Story Idea Depot 15 members · 3 stories
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As the title suggest, this is about the mom's of the mane 6 becoming friends before their daughters do. They would be the elements of harmony, Twilight Velvet would be Celestia Student, they'd probably face a few of the enemies that the mane 6 would face minus Cozy Glow; could just be original villains too . The point is that this is an idea that I like a lot but want to see if anyone wants to use it for story ideas. I've got a few "episode" ideas in mind if anyone wants them.

The pilot story of what I call Velvetverse. Instead of Twilight Sparkle forming the Mane 6, it is her mother Twilight Velvet who forms the mane 6
Mirror Star · 2.5k words  ·  41  1 · 2k views

Side Note. No matter how this turns out and if anyone does want to use this, I have three details I would want to see. Techincally, you don't have to do what I say but it's just something I know I wouldn't do if I ever, somehow, did a full series of this myself. ( I can't because of my busy schedule in the real world and the fact I only do these for fun first.)

1. Twilight Velvet wouldn't become an alicorn, or Celestia's successor.
2. Windy Whistles is the Element of Laughter while Cloudy Quartz is the Element of Loyalty.
3. The feud between the Apples and Pears ends with either the families making some kind of peace, or having both Bright Mac and Pear Butter chosing to leave both their families just to be together.

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