  • Step 3: Get assigned fics to read and comment on. An equivalent amount of your submitted fics will be assigned to others, all based on the ratings given by everyone in Step 2.
  • Step 4: Read and comment on your assigned fics within a 2-week period. If you are unable to finish, no worries! You just will not be able to submit new fics until you are "caught up".

What do you think? If you have any interest in participating, let me know! I would definitely be more motivated to start this up if there is more interest in it.

Sounds like fun!

From a returning comment-clubber... that seems reasonable! :twilightsmile:

I would be interested and think that it's a great idea.
Comment club was a great idea and it helped lots of authors to finally get more comments on stories that people might have missed.

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