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So, as you can see, this fat guy is a beast. I'm not a WOW player, but I can definitely understand the frustration these guys are going through, as I've played multiple MMORPGs, and IMO, there's always going to be that one player who is so good at the game that he/she ruins the game for everyone else. That fat guy is that player. Honestly, if I were an executive at Blizzard, I'd bring the hammer down on this dude. Being good at a game is nothing to be ashamed of, it's fun to be good, but this guy has killed over 5,000 different players. One red flag for me there is that I cannot think of any gamer, not even the ones with no life, who are that good at any game, let alone one as complex and detailed as WOW. It just screams that the dude is cheating. And even if he's not cheating, he's ruining the game for everyone else. Like I said, cheating or not, I would definitely bring the hammer down on that guy. Nobody likes a gamer who ruins the fun.

7565582 I used to play WoW, and something far worse than this happened.

There was a raid boss who could put an illness on the players who challenged him. The WoW developers were smart and cleansed every player who left the raid. But they made a mistake.

This one player was a warlock. He found out that his summoned minion does not get cleansed upon leaving the raid. He succeeded in bringing illness to the whole world of Azeroth. And unlike with COVID-19, the mortality rate was 100%.

The illness spread across the whole server, infecting players and NPCs alike. Entire towns were devastated. You couldn't quest because all the quest givers were dead.

The developers were powerless to stop it. And it wasn't contained just to one server. All the servers got infected. If you logged into the game, you were dead within minutes.

That one player in the video was nothing compared to what I have witnessed.

Oh, and there was also a matter of a certain chicken from Hell.

People like that are why I stick to single player modes or games. I play games to have fun and immerse myself in a new and interesting world; not to get attacked and kicked around by other players like that guy from the South Park episode.

7565679 When the expansion came out for WoW, I got the new better gear from the new world. You could enter the new world at level 58. The gear was from quests, so it didn't have level requirements. I was also careful not to level myself over 59.

I was able to do PvP 50-59 with a character that had better gear from the new world. At the same time, the new class Death Knight was overpowered at the release because they wanted people to buy the expansion.

You can imagine, an overpowered class with overpowered gear in PvP. I could take on 2 guys and win. Sometimes I managed to stop an entire raid on our boss with my overpowered, gear-boosted AoE. They could take on our boss and they could take on me, but when I hid behind the boss, they had trouble disposing of both.

At that time, PvP didn't give any XP, so I could keep playing like that. I was that guy you hate.

Yeah, and IMO, if a player ruins the game for everyone else, they shouldn't get to play the game. Like I said, being good at a game is nothing to be ashamed of, but this guy just seems to not care that he's ruining the game for everyone else. IDK how Blizzard would react to this IRL, but like I said, if I had a say in it, this guy would be banned from WoW. And most of the MMORPGs I play don't even have an open world like WoW does, the main MMORPG I play is SWTOR, and unless you're in a PVP instance, you will never fight players in the middle of an area unless you actually challenge a player to a duel. But in a PVP instance, there's a chance you could run into players from the opposing faction in contested areas.

7565835 Hey, if you don't like it, you can always just get your main.

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