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Group Admin

10. Superman Returns

9. Superman: Braniac Attacks

8. Superman: Unbound

7. Superman: Red Son

6. Superman II (1980)

5. Superman vs The Elite

4. Superman: Doomsday

3. Man of Steel (2013)

2. All-Star Superman

1. Superman: The Movie (1978)

You sir have good taste

Group Admin

Thank you. Superman is, and will be, one of my favourites superheroes of all time.

Superman is my 2nd favorite superhero of all time so I feel ya.

You have good taste and if I have to pick my favorite. It has to be the Death of Superman (2018) and Superman Doomday

Yeah, they're the same things, but still I enjoy them both

Group Admin

Same here, but I prefer the first one for beign more faithful to the original comic book and the animation that resembles the Superman animated series.

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