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It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, been dealing with life and all, but now I'm back with a new Changeling Realms Challenge! :pinkiehappy:

Now the original idea was to do a "Mega Challenge" with everything doubled. Meaning each team has eight members, four Drones trying to hinder them, and ten challenges (including longer time limits and new challenges) with the Den's section being something new, like an escape room only instead of escaping the teams are trying to get in as the base concepts.

However, because my word doc with the notes is on my Archival Computer which is not available right now (it's up and running, but I have to redownload drives and the word program, LibreOffice, that I was using among other things I will need to set up and I've had other things to deal with so I haven't gotten to that) I couldn't do the Mega Challenge for this one like I planned.

So instead we'll just do a regular one and I'll save the Mega Challenge idea for another time. I'll also be revisiting challenges we've done before because of that, but I don't think that will be an issue. :twilightsmile:

Hey everyone and welcome to the fifth Changeling Realms Challenge, or CRC for short, if this is your first time please refer to the firs part of this post for more information

Remember that all OCs are welcomed to try this out if they want too, they just need to follow the rules.

Now for any newcomers; I'm skipping the intro for JNKing since he's done the first and second one, but you know the drill. Also, I'll be doing each player separate from the others, so you OCs might get different challenges that the others.

A little refresher on the rules;

1: No powers as this would be considered cheating.

2: Do not intentionally cause harm to others or the sets.

3: Have fun! :pinkiehappy:

Now let's get to it.

For JNKing

So here are how many times your OCs and which ones have done the Challenge;

Star Wing - All of the so far. :twilightsmile:

Swift - One

Jackknife - One

Wildvine - One

Luke - Twice

Darius - One

Myst - One

Jazz - One

Frost Bite - One

Blue Moon - Two

Logan Wolfe - One

Ricochet - One

Kodo - One

Fox Hound - One

Cat Catcher - One

Storming Seas - One

Avispon - One

Shiva - One

Lizzie - One

Smith - One

Antenna - One

Riverstone - One

Celine - One

Bang Fifigara - One

Danielle Dolores Dixon - One

Blazing Phoenix

Blaze - One

So who will be on Dragonfly's and Jewel's teams for this round? As before if you don't have enough to fill the teams don't worry, I'll add my own to fill the gaps. Players are also allowed to bring canon characters like any of the Mane Six as well.

Each team member gets a small rucksack with gear such as a helmet and a bandoleer and pouch belt for carrying the statues.

Dragonfly and Jewel greeted their teams and pulled out their maps. "So my team's first challenge is... at the Shadowed Tombs." Dragonfly grimaced. "How about you Jewel?"

"Mine's at the Tatzlwurm Skeleton."

(Teams' responses?)

"Okay let's go teams!" Dragonfly said as the two lead their teams to their respective areas.

Dragonfly's Team
Dragonfly brought them to a series of onyx-black canyons with rows of tall claw-like rock spikes lining the top that seem to close-in one one like the black maw of a giant creature. The team could hear a faint wind blowing slowly but was icy-cold that seems to grip one like the cold claws of death the team thought they could see faint ghostly images and hear soft whispers like a never-ending chorus of barely-heard voices.

Dragonfly shivered. "This is the Shadowed Tombs, or at least a replica of the place. This place was a series of tombs ranging from mass to single dug into the side of the walls. Few Changelings ever came here beyond to entomb their dead as the place has this strange atmosphere with the ominous cliff walls, the ghostly images, the wind, and many other unnerving sights and feelings. Many Changelings firmly believe this place is cursed and haunted by these who rest here, rather fitting as this place was a burial site.

(Team's response?)

Dragonfly brought them deep into the area and into a small temple courtyard.

"Now below us is the Catacombs; a mass grave were tens of thousands of Changelings were entombed. It was rumored that Statues were placed with them and one of you will go down through this center hole and moved about the tunnels. Don't worry, this place is a replica so you don't have to worry about any curses or anything like that. However, once the one who enters hits the bottom of the ramp they'll trigger a trap that will seal the entrance in just over 2 and a half minutes so move as quick as you can. There are five statues to collect. You ready?"


"Okay let's go."

During this challenge when the one in the maze passes through a section with in-wall beds holding mummified Drones the drones suddenly reach out as the player passes them, though it's harmless and only meant to scare.

Jewel's Team

Jewel brought her team to a massive replica of a Tatzlwurm skeleton. "Well team, the story here is that in the deepest parts of the Badlands lays rests the skeleton of a truly gigantic Tatzlwurm, large enough to be able to swallow a city like Canterlot whole, though we had to make this replica much smaller. In the distance past the skeleton was converted into a temple by the Ancient Changelings and every year groups of twenty would take a dangerous journey to the temple built into the skull to worship these creatures and leave offerings of food. Out of the twenty, few would make it to the temple, and even fewer would return. Should a full group reach the temple they were considered blessed by the Grand Tatzlwurm, and even more so if the full group returned home." Jewel explained.


Jewel lead the team into the skull, finding the Temple where the team noticed the many paintings, statues, and icons of Tatzlwurm.

"Tatzlwurms have long been the Apex predators of the Badlands, and were worshiped by the Ancient Changelings as the god of the desert land. Hence why all these images." Jewel explained.


Jewel lead them over to the center were a rack of blowpipes sat. "Now your challenge is to use these blowpipes to pop those pods above us." She pointed upwards and a few meters away to show a cluster of orange balloons wrapped in string with small cylinders hanging from them. "Those who looked after the Temple in its' glory days would store things in pods like those. Now the statues are in five of the ten pods and you have twelve pipes meaning you can only miss twice. I know for a fact that the Ruby Statue and one of the Sapphires is in there, but while it might seem easy, you'll notice the two Drones up there. They're going to be lobbing Gel Balls and moving the pods to make things harder."

Sure enough, above the team and off to the left side were the two Drones, only they were safely inside an enclosed dome with ropes connected to the pods to protect them from the darts.

"Okay team let's go."

(None of my characters have done these, so there's that out of the way :pinkiehappy:. I'll be using Pearl, Twilight, Orchid and Water Lilly here. Amber is an adult, and Orchid and Lilly aren't anthro either. No dragons obviously.) They'll be on Dragonfly's team.

Dragonfly and Jewel greeted their teams and pulled out their maps. "So my team's first challenge is... at the Shadowed Tombs." Dragonfly grimaced. "How about you Jewel?"

"Mine's at the Tatzlwurm Skeleton."

"Ah! Shadowed Tombs it is," Pearl smirked. "Haven't been to something like that in... Well. A very long time."

"Several lifetimes and universes ago in fact," Twilight mumbled, not particularly happy having those memories drug up.

"Okay let's go teams!" Dragonfly said as the two led their teams to their respective areas.

Dragonfly's Team
Dragonfly brought them to a series of onyx-black canyons with rows of tall claw-like rock spikes lining the top that seemed to close one like the black maw of a giant creature. The team could hear a faint wind blowing slowly but was icy-cold that seemed to grip one like the cold claws of death the team thought they could see faint ghostly images and hear soft whispers like a never-ending chorus of barely-heard voices.

Dragonfly shivered. "This is the Shadowed Tombs or at least a replica of the place. This place was a series of tombs ranging from mass to single dug into the side of the walls. Few Changelings ever came here beyond to entomb their dead as the place has this strange atmosphere with the ominous cliff walls, the ghostly images, the wind, and many other unnerving sights and feelings. Many Changelings firmly believe this place is cursed and haunted by those who rest here, rather fitting as this place was a burial site.

"Was it still a thing during Chrysalis's reign? Doesn't seem like a her thing to allow," Amber scratched her head.

(I don't know which hive Dragonfly and Jewel come from. Chrysalis' or another hive, and none of my characters know either. So that question is genuine because they don't know.)

Dragonfly brought them deep into the area and into a small temple courtyard.

"Now below us is the Catacombs; a mass grave where tens of thousands of Changelings were entombed. It was rumored that Statues were placed with them and one of you will go down through this center hole and move about the tunnels. Don't worry, this place is a replica so you don't have to worry about any curses or anything like that. However, once the one who enters hits the bottom of the ramp they'll trigger a trap that will seal the entrance in just over 2 and a half minutes so move as quickly as you can. There are five statues to collect. You ready?"

Orchid and Water Lilly shared a smirk. "As we'll ever be," Lilly giggled.

"Okay let's go."

During this challenge when the one in the maze passes through a section with in-wall beds holding mummified Drones the drones suddenly reach out as the player passes them, though it's harmless and only meant to scare.

Group Admin


Note: These are going to take place separately from Mystic's. I don't want to confuse anyone, and I also want to let Pearl, Twilight, Orchid and Water Lilly to have their chance to shine.

Good luck guys. :pinkiehappy:

So who will be on Dragonfly's and Jewel's teams for this round?

Introducing first for Dragonfly's team (music stars playing here)

You all know her, you all love her. The mainstay and de-facto second in command of Dragonfly's team. His dashing diva darling... STAR WING!

Star made her entrance, flying around the place before landing next to Dragonfly and giving him a big kiss. :heart:

"Thank you - thank you," Star said. "Seriously, you guys are too kind. Give yourselves a pat on the back, I insist!" Once she calmed down, she cleared her throat. "Now then. You might be wondering who's going to be joining me for this extravagant challenge. But first, let me introduce the captain of Jewel's team."

Music began to play again.

"Debuting in his first attempt at both these challenges and at being good," Star declared. "He is the Disciple of Discord, the Connoisseur of Chaos. Ladies and gentle-colts, give it up for the Ladvisious, Ludicrous Loco LUCO!"

Luco made his appearance with fireworks, prancing and cartwheeling like a monkey on caffeine. Eventually, he calmed down and took the mic from Star.

"Yes, it is I!" Luco declared. "Fresh off the parole box and ready for some fair, controlled but fun entertainment. And don't worry, all of you who know how chaotic I can be, for I have a teammate who will keep me on the up and up."

The music for Luco's teammate began to play:

"Eager to try her second round at this game," Luco declared. "She is the Hunter of Hubris, the Officer of Order, the Law's Greatest Enforcer. Give it up for... FOX HOUND!"

Fox made her entrance, lifting a hoof that had a handcuff on it. One that she promptly locked around Luco's arm to make sure he didn't go anywhere. She then handed the mic off to Star.

"Thank you, Fox," Star said. "Because now it's time to introduce my own teammates. A rare mother-son duo that you might not have seen before. Though while one of them has had some fun in these challenges before, the other is stepping into the ring for the first time."

Music began to play:

"Introducing," Star declared dramatically. "The Cardinal Riding Cowgirl; the Wild Western Warriors. The Fire and Brimstone that you think is an Almighty's' Wrath. Give it up for the tag-team combo of Swift Winds and Tex!"

Swift flew in, with the bounty hunter Tex on his back. Swift landed gently before Wing and hugged her, while Tex slipped off Swift's back and nuzzled her steed.

Luco then took the mic. "Alright-alright-alright! Looking forward to seeing what Swift can do. But the question remains... who could I possibly ask for help against easily the greatest snipers to ever exist?" He grinned. "Well... I got one idea. Hit the music."

"Introducing first," Luco declared. "Which is ironic since it's his first time in these challenges... The Mountain that Moves, the Judiciary Juggernaut, Fort Drake's most stubborn earth dragon. Let's give a heart stomp of appreciation for... BROCK BRONSON!"

The massive earth dragon stepped in, every step shaking the floor as he joined Fox, giving her a nod and a rare smile, while his music faded, to be replaced by another song.

"And his companion," Luco continued. "Everyone's favorite Dazzling Diva. The Gemstone Gentlewoman, and Fort Drake's most fashionable dragoness, gracing the changeling challenges for the first time ever. Give it up for... DIAMONDBACK!"

Diamondback made easily the most flashy entrance, sparkling and shining with many different gems, as she completed Luco's team of four.

Star whistled appreciatively. "Well, Swift, Tex. Looks like we're in a pickle. Who could we possibly pick that could stand a chance against these powerhouses?"

"I-I thought we already picked..." Swift started to say, but Tex shut his beak.

"Let the music introduce him, buddy," Tex recommended, as one final song began to play.

"Introducing our final member," Star declared, "Stepping into the challenges for the first time ever. He is the Star Fox Savant, the Great Dane Gunslinger, and son of the Wolf Pack's most musical howler. Ladies and gentle-persons, put your hooves or hands together and welcome the youngest member of the Wolf Pack - MARCUS JASAKI-SAN!"

And as the beat on his song dropped, Jazz's son Marcus strode out, sunglasses shining almost as brightly as his smile as he waved and gave thumbs up to the crowd.

Sorry if this got kinda long, but Star and I loved the idea of everyone getting a chance to make an entrance.

Anyway, final count:

Dragonfly's team: Star Wing, Swift Winds, Tex and Marcus

Jewel's Team: Luco, Fox Hound, Brock and Diamondback.

Dragonfly and Jewel greeted their teams and pulled out their maps. "So my team's first challenge is... at the Shadowed Tombs."

Marcus spun two pistols with a grin. "Then let's shed some light on them."

Tex glared at him. "Stop spinning them like that!" she muttered. "You'll risk shooting one off."

Swift yelped and hid behind Wing, who comforted him.

"No worries, Swift," she said. "We can do this. Didn't we win together once?"

"I-I don't remember," Swift admitted, looking to Dragonfly. "Did we?"

[Dragonfly's response]

Dragonfly grimaced. "How about you Jewel?"

"Mine's at the Tatzlwurm Skeleton."

Fox hummed. "Nasty creatures, Tazlwurms."

"I'm disappointed it's not alive," Luco admitted.

Diamondback face palmed. "Tell me again, how did he talk me into this?"

"He agreed to test some of your more risky inventions," Brock replied.

"Well, then remind me to sign him up for some of the more riskier inventions as well," Diamondback huffed.

"Okay let's go teams!" Dragonfly said as the two lead their teams to their respective areas.

Dragonfly's Team
Dragonfly brought them to a series of onyx-black canyons with rows of tall claw-like rock spikes lining the top that seem to close-in one one like the black maw of a giant creature. The team could hear a faint wind blowing slowly but was icy-cold that seems to grip one like the cold claws of death the team thought they could see faint ghostly images and hear soft whispers like a never-ending chorus of barely-heard voices.

Swift was shivering in his feathers, and even Tex had a hand on her holsters - she had sadly been forced to give up her trademark western revolvers, but muscle memory was a hard thing to overcome.

Dragonfly shivered. "This is the Shadowed Tombs, or at least a replica of the place. This place was a series of tombs ranging from mass to single dug into the side of the walls. Few Changelings ever came here beyond to entomb their dead as the place has this strange atmosphere with the ominous cliff walls, the ghostly images, the wind, and many other unnerving sights and feelings. Many Changelings firmly believe this place is cursed and haunted by these who rest here, rather fitting as this place was a burial site.

A clicking sound made the group jump, until they saw it was Marcus taking selfies. Tex snatched his phone away.

"Focus, pup," she told him firmly before looking to Wing. "Alright, Wing, how's this gonna work."

Wing looked expectantly to Dragonfly. Dragonfly in turn brought them deep into the area and into a small temple courtyard.

"Now below us is the Catacombs; a mass grave where tens of thousands of Changelings were entombed. It was rumored that Statues were placed with them and one of you will go down through this center hole and moved about the tunnels. Don't worry, this place is a replica so you don't have to worry about any curses or anything like that. However, once the one who enters hits the bottom of the ramp they'll trigger a trap that will seal the entrance in just over 2 and a half minutes so move as quick as you can. There are five statues to collect. You ready?"

Wing stepped forward, cricking her neck and stretching out her wings. "You little 'uns just hang back, alright?" she told her group. "Mama Wing's gonna show you how this is done."

"Now hang on a second," Marcus said. "You can't just take all the glory like that; this is our first time in this thing."

"Yeah," Tex noted. "Sides; Swift's the fastest of us all."

Swift gulped as he looked down into the catacombs. "I-I don't know if I'm ready for that," he admitted.

Wing, however, gave Marcus a curious look. "You sure, Marky Boy?" she asked. "You don't have access to your Arwing drones. This is gonna be pure skill."

Marcus nodded. "I want to do it. I want to show what I'm capable of."

Wing shrugged. "Alright." She looked to Dragonfly. "I think we're ready."

"Okay," Dragonfly said. "Let's go."

And so, off Marcus went. Despite jumping a bit when he triggered the trap, the pup moved like a deer and was as graceful as one too. He managed to collect three of the five statues in under a minute.

Unfortunately, he then passed through a section with in-wall beds holding mummified Drones. The drones suddenly reached out as Marcus passed them. Though it was harmless and only meant to scare, Marcus nearly leaped out of his skin and banged his head on the ceiling. His yelp and bark startled Swift, who - already on edge from the Shadowed Tomb's environment - completely panicked, flapping about and getting feathers everywhere.

Hearing his cries, Marcus succumbed to paranoia as well, gathering up the three statues he had managed to catch but had dropped in his surprise, and sprinting back to the group. Just as he realized that he had let Swift's screams and his own paranoia get the better of him, Marcus realized his time had run dry, and reluctantly stayed outside the catacombs as the trap sealed the last two statues within.

Jewel's Team

Jewel brought her team to a massive replica of a Tatzlwurm skeleton. "Well team, the story here is that in the deepest parts of the Badlands lays rests the skeleton of a truly gigantic Tatzlwurm, large enough to be able to swallow a city like Canterlot whole."

"That is awesome," Luco whispered.

"Meh," Brock muttered.

"This isn't the actual Tatzlwurm, is it?" Diamondback asked.

"No, we had to make this replica much smaller. In the distance past the skeleton was converted into a temple by the Ancient Changelings and every year groups of twenty would take a dangerous journey to the temple built into the skull to worship these creatures and leave offerings of food. Out of the twenty, few would make it to the temple, and even fewer would return. Should a full group reach the temple they were considered blessed by the Grand Tatzlwurm, and even more so if the full group returned home." Jewel explained.

"I'd consider it more of a blessing if I was able to actually catch one of those suckers," Fox admitted.

"Maybe you should take the journey then," Luco offered. "See if the Great Tatzlwurm will bless you and let you accomplish such a feat."

"Ugh, you both are so boorish!" Diamondback complained.

"Let's focus first on the challenge ahead," Brock recommended. "So, what are we doing?"

Jewel lead the team into the skull, finding the Temple where the team noticed the many paintings, statues, and icons of Tatzlwurm.

"Tatzlwurms have long been the Apex predators of the Badlands, and were worshiped by the Ancient Changelings as the god of the desert land. Hence why all these images." Jewel explained.

"Really?" Luco asked with a faked surprise face. :pinkiegasp: "And here I thought we had just stumbled into the home of a particularly pompous and narcissistic Tatzlwurm."

"I resent that!" Diamondback declared grandly. "There's nothing wrong with being a little pompous!"

Jewel lead them over to the center were a rack of blowpipes sat. "Now your challenge is to use these blowpipes to pop those pods above us." She pointed upwards and a few meters away to show a cluster of orange balloons wrapped in string with small cylinders hanging from them. "Those who looked after the Temple in its' glory days would store things in pods like those. Now the statues are in five of the ten pods and you have twelve pipes meaning you can only miss twice. I know for a fact that the Ruby Statue and one of the Sapphires is in there, but while it might seem easy, you'll notice the two Drones up there. They're going to be lobbing Gel Balls and moving the pods to make things harder."

"Oh-ho-ho," Luco declared happily. "I love it when there's a challenge!"

Sure enough, above the team and off to the left side were the two Drones, only they were safely inside an enclosed dome with ropes connected to the pods to protect them from the darts. Luco waved cheekily at them.

"Okay team let's go."

Instantly, Luco started dancing around the drones, wagging his behind at them, blowing raspberries, and overall doing everything he could to mess with them so that they'd throw gel balls at him.

As he distracted them, Fox, Brock and DB debated quicky among each other before ultimately, DB took up the blowgun.

And despite her pompous attitude, Diamondback actually showed a particularly fine skill in accuracy. Six blow pipes were used, six pods were brought down, and of those six, two contained statues, one of which was the ruby statue.

At that point, the drones realized that Luco wasn't the one they needed to worry about. But Fox and Brock were ready. Using Brock's bulk and Fox's quick reflexes, they battled the drones and kept them back from Diamondback as she plugged seven... eight... nine... ten pods. Leaving two blowpipes left over as Fox and Brock gathered up the statues and returned to Jewel with their prizes - Fox dragging a still cackling Luco by the ear as he tried to convince the drones to hit him with more gel balls.

Well first; welcome to the Challenge Myst. :pinkiehappy: Hope you enjoy it.

(I don't know which hive Dragonfly and Jewel come from. Chrysalis' or another hive, and none of my characters know either. So that question is genuine because they don't know.)

Then let me clear it up for you and them: Dragonfly and Jewel are from two different hives; the former comes from his mother's (who's name is Nebula Sheen), while the latter comes from her late father's now gone hive but she joined Nebula's to escape her father and willingly gave up being a Royal to become a Breed known as a Valkyrie, which is the Changeling version of an Archmage. It's a bit of a story but the short version is that Nebula was the Empress of all Changelings (or at least those on the Equestrian continent) but Chrysalis forcefully took over the other hives resulting in a civil war, that Chrysalis won. Fortunately Nebula and her hive were able to escape but have scattered to keep Chrysalis from finding them. Nebula's son Dragonfly, who was nearly killed by Chrysalis using a large Timber Wolf pack, had started his own hive under Ponyville and is working on getting ready to finally face and defeat Chrysalis, freeing the Changelings from her iron hoof.

That clear things up?

"Was it still a thing during Chrysalis's reign? Doesn't seem like a her thing to allow," Amber scratched her head.

"Well this place, or at least the place this replica was modeled after, as well as the others had existed long before Chrysalis even hatched. But sadly during the civil war the Shadowed Tomes, along with the other places, were destroyed during the battles." Dragonfly explained. "Which is why we have the replica; to at least try and preserve our history after that."

But one slight problem and not trying to be rude or anything here; you didn't write your OCs doing the challenge. Kind takes the fun out since I have no idea how the OCs did. :twilightsheepish: Also, you filled out Dragonfly's team, but not Jewel's. Now to be fair I never said players had to fill out both teams, so my fault there. But why only one?

Again, not trying to be rude, just trying to make sure we're on the same page. :twilightsmile:

If you need some examples you can take a look at the other Realm Challenges I've done.


Note: These are going to take place separately from Mystic's. I don't want to confuse anyone, and I also want to let Pearl, Twilight, Orchid and Water Lilly to have their chance to shine.

Of course, that was the idea: Each person had their own "Game" separate from the others. :twilightsmile:

Can't do the rest tonight as it's late but will get to it tomorrow. :twilightsmile:


you didn't write your OCs doing the challenge. Kind takes the fun out since I have no idea how the OCs did.

Yeah, that was me not paying attention :derpytongue2:. Will do that later.

:twilightsheepish: Also, you filled out Dragonfly's team, but not Jewel's. Now to be fair I never said players had to fill out both teams, so my fault there. But why only one?

Cause that is way too many characters for me to keep track of at once. I made the mistake of cramming so new many characters into a story once, and they suffered for it because I couldn't give them all the love and attention they needed. The ones I'm using here are the ones I've already introduced into the group. Will add more with time, and with later challenges, I'll probably be able to fill both teams. Just not yet.

Group Admin


Can't do the rest tonight as it's late but will get to it tomorrow. :twilightsmile:

Sounds good.

I look forward to hearing what Dragonfly and Jewel think of my OCs doing WWE style entrances. :pinkiehappy:

"Okay let's go."

Pearl looked at Amber as they neared the bottom of the ramp. "Please tell me you're still fast?"

Amber nodded, but not with as much confidence as she usually had. "Yeah, I am. But two and a half minutes is fast even for me, and I don't know where any of the statues are."

"Can't you two teleport?" Orchid asked.

Twilight shook her head. "I would need to know exactly where the statues are, or I risk sending all of us to someplace... Unpleasant," she gulped.

"Speed it is then," Lilly sighed as they came just short of tripping the trap. "Just pick a direction and go." She smirked. "Wouldn't be the first time we did that?"

Pearl smirked. "Nope."

As one, the group triggered trap, before scattering in four different directions. Even Amber passing one of the drones who reached out to her didn't slow her down for very long, and she soon had one statue under her wing. With none behind her, she turned right at a random intersection, hoping the others were having better luck.

(I'll be doing these in parts, since I'm slow with coming up with things at the moment. Also not sure if they'll find them and get out in time or not.)


Yeah, that was me not paying attention :derpytongue2:. Will do that later.

No problem. :twilightsmile:

Cause that is way too many characters for me to keep track of at once. I made the mistake of cramming so new many characters into a story once, and they suffered for it because I couldn't give them all the love and attention they needed. The ones I'm using here are the ones I've already introduced into the group. Will add more with time, and with later challenges, I'll probably be able to fill both teams. Just not yet.

Makes sense, been there a few times in the past so I get it. 👍


(I'll be doing these in parts, since I'm slow with coming up with things at the moment. Also not sure if they'll find them and get out in time or not.)

No problem. 👍


Sorry if this got kinda long, but Star and I loved the idea of everyone getting a chance to make an entrance.

Oh no worries; they were great. :pinkiehappy:

"I-I don't remember," Swift admitted, looking to Dragonfly. "Did we?"

Well Swift you were in the first one, and while your team didn't get the Diamond Dragon you did still get the other icons and got out, so yes."

Fox hummed. "Nasty creatures, Tazlwurms."

That they are, still it lead to one of the most bizarre hybrids in the fandom: Talzpoinies.

"I'm disappointed it's not alive," Luco admitted.

Because of course you are. :rainbowlaugh:

Diamondback face palmed. "Tell me again, how did he talk me into this?"

"He agreed to test some of your more risky inventions," Brock replied.

"Well, then remind me to sign him up for some of the more riskier inventions as well," Diamondback huffed.


A clicking sound made the group jump, until they saw it was Marcus taking selfies.

:facehoof: :rainbowlaugh:

Though it was harmless and only meant to scare, Marcus nearly leaped out of his skin and banged his head on the ceiling. His yelp and bark startled Swift, who - already on edge from the Shadowed Tomb's environment - completely panicked, flapping about and getting feathers everywhere.

Was not expecting that huh Marcus? And I can see Tex trying to catch Swift to calm him down.

Instantly, Luco started dancing around the drones, wagging his behind at them, blowing raspberries, and overall doing everything he could to mess with them so that they'd throw gel balls at him.

:rainbowlaugh: That was smart.

Dragonfly's Team
After letting the team calm down a bit Dragonfly walked forward. "You guys alright?"


"Well you might have only got three, but the main thing is you got out before the entrance sealed; had you still been in there there would have been one of two outcomes: Either your team would have to leave you behind, leaving you a member short which could bite you in later challenges or you would have had to give up the three statues you have to be released."


"Now with those three you have that's a total of thirty seconds of time, which isn't a bad start and this was only the first challenge so you have plenty of time to gather more. So our next stop is at... Oh, we're heading to the Fortress."


"Okay grab your gear and let's go."

Soon the team reached the fortress, taking in the sight of the gigantic and ancient castle that stood before them.


"Welcome team, to the Fortress." Dragonfly started explaining. "It was a Pony-built war castle constructed long before the Sisters were even a twinkle in their parents' eyes, while long abandoned this mighty fortress still stands guard proudly and silently over the area it watches over."


"And despite being far older than even the Castle of the Two Sisters it is somehow still much more intact, and apparently as the stories go its' still manned by its defenders: Those who have visited or taken shelter in this place during the infamous lightning storms that blast the Badlands turning the sand into glass have claimed and even taken pictures of shadows of armored Ponies of each tribe appearing in the flashes, as if watching over these visitors. Yet, despite the spookiness of these strange encounters, those who have encountered these shadows have never been harmed by them, the shadows merely stay close to any visitors as if the former is standing guard over the latter."


"This time we have something new for you." Dragonfly lead them into the Fortress and soon reached a large chamber that based on the layout was once the Throne Room, inside were a series of ramps, walkways, platforms, and hanging pots that rose up to the ceiling with large nets set in between each layer.

"Welcome team to your next challenge, here your goal is to move up to the ceiling using what you see here to reach the pots which have statues inside. I don't know which ones so grab as many as you can. You will have to us parkour, or freerunning as it's also known, to navigate through the course. Now the nets are there in case you fall and if you have wings you can use them, but only to stop a fall and you must return to the start of the level you are on at the time. Also the course gets more difficult the higher you go and if you look over to the walls;"

Dragonfly pointed to a set of small platforms which had to Drones holding gel ball crossbows, who grinned showing they were ready.

"The Drones will be firing get balls at you to hinder you and once your time runs out they will pull any remaining pots into the ceiling and out of reach."


"You guys ready? Then GO! you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds."

Jewel's Team
Jewel was laughing as she approached her team. "That was smart Luco; distracting the drones while your team collected the statues."


"So how many did you get... all five including the Ruby and Sapphire which brings your total time to 1 minute and 20 seconds which is a excellent start and this is only the first challenge

(Responses? Diamondback is holding the Ruby and Sapphire)

"So our next stop is... at the Old Factory, get you things and let's go."

Jewel lead the group up a path and into the large industrial-looking building built into the wall, bringing them to a heavy set of metal doors.

"Okay Team, welcome to the Old Factory. This place was built by the same Griffins who built the Mines and like it was abandoned, though this the factory's case it was because of some "shortcuts" taken during the construction and those shortcuts caught up with them. Anyway your challenge here is simple, but not necessarily easy. Are any of you familiar with Laser Tag?"

(Team's response?)

"Well this game is a similar concept: Three of you will put on this gear," She pointed to a vest resembling a ballistic vest, a helmet with bright googles, and a small backpack-like crystal pack with attacked energy crossbow-like device. "And enter the Storage Maze. The fourth will come up with me to the observation room."

(Who puts on the gear and who goes with Jewel?)

Jewel lead () up a flight of stairs and into a small room with a map on a table and a window overlooking the room, she pressed a small button on the table.

"Okay guys here me okay?"

(Team confirms, their helmets have built-in radios)

"Okay, so () Your takes is to use this map here to guide your team through the maze using this map, but..." She grinned evilly before grabbing a level and pulling it down. Immediately the brightly lit room turned into total darkness.

(Team's response?)

Those who had natural night vision noticed that it wasn't helping them see and they could only see as far as the goggles, which only lit the sight up enough so they wouldn't trip over anything, would allow, sort of like a weak flashlight. The only other light they saw was coming from the room above through the windows.

"... your team can't just walk through. They must communicate with you by telling you their surroundings to help you guide them through the maze to the end. Now besides that you will also have to deal with the two Drones, who are carrying similar gear but can see as well as you can in the day time and can use the vents in the walls and floor to get around quickly. That's were your crystal lasers come in; use those to defend yourselves from the Drones' own. It works the same way as laser tag in that if you hit the targets on the chest and helmet you'll take the Drones out for a short bit, your goggles will inform you of that. If any of you get taken out by the Drones, you are considered "down but not out", kind of like Gears of War were if you take enough damage you drop to a crawl but your teammates can revive you, same idea here and as long as one of you in the maze are still up you can keep reviving your teammates. If all three of you are down at the same time you will lose the challenge. Also the Drones can't "execute" you like in Gears, just to clear that up."

(Team response?)

"Now you will find up to five statues scattered around the maze, look for the green glow but beware; the Drones' own gear has the same color, kind of like how the armor in Gears of War has those little lights, while your team's is red. You will also find weapon pick-ups which will increase your firepower but remember that the Drones can and will also use them." Jewel explained. "You understanding so far?"

(Team response?)

"Now because of the nature of this challenge there is, at least for now, no time limit but You'll still what to move quickly because the Drones will start getting more aggressive the longer you are in there, which means they will start actively using the "Power Weapons" more then their regular ones."

(Team's response?)

"Now the Power Weapons are as follows: Grenades, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, and Machine Gun. Note that after you pick any of these up, once they run out of ammo they will shut off and become useless. And finally to address and concerns; the weapons will not do any sort of harm to you, at worse you'll fell some tingling but that's it and the goggles will protect your eyes. Though just in case a medical team is on stand by, one never knows."

(Team's response?)

"Okay and once you have the statues you must reach the exit, but keep in mind any teammates who are downed will be "left behind" should you exit without them, and in that case you have one of two outcomes: Either your team would have to leave you behind, leaving you members short which could bite you in later challenges or you would have had to give up any statues you find in there and two of the ones you already have to be released."


"I think that's everything, you all ready?"

(Team's response?)

"Then GO!"

The Maze Team entered and the metal door shut behind them.

Group Admin


Oh no worries; they were great. :pinkiehappy:

Jazz is really happy to hear that; she's planning on trying to make entrance music a thing whenever it feels appropriate.

Well Swift you were in the first one, and while your team didn't get the Diamond Dragon you did still get the other icons and got out, so yes."

"See?" Wing pointed out. "C'mon, Swift; we can do this."

Swift took a steadying breath and nodded. "You're right. Last time, we managed to get the other icons... this time, we'll do better!"

That they are, still it lead to one of the most bizarre hybrids in the fandom: Talzpoinies.

Luco, Fox, Brock and Diamondback all gaped in shock. :pinkiegasp: (And considering how stoic Brock normally is, it was admittedly a treat seeing him so thunderstruck).

Diamondback then whipped around. "Antenna, I swear to everything sacred, if you come in here and give even the slightest opinion on that..."

"Relax!" Luco said. "She's not here; I can tell."

"That... was an image I did not need to see," Brock mumbled, blinking hard.

Because of course you are. :rainbowlaugh:

"Disciple of Discord, buddy-boy," Luco replied with a grin. "I like what I like."

Was not expecting that huh Marcus? And I can see Tex trying to catch Swift to calm him down.

Nope, Marcus was not expecting that at all.

And yeah, as Wing mentioned, Tex is Swift's mother figure, so she's the best one for calming him down.

In my standalone Of Scales and Fur novels, Tex and Swift have a symbiotic relationship - Swift doesn't get to use his bow and arrows, but that's mainly because he can rely on Tex to defend him, as by carrying her high into the sky, he serves as a perfect sniper's nest for her; able to give her a clear view of any targets, and being able to shift and move around so she's never pinned down or caught in a tight spot.

The two work perfectly off each other. :pinkiehappy:

:rainbowlaugh: That was smart.

I forgot to add this in, but I can see Luco managing to catch one of the gel balls, and declaring, "Monkey see, monkey do!" He'd then throw the gel ball at the drones, and if he hit one, he'd cackle and declare, "This monkey made a fool out of you!"

Also, not sure if I clarified this, but Luco bears a striking resemblance to a monkey, complete with monkey tail and opposable thumbs on his feet. Hence why he used the monkey rhyme.

Dragonfly's Team
After letting the team calm down a bit Dragonfly walked forward. "You guys alright?"

Wing plucked one of Swift's feathers out of the air and tucked it behind her ear with a grin. "Yep."

Swift was smoothing his own feathers back while Tex shushed him gently. "I think we'll be better once we leave this tomb behind," Tex noted, as Swift was still glancing around with paranoia.

Marcus, meanwhile, was looking at his three statues with shame. "Yeah," he muttered sarcastically. "I'm fantastic. Gonna be picking feathers out of my fur for a week, and on top of it, I fumbled the first challenge." He hung his head in his hands. "Aw, man, what's Mom gonna say?"

"Well you might have only got three, but the main thing is you got out before the entrance sealed; had you still been in there there would have been one of two outcomes: Either your team would have to leave you behind, leaving you a member short which could bite you in later challenges or you would have had to give up the three statues you have to be released."

Marcus' ears flattened, and he glanced at Star, who herself looked shocked at that idea.

"Whoa," she mumbled. "That is one aspect of the challenge I didn't know about."

"Because you never had to deal with it," Tex pointed out. "Let's hope it stays that way."

Swift nodded. "Absolutely."

"Now with those three you have that's a total of thirty seconds of time, which isn't a bad start and this was only the first challenge so you have plenty of time to gather more. So our next stop is at... Oh, we're heading to the Fortress."

"Oh, this should be fun, guys," Star said happily.

"If a fortress means turrets..." Tex noted with a grin, as even Marcus perked up.

"...then count me in," Marcus said happily.

"Okay grab your gear and let's go."

Soon the team reached the fortress, taking in the sight of the gigantic and ancient castle that stood before them.

Tex whistled at the towers. "Y'know, if I didn't have Gaia's greatest sniper's nest right next to me..." she patted Swift's side as the wind dragon blushed. "I'd say those towers were pretty dang impressive."

"Well, as someone who 'doesn't' have Gaia's greatest sniper's nest," Marcus refuted. "I'd say that those are perfect for sniping."

"Welcome team, to the Fortress." Star started explaining before Dragonfly could. "It was a Pony-built war castle constructed long before the Sisters were even a twinkle in their parents' eyes, while long abandoned this mighty fortress still stands guard proudly and silently over the area it watches over..." she paused, glancing at Dragonfly. "Oh... s-sorry, love. I jumped the gun there, didn't I?" :twilightsheepish:

[Dragonfly's response?]

Wing let Dragonfly continue from there:

"And despite being far older than even the Castle of the Two Sisters it is somehow still much more intact, and apparently as the stories go its' still manned by its defenders: Those who have visited or taken shelter in this place during the infamous lightning storms that blast the Badlands turning the sand into glass have claimed and even taken pictures of shadows of armored Ponies of each tribe appearing in the flashes, as if watching over these visitors. Yet, despite the spookiness of these strange encounters, those who have encountered these shadows have never been harmed by them, the shadows merely stay close to any visitors as if the former is standing guard over the latter."

Swift moped. "Oh, no, we just left the tombs! Not more g-g-gh-ghosts!"

Marcus laughed. "Come on, Swift, he said they're nice ghosts. And anyway, they won't hurt you. As a demi-wolf, I have access to the pack link, which can allow us to communicate with..."

"Nice try, Marcus," Tex refuted. "But I know you better; Jazz wasn't a pack linker, so that was a bald-faced lie."

Marcus blushed and hung his head again.

"This time we have something new for you." Dragonfly lead them into the Fortress and soon reached a large chamber that based on the layout was once the Throne Room, inside were a series of ramps, walkways, platforms, and hanging pots that rose up to the ceiling with large nets set in between each layer.

"Welcome team to your next challenge, here your goal is to move up to the ceiling using what you see here to reach the pots which have statues inside. I don't know which ones so grab as many as you can. You will have to use parkour, or freerunning as it's also known, to navigate through the course. Now the nets are there in case you fall and if you have wings you can use them, but only to stop a fall and you must return to the start of the level you are on at the time. Also the course gets more difficult the higher you go and if you look over to the walls;"

Dragonfly pointed to a set of small platforms which had to Drones holding gel ball crossbows, who grinned showing they were ready.

"The Drones will be firing get balls at you to hinder you and once your time runs out they will pull any remaining pots into the ceiling and out of reach."

Swift and Wing both exchanged excited grins, while Tex and Marcus looked a little more wary. Marcus, however, shook himself off and looked determined, clearly hoping to redeem himself for his abysmal first performance.

"You guys ready?"

"One quick question," Star said. "All four of us can do this?"


Once they got their answer, they prepared accordingly.

"Then GO! you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds."

The team sprung into action. Depending on the above response, Wing and Swift absolutely excelled at the course, flying without their wings through the obstacles, and snatching up an equal number of pots (I'm not sure how many specifically were there, so I'm being vague). Marcus, though not quite as athletic, made up for his lack of agility with sheer determination, and managed to earn one less than what the others had. Tex, sadly, had the poorest showing, as while she did have a knack for climbing, it was also clear her dependency on Swift for transport had dulled her agility by a wide margin, resulting in her getting the least amount of pots.

Nevertheless, if the group was allowed to tackle this all at once, they managed to get every single pot between the four of them. This would still hold true if only Wing or Swift were allowed, while Marcus would managed to get almost all the pots (maybe around 89% of them), while Tex would only manage to get about 40% of them.

Jewel's Team
Jewel was laughing as she approached her team. "That was smart Luco; distracting the drones while your team collected the statues."

Luco bowed. "I'm first and foremost an actor," he declared. "Attention is my ambrosia of the gods!"

"So how many did you get... all five including the Ruby and Sapphire which brings your total time to 1 minute and 20 seconds which is a excellent start and this is only the first challenge."

Fox cheered and high-fived Brock (comically and immediately regretting it since Brock high fives like a brick wall), Luco did a backflip from joy, and Diamondback posed with her statues. "A glorious start to a fabulous reign. Oh, I shall be delighted to see Star Wing's face when she sees how well we've done."

"So our next stop is... at the Old Factory, get your things and let's go."

Jewel lead the group up a path and into the large industrial-looking building built into the wall, bringing them to a heavy set of metal doors.

"Okay Team, welcome to the Old Factory. This place was built by the same Griffins who built the Mines and like it was abandoned, though this the factory's case it was because of some "shortcuts" taken during the construction and those shortcuts caught up with them. Anyway your challenge here is simple, but not necessarily easy. Are any of you familiar with Laser Tag?"

Luco beamed. "Love it."

Fox nodded. "We trained using laser tag courses."

Brock also nodded. "Dragon training was a bit more hands on, but the concept was the same."

Diamondback drew herself up. "It was one of the ways I honed my sharpshooting skills."

"Well this game is a similar concept: Three of you will put on this gear," She pointed to a vest resembling a ballistic vest, a helmet with bright googles, and a small backpack-like crystal pack with attacked energy crossbow-like device. "And enter the Storage Maze. The fourth will come up with me to the observation room."

After a brief conversation between the group members, it was decided that Luco, Fox and Diamondback (since Diamondback had proved she was the better shot of the group) would put on the gear, while Brock went with Jewel.

Jewel led Brock up a flight of stairs and into a small room with a map on a table and a window overlooking the room, she pressed a small button on the table.

"Okay guys, hear me okay?"

"Copy," Fox responded.

"Loud and clear as crystals," Diamondback trilled.

Luco faked the sound of static. "Krrr, wha? Krr... you're not coming through clear enough. Krr, pssshhh, maybe you need to..."

Fox shut him up with a dope slap, before saying into his radio. "Luco means he can hear you."

"Okay, so Brock..." Brock stood at attention when called. "Your task is to use this map here to guide your team through the maze using this map, but..." She grinned evilly before grabbing a level and pulling it down. Immediately the brightly lit room turned into total darkness.

Luco let loose with a Joker-like cackle... which nearly got him decked again by Fox.

Unfortunately, Luco had planned for this, so Fox ended up hitting Diamondback and hurting her hoof against Diamondback's scales.

"Darling! Are you alright?" Diamondback asked, tending to Fox as best she could as Luco continued to cackle.

For even though DB had pretty good night vision as a result of being a terra-drake - who do spend a bit of time underground - she noticed that it wasn't helping her see. Instead, they could only see as far as the goggles, which only lit the sight up enough so they wouldn't trip over anything, would allow, sort of like a weak flashlight. The only other light they saw was coming from the room above through the windows.

"... your team can't just walk through. They must communicate with you by telling you their surroundings to help you guide them through the maze to the end. Now besides that you will also have to deal with the two Drones, who are carrying similar gear but can see as well as you can in the day time and can use the vents in the walls and floor to get around quickly. That's were your crystal lasers come in; use those to defend yourselves from the Drones' own. It works the same way as laser tag in that if you hit the targets on the chest and helmet you'll take the Drones out for a short bit, your goggles will inform you of that. If any of you get taken out by the Drones, you are considered "down but not out", kind of like Gears of War were if you take enough damage you drop to a crawl but your teammates can revive you, same idea here and as long as one of you in the maze are still up you can keep reviving your teammates. If all three of you are down at the same time you will lose the challenge. Also the Drones can't "execute" you like in Gears, just to clear that up."

Luco gave an indifferent hum at the idea of the drones not being able to 'execute' them, though Diamondback and Fox looked far more relieved.

"Now you will find up to five statues scattered around the maze, look for the green glow but beware; the Drones' own gear has the same color, kind of like how the armor in Gears of War has those little lights, while your team's is red. You will also find weapon pick-ups which will increase your firepower but remember that the Drones can and will also use them." Jewel explained. "You understanding so far?"

"Yep," Fox confirmed.

"Now because of the nature of this challenge there is, at least for now, no time limit but You'll still what to move quickly because the Drones will start getting more aggressive the longer you are in there, which means they will start actively using the "Power Weapons" more then their regular ones."

"Oh-ho?" Luco chuckled. "And what kind of 'Power Weapons' are we talking here?"

"Now the Power Weapons are as follows: Grenades, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun, and Machine Gun. Note that after you pick any of these up, once they run out of ammo they will shut off and become useless. And finally to address and concerns; the weapons will not do any sort of harm to you, at worse you'll fell some tingling but that's it and the goggles will protect your eyes. Though just in case a medical team is on stand by, one never knows."

"Very good," Luco agreed. "It's like I told my dragons..."

Diamondback rolled her eyes, but recited Luco's words: "...there's no reward without a little risk." She paused. "And I swear that's what Chill's friend Raiden said. Not you."

"Eh, details," Luco dismissed. "You can love em or you can hate em."

"Okay and once you have the statues you must reach the exit, but keep in mind any teammates who are downed will be "left behind" should you exit without them, and in that case you have one of two outcomes: Either your team would have to leave you behind, leaving you members short which could bite you in later challenges or you would have had to give up any statues you find in there and two of the ones you already have to be released."

"A sadistic choice..." Luco rubbed his hands together in glee. "Very interesting."

"Don't get any funny ideas, Luco," Fox warned.

"Too late!" Luco sang with a mischievous cackle.

"I think that's everything, you all ready?"

The trio nodded. "Brock, you set?"

Brock stood at the map and gave a grunt of approval.

"Then GO!"

The Maze Team entered and the metal door shut behind them.

Luco immediately sprinted ahead... and ran into a wall. "That hurt!" he sang, before darting away again.

His goal was once again to distract the drones and get them to chase him for as long as possible, while Diamondback and Fox focused on finding the statues.

And despite looking like a massive brute, Brock actually proved himself incredibly perceptive. With only a few quick descriptions from his fellows, he was able to mark out exactly where they were on the map and send them in the proper directions - Luco towards any drones and Fox and Diamondback towards the statues.

They even got some great moments, like when Luco ran past Diamondback with a drone in hot pursuit, and Diamondback pulled off a perfect shot to the crystal on the drone's head. Or the time where Fox brought out her inner hunter, and chased a drone to the point that the drone actually almost started collecting statues because Fox had terrified him into believing he was part of the challenge and she was part of the hunting party.

Unfortunately, Luco's crack about possibly leaving a man behind loomed over both Fox and Diamondback like phantoms. And when the time came where Fox managed to get the last statue, Fox, Diamondback and Brock were on edge.

Fox went racing after Luco, hoping to stop him from causing any mischief, while Diamondback took the five statues they had gathered and ran for the exit.

Unfortunately, the drones had gotten very aggressive at this point. And right as Fox managed to stop one drone from overwhelming Luco, the other one managed to hit Fox with a grenade launcher, downing her before Luco briefly took him down.

"Diamondback, don't leave yet!" Brock warned. "You have a mare down!"

"Mare?!" Diamondback stammered in horror.

Luco giggled as he strutted up to Fox. "Well isn't this a coinkidink?" he mused.

"Luco, get me back up so we can get out of here!" Fox snarled.

"So impolite," Luco mocked in a saint-like voice. "Mayhaps we should see how our team would fare without you, Ms. Hound."

"Don't do this, Luco!" Brock said, watching worriedly as the drones began to recover.

"Luco, please, by everything sacred!" Diamondback pleaded. "Just revive her so we can go!"

"Please," Luco sang. "Yes, please, the magic word. Personally, I prefer Abra Kadabra, but then again, it does sound so similar to that naughty-naughty forbidden curse from Harry Potter, doesn't it. Is it not funny that I mention Harry Potter? I must say, that Peeves fellow was a right laugh, wasn't he?"

"Luco, I swear..." Fox started to snarl.

But as Luco shook a swear jar at her with a laugh... the drones recovered and plugged him right in the back.

With both Fox and Luco down, Diamondback was left with a choice: she had all the statues, but the drones were heading right towards her. One had the Grenade launcher, and the other had a machine gun, and they were itching to use them. Diamondback's diamond scales were useless in this fight, and if she was downed, they'd lose the challenge.

"Oh, Luco, you chaos-infused ruffian!" Diamondback lamented, looking back and forth between the finish line and the maze. All she had to do was cross it, and she'd technically win. But that would then leave them with the situation of dropping one of their teammates.

"DB, they're coming fast, you gotta make a decision now!" Brock warned.

Diamondback hesitantly started to step back towards the maze - towards Fox and Luco - but the drones reached her before she could fully commit. And as the one with the grenade launcher fired, Diamondback leaped back - just barely avoiding getting blown up - and sailed across the exit.

She had escaped, but now she had another choice: she had all five statues with her, but Fox and Luco had been left behind. She could sacrifice four of the five statues to get both of her teammates back, sacrifice two statues to get only one back, or sacrifice no statues and hope she and Brock could handle the last few challenges.

Ultimately though, with Luco's trolling fresh on their minds, the choice became a rather easy one:

Diamondback gave up two statues to get Fox back, but she refused to give up anymore, leaving Luco out of the running.

Brock, Fox and Diamondback all were clearly worried about leaving with only three teammates and just as many statues, but there was also hope that Luco wouldn't mess up anymore challenges for them going forward.

I'll get to the rest tomorrow, but for this;

Ultimately though, with Luco's trolling fresh on their minds, the choice became a rather easy one:

Diamondback gave up two statues to get Fox back, but she refused to give up anymore, leaving Luco out of the running.

Brock, Fox and Diamondback all were clearly worried about leaving with only three teammates and just as many statues, but there was also hope that Luco wouldn't mess up anymore challenges for them going forward.

Not gonna lie, I'm at a bit of a lost of what to do here since this is the first time this has happened, so I'm gonna need to think on this first. I do have the idea of each team getting one and only one "Get-out-of-Jail Free Card", which would allow Luco to rejoin, especially since this is only the second challenge. But at the same time considering his trolling got him and his team into this situation...

Your thoughts on the matter?

To clarify; whether or not the outcome the team will still continue, just might be one player short.

Group Admin


Not gonna lie, I'm at a bit of a lost of what to do here since this is the first time this has happened, so I'm gonna need to think on this first.

Yeah, sorry. :twilightsheepish: The second Luco saw the inclusion of losing team members, his chaotic nature compelled him to put the others into a situation that forced them to confront it. He may be trying to show he can be good, but Luco's still a trickster at heart.

In regards to the Get Out of Jail card, I feel that Fox would rather they be allowed to go forward with only one player, since Luco pretty much proved that having him on the team is going to be a risk, since his chaotic nature compelled him to pretty much sabotage them.

Though Luco would note that he was just having fun, and that if they do let him back in, he won't cause as much trouble again. Though he will insist that they still only continue on with three statues, considering that Marcus was only able to win his team three as well in the previous challenge. Luco's chaotic, but he also wants things to be fair, and by his standards, the two teams being tied up with eight statues each makes for a more interesting conflict going forward, and provides consequences that will compel him to be less of a troll and more of a team player.


Yeah, sorry. :twilightsheepish: The second Luco saw the inclusion of losing team members, his chaotic nature compelled him to put the others into a situation that forced them to confront it. He may be trying to show he can be good, but Luco's still a trickster at heart.

No problem, and ultimately I'll leave that choice up to the team.

But on to the next part;

she paused, glancing at Dragonfly. "Oh... s-sorry, love. I jumped the gun there, didn't I?" :twilightsheepish:

He just smiled at her. "No worries Star, you're just excited."

"One quick question," Star said. "All four of us can do this?"

"Yes you can," Dragonfly replied. "but I'd go one-at-a-time with a few seconds in between so you don't crowd each other."

They even got some great moments, like when Luco ran past Diamondback with a drone in hot pursuit, and Diamondback pulled off a perfect shot to the crystal on the drone's head. Or the time where Fox brought out her inner hunter, and chased a drone to the point that the drone actually almost started collecting statues because Fox had terrified him into believing he was part of the challenge and she was part of the hunting party.

:rainbowlaugh: Great moments all right.

but the drones were heading right towards her. One had the Grenade launcher, and the other had a machine gun, and they were itching to use them.

Okay; the image I had there was first the Drones' red eyes appearing in the darkness before they walked into the light, armed and ready. Actually a scary thought when you think about it.

Diamondback leaped back - just barely avoiding getting blown up - and sailed across the exit.

Complete with a slow-mo shot. :twilightsmile:

Dragonfly's Team
"Great job team, thought Tex; you might want to refresh you agility sometime in the future." Dragonfly said.

(Her response?)

"Now you got all the pots so let's see what we have."

Opening the lids the team got five statues, however the one Swift pulled out was a Sapphire.

(Team's response?)

"So five including a Sapphire, that's a full minute and add that to the ones you already have and that's a total of 1 minute and 30 seconds, so our next challenge is at... at the Old Camp."

Before Dragonfly could continue he suddenly gave a little jolt. "Hold up a sec, guys. Jewel's calling me."

(Team's response?)

Closing his eyes for a second to use the Hivemind, he opened them and frowned. "Well... Jewel's team has a bit of a situation on their hands: Luco decided to be a troll to his team at the Old Factory and because of that got downed during the maze challenge, and now her team might be a member short."

(Team's response?)

"That's reminds me; I forgot to mention this back at the tombs but each team has a "get out of Jail free card" where you can release a teammate without losing statues... However; it's only good once, so choice wisely when to use it."

(Team's response?)

Okay, grab your gear and let's go."

Soon they reached a ledge that overlooked a rundown A "town" of old tents, rope bridges, crates, and various other equipment laying all over the place, where Dragonfly stopped them.

"Welcome team to the Old Town, though its' called that for more of a lack of a better word. Little is really known about the Old Town however it does sit next to an ancient Changeling Idol that is related to the sun and moon in some way. It is believed that those who set the camp up were going to study the Idol, but something happened that caused them to leave in a huge hurry, leaving pretty much everything behind and scattered all over the place."

(Team's responses?)

"Now thankfully this challenge will be an easy one, follow me."

Dragonfly lead them done to the center area where some storage sheds sat, but found a bit of the area on fire!

"Okay this might be a problem." Dragonfly said as he lead the team around the fire.

(Team's Responses?)

Once Dragonfly got them to a safe spot he took stock of the situation; the fire are surrounded the pile of crates where the canisters holding the statues were.

"Okay... looks like I jinxed it. This part of the Old Town was a fuel storage and the various canisters have been leaking fuel for years, and it looks like it finally caught fire and turned what would have been an easy challenge into a difficult one. Fortunately because of all the gear left behind we have something to help us out."

He picked up an object that consisted of a heavy magnet with four ropes attached to it.

"So you see the rope bridges dotted around? Each of you take an end of these ropes and climb up, and use this magnet to latch onto and lift up the metal canisters, once you have one simply bring them over to one of you and repeat. Think of it like a manual claw game, only you don't have to worry about the canisters fall off, and the rope bridges are held up by netting so they won't let you fall off. However I don't know which of the six canisters have statues and we only have a limited amount of time, I'd estimate about 2 minutes, before the larger fuel canisters get too hot and start exploding."

As if on cue, one of the small fuel canisters popped with a loud bang and shot a jet of flame into the air.

"Case in point."

(Team's responses?)

"Okay GO!"

Jewel's Team

Jewel and Brock met up with Fox and Diamondback.

"Okay, so we have a bit of a situation here; thanks to Luco deciding to be a troll you had to leave him downed and lose two statues to get Fox back. Give me a moment to talk to Dragonfly about this."

(Team's response?)

Stepping back Jewel closed her eyes and contacted Dragonfly, after a moment she opened them again and looked at her team.

"Okay; Dragonfly reminded me of something we've had since the start but never had to use: Its basically a "Get out of Jail Free Card" where you can get a teammate back without losing statues, but it can only be used once. So here you have three choices: You can use the card to get Luco back, save it for later, or use it to get back the two statues you lost to get Fox back. I'll let you decide, once you're done met me outside."

(Team's response?)

Jewel gave them the radio so they could take with Luco and Jewel walked out, leaving the team to their choices.

(Team's discussion and choice? Now if they chose to leave Luco he'll still get the plushie, but nothing else.)

Once the team had made their choice they met with Jewel outside and she looked at them. "So beyond Luco's trolling, how did you find that?"

(Team's response?)

"And you have three statues which is 30 seconds (if they got the two lost ones back it would be 50) which added to what you have and that's a total of 1 minute and 50 seconds (2 minutes and 10 seconds)." She pulled out the map. "So next is... at Gourd Caverns. Grab your things and let's go. (if Luco is left behind they'd meet with him at the Den, though he would be out of the challenge.)

Jewel lead her team into a series of open-air caverns with pumpkins, melons, squash, cucumbers and other gourds growing all over the place. She brought them into an opened area where the two Drones were busy chowing down on pumpkins, one with their head inside a pumpkin, and over to a small catapult.

"Now team, Gourds have long played many important roles in Changeling culture, ranging from simply food to furniture to even armor and weapons from some very tough kinds. Of all the gourds Changelings crave however, the pumpkin is the top of the pile, to the point of being worshiped, as you can probably tell from the two Drones there chowing down."

The Drone in the pumpkin lifted his head up, but the pumpkin he was eating was stuck and he started acting like a cat with their head stuck in a bag or can as the other Drone tried to help him out.

(Team's response?)

"Changelings go completely bananas over any pumpkin-related foods, especially home-made pumpkin pie, we even have recipes dating back many generations. Now for your challenge; one thing Changeling Drones loved to do was use catapults like this one here to launch pumpkins, trying to hit targets like those down there." She pointed towards five red targets and eight black targets far from them. "Now you're going to do the same thing; the targets move however and you have a total of twenty shots. Hitting the red targets will give you statues, but each black target you hit will reduce the number of shots you have left and once one of you seats in the catapult seat you'll only have 3 minutes before the targets pull into the ground. Now normally the Drones would try to hinder you but... as you can see they're too busy chowing down. You ready?"

(OCs response?)

"Then let's go!"

Group Admin


No problem, and ultimately I'll leave that choice up to the team.

Sounds good. 👍

"Yes you can," Dragonfly replied. "but I'd go one-at-a-time with a few seconds in between so you don't crowd each other."

"Alrighty," Star said. "You heard the man; give everyone a few seconds in between, but together, we're gonna give this challenge the fight of its life!"

Okay; the image I had there was first the Drones' red eyes appearing in the darkness before they walked into the light, armed and ready. Actually a scary thought when you think about it.

:twilightoops: Definitely.

Complete with a slow-mo shot. :twilightsmile:

Diamondback: :pinkiegasp: Argh, if it was slow-motion, I should've taken the opportunity to fire off a final shot that took one of them out! :facehoof:

Brock: Hey-hey, don't beat yourself up, DB. You still had some great moments all around.

Dragonfly's Team
"Great job team, thought Tex; you might want to refresh your agility sometime in the future." Dragonfly said.

"In other words, go without Swift for a time, yeah?" Tex noted.

Swift shifted uncomfortably at that idea. "Let's.. at least wait until after Mother's Day."

Tex grinned and scratched Swift's head like a dog. "Whatever you say, sweetheart," she said in a kind, motherly tone.

"Now you got all the pots so let's see what we have."

Opening the lids the team got five statues, however the one Swift pulled out was a Sapphire.

Tex whistled. "Don't suppose that counts extra, does it?"

"So five including a Sapphire, that's a full minute and add that to the ones you already have and that's a total of 1 minute and 30 seconds, so our next challenge is at... at the Old Camp."

Before Dragonfly could continue he suddenly gave a little jolt. "Hold up a sec, guys. Jewel's calling me."

Star swallowed nervously. "Is it about Luco?"

Swift sighed. "I knew it was a bad idea to let him join."

Closing his eyes for a second to use the Hivemind, he opened them and frowned. "Well... Jewel's team has a bit of a situation on their hands: Luco decided to be a troll to his team at the Old Factory and because of that got downed during the maze challenge, and now her team might be a member short."

Star groaned and face palmed. "I had such high hopes for Luco," she noted sadly. "I really did."

"I mean... isn't that good for us?" Marcus asked. "One man on their team down means a better chance for us to win."

"Tipping the scales don't mean winning fair and square," Tex replied. "We'll have to see what happens."

"That's reminds me; I forgot to mention this back at the tombs but each team has a "get out of Jail free card" where you can release a teammate without losing statues... However; it's only good once, so choose wisely when to use it."

Star, Swift, Tex and Marcus all glanced at each other. "Let's hope we don't need to use it," Swift noted worriedly.

Okay, grab your gear and let's go."

Soon they reached a ledge that overlooked a rundown A "town" of old tents, rope bridges, crates, and various other equipment laying all over the place, where Dragonfly stopped them.

"Welcome team to the Old Town, though its' called that for more of a lack of a better word. Little is really known about the Old Town however it does sit next to an ancient Changeling Idol that is related to the sun and moon in some way. It is believed that those who set the camp up were going to study the Idol, but something happened that caused them to leave in a huge hurry, leaving pretty much everything behind and scattered all over the place."

"And we're certain they got to leave?" Swift asked.

"Sure," Star said, grinning comfortingly. "Maybe the season finale of their most favorite show was on, and all the batteries in their camp conveniently died, so they had to run away to watch their show in time."

"That's ridiculous, Wing," Tex sighed.

"You're just saying that because you don't have a favorite TV show," Marcus replied. "Season finale? I know I'd be booking it for the nearest screen."

"Now thankfully this challenge will be an easy one, follow me."

Dragonfly lead them done to the center area where some storage sheds sat, but found a bit of the area on fire!

"Okay this might be a problem." Dragonfly said as he lead the team around the fire.

Star started using some of her dragon form's power to suck down some of the flames, making it a little easier to put out. Swift also briefly fanned his wings at it, but stopped when it almost set another shed on fire.

Tex and Marcus, however, made swiftly after Dragonfly, as neither of their skill sets were good for dealing with flames.

Once Dragonfly got them to a safe spot he took stock of the situation; the fire are surrounded the pile of crates where the canisters holding the statues were.

"Okay... looks like I jinxed it. This part of the Old Town was a fuel storage and the various canisters have been leaking fuel for years, and it looks like it finally caught fire and turned what would have been an easy challenge into a difficult one. Fortunately because of all the gear left behind we have something to help us out."

He picked up an object that consisted of a heavy magnet with four ropes attached to it.

"So you see the rope bridges dotted around? Each of you take an end of these ropes and climb up, and use this magnet to latch onto and lift up the metal canisters, once you have one simply bring them over to one of you and repeat. Think of it like a manual claw game, only you don't have to worry about the canisters fall off, and the rope bridges are held up by netting so they won't let you fall off. However I don't know which of the six canisters have statues and we only have a limited amount of time, I'd estimate about 2 minutes, before the larger fuel canisters get too hot and start exploding."

As if on cue, one of the small fuel canisters popped with a loud bang and shot a jet of flame into the air.

"Case in point."

Marcus swallowed nervously and Swift literally sweat feathers, while Star just grinned and Tex looked determined.

"Okay GO!"

From there, Tex actually managed to redeem herself for her bad showcasing in the previous challenge. Noting how the magnets weren't too different from a lasso, she managed to lift all six canisters out with fifteen seconds to spare before the bomb went off.

Note: Sorry if this doesn't have quite as much detail. It's late where I'm at while I'm writing this, and I'm falling asleep. :ajsleepy:

Jewel's Team

Jewel and Brock met up with Fox and Diamondback.

"Okay, so we have a bit of a situation here; thanks to Luco deciding to be a troll you had to leave him downed and lose two statues to get Fox back. Give me a moment to talk to Dragonfly about this."

"Take your time," Fox said, rubbing her head with a gron while Diamondback was off taking a shower and Brock just stood guard.

Stepping back Jewel closed her eyes and contacted Dragonfly, after a moment she opened them again and looked at her team.

"Okay; Dragonfly reminded me of something we've had since the start but never had to use: Its basically a "Get out of Jail Free Card" where you can get a teammate back without losing statues, but it can only be used once. So here you have three choices: You can use the card to get Luco back, save it for later, or use it to get back the two statues you lost to get Fox back. I'll let you decide, once you're done met me outside."

Diamondback, Fox and Brock discussed it for a bit, but when they came back.

"Yeah, we're going to go ahead and save the card for later," she said.

"Luco broke the rules," Diamondback agreed. "So he shouldn't have the opportunity to sabotage us again."

"It does feel like the most pragmatic route," Brock noted, before adding, "Though I would've taken the chance to get our two statues back."

"Not yet," Diamondback insisted, "There could be something even worse waiting for us in the next challenges.

(Since they chose to leave Luco he'll still get the plushie, but nothing else.)

He's just going to be excited to see how the rest of the challenges develop.

Once the team had made their choice they met with Jewel outside and she looked at them. "So beyond Luco's trolling, how did you find that?"

"Good," Fox replied. "Brought me back to some good ole days."

"Indeed," Diamondback said. "Quite a fun experience."

"The best," Brock agreed.

"And you have three statues which is 30 seconds which added to what you have and that's a total of 1 minute and 50 seconds." She pulled out the map. "So next is... at Gourd Caverns. Grab your things and let's go."

Jewel lead her team into a series of open-air caverns with pumpkins, melons, squash, cucumbers and other gourds growing all over the place. She brought them into an opened area where Luco and the two Drones were busy chowing down on pumpkins, one with their head inside a pumpkin - with Luco secretly drawing a jack-o-lantern over the back of the pumpkin where the back of the drone's head was, and over to a small catapult.

"Now team, Gourds have long played many important roles in Changeling culture, ranging from simply food to furniture to even armor and weapons from some very tough kinds. Of all the gourds Changelings crave however, the pumpkin is the top of the pile, to the point of being worshiped, as you can probably tell from the two Drones there chowing down."

The Drone in the pumpkin lifted his head up, but the pumpkin he was eating was stuck and he started acting like a cat with their head stuck in a bag or can as the other Drone tried to help him out. Luco just enjoyed the show with some pumpkin pie.

Fox sighed and ran over to help the drones, while Diamondback and Brock snickered at the antics.

"Changelings go completely bananas over any pumpkin-related foods, especially home-made pumpkin pie, we even have recipes dating back many generations. Now for your challenge; one thing Changeling Drones loved to do was use catapults like this one here to launch pumpkins, trying to hit targets like those down there." She pointed towards five red targets and eight black targets far from them. "Now you're going to do the same thing; the targets move however and you have a total of twenty shots. Hitting the red targets will give you statues, but each black target you hit will reduce the number of shots you have left and once one of you seats in the catapult seat you'll only have 3 minutes before the targets pull into the ground. Now normally the Drones would try to hinder you but... as you can see they're too busy chowing down. You ready?"

Fox stepped up to the plate. "Let's do this," she said.

"Then let's go!"

From there, Fox showed herself to be very talented with a catapult - though after she fumbled one of her shots, Brock took over as well, only to fumble his shot as well. Diamondback refused to use the catapult, citing it as totally different from her weapon, and so Fox and Brock went again.

Luckily, they didn't hit any black targets, but in the time it took them to figure out the catapult's controls and score their first target, they had only four shots left: one for each red target if they could get it right.

Terrified of falling behind, Fox and Brock agreed to team up. And together, they managed to score one... two... three of the targets.

With one final shot left, Fox, Brock and even Diamondback took careful aim.

They let the pumpkin fly...


It stuck it. The final red target went down in pumpkin pulp. :pinkiehappy: From the way Fox was cheering, one would swear she won the lottery.


Note: Sorry if this doesn't have quite as much detail. It's late where I'm at while I'm writing this, and I'm falling asleep. :ajsleepy:

I know how that feels; more then once I've leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes to listen to music, next thing I know I'm waking up from a nap.

From the way Fox was cheering, one would swear she won the lottery.

:rainbowlaugh: She's enjoying this alright.

And because I forgot this, again :facehoof:, the Team's reaction to the Gourd Caverns?

Dragonfly's Team

Once the team got clear of the explosions Dragonfly meet up with them.

"Good job guys, and nice use of the device Tex, how many did you get? Four statues, that's 40 seconds of time and with what you have that's a total of 2 minutes and 1o seconds. So our next location is... at the Mines. Okay let's go!"

As they reached the same ledge that overlooked the camp Dragonfly stopped them with a "WTF" look as he and his team saw the two Drones run up to the still-burning fire... holding sticks loaded with marshmallows. The two stopped and started trying to roast them, only for a few of the fuel containers to suddenly pop with a huge blast of fire and a loud bang that scared the two Drones, almost literally, out of their exoskeletons and they took of like the wind.

Surprisingly them didn't lose any of their marshmallows.

Dragonfly facehoofed. "Okay; I love smores, but seriously?!"

(Team's responses?)

They soon reached and entered the mines, Star mentioning the cart ride she'd done before and the crystal challenge only for Dragonfly to tell her they weren't doing either of those this time.

(Her response?)

Dragonfly brought them over to a set of ten tower-like structures with two levels and bridges between each tower, the set traveling over a dark pit.

"Okay team, welcome to the Mineshaft Towers and your next challenged. Now one of you will move along this path gathering statues as you go, there are four including the Ruby. However the path is set with obstacles and to get pass them your teammates will be above you pulling levels, lifting poles, lowering bridges, and pushing crafts to open the path for you. When you're ready push down on the Griffin skull behind use, it will release the first ramp but will also seal the door so wait until we're past the down and above you to help out. When you press the skull you'll have 2 minutes and 50 seconds to get from here to the end because once time runs out a bundle of TNT, which is also connected to the skull, will have its' fuse lit and when it explodes it will knock lose a hanging pallet of crates that will swing down and knock the supports of the final bridge to the exit down and send the bridge into the pit below." Dragonfly explained.

"Question?" (which one asked?)


"If we don't get the the end it time, why can't the one below fly out?"

"Well as you might have noticed the walls of the towers and bridges have cage walls built into them; that was a safety feature that was turned into a trap of its' own, for at the end when the crates knock the supports out it will also knock loose an old counterweight that will cause a cage door to slam upwards, sealing the one below in."

The team talked for a moment and once they selected the one below Dragonfly lead the others out the entryway and up a set of stairs to the things they would be using to help their teammate.

"Okay you ready?"


Go for it!"

Jewel's Team

Jewel, smiling at Fox's cheer, called them over once the ammo had ran out.

"Well done guys, how many statues did you get?" The team counted and they had gotten all five statues. " that's 50 seconds and with what you have that's a total of 2 minutes and 40 seconds of time. How did you find that challenge?"

(Team's response?)

Jewel pulled out the map, but before she could read the next challenge the two Drones came over to them with a large fresh-out-of-the-oven pumpkin pie and offered some slices, which Jewel gladly took one.

(Team's response?)

"Okay, now with that little snack your next challenge is... at the Gem Lagoon."

(Team's response?)

"Alright, grab your bags and let's go."

Jewel lead her team into a large chamber with a large lagoon surrounded by five tall waterfalls and the walls and floor were covered or made of various gemstones where the Drones were tossing large green crystals into the lagoon as the group arrived.

"The Gem Lagoon, the most beautiful place in the Changeling Kingdoms and the most sacred place to the Changelings as it was also the only source of crystal clean fresh water so pure it could heal even the worst of wounds."

(Team's response?)

"As a tribute Drones would toss in large crystals every week. Your task is for two of you to swim down and open those crystals to find statues while the other holds this net here that the others throw the statues in. I don't know which crystals have the statues to open as may as you can, also the Gem Lagoon formed over a volcanic vent so once you enter the water you'll have two minutes before the heat reaches dangerous levels. Are you ready?"

(Team's response?)

"Then go!"

Group Admin


I know how that feels; more then once I've leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes to listen to music, next thing I know I'm waking up from a nap.

Yep. Doesn't help that my job has a lot of physical labor involved, so I'm usually exhausted when I get back from it. :ajsleepy:

the Team's reaction to the Gourd Caverns?

Fox would be reminded of her origins as a farm girl, though she would note that there were more dogs around her home, since her farm was a hunting hound breeding farm.

Diamondback would get a little jealous - since she's actually a very good gardener, though she's never quite tried her hand at the various gourds that were set before her.

And Brock would be enjoying Diamondback's envy, for while he does care about and like her, even he won't be able to resist snickering when Diamondback's ego takes a hit.

Dragonfly's Team

Once the team got clear of the explosions Dragonfly meet up with them.

"Good job guys, and nice use of the device Tex."

"When it got right down to it," Tex said proudly. "It was a sci-fi lasso. Right up my alley."

"How many did you get? Four statues, that's 40 seconds of time and with what you have that's a total of 2 minutes and 1o seconds. So our next location is... at the Mines. Okay let's go!"

As they reached the same ledge that overlooked the camp Dragonfly stopped them with a "WTF" look as he and his team saw the two Drones run up to the still-burning fire... holding sticks loaded with marshmallows. The two stopped and started trying to roast them, only for a few of the fuel containers to suddenly pop with a huge blast of fire and a loud bang that scared the two Drones, almost literally, out of their exoskeletons and they took off like the wind.

Surprisingly they didn't lose any of their marshmallows.

Dragonfly facehoofed. "Okay; I love smores, but seriously?!"

"What?" Star asked, "I know I'd be willing to take some risks for that marshmallow goodness."

"Yeah, but you're you, Wing," Tex replied. "Some of us are a little more... let's be polite and call it pragmatic."

"Or lactose-intolerant," Marcus added with a grimace.

Swift looked at him in confusion. "Dogs are lactose-intolerant?"

"No," Marcus teased. "We just don't put up with lactose's stupid drama. Don't have the enzymes for it."

Note: I did some research on Google, and it turns out dogs actually do lack the necessary enzymes for digesting lactose sugars, meaning it's not usually a good idea to give them things like cow's milk.

They soon reached and entered the mines, Star regaling her team with tales of the cart ride she'd done before and the crystal challenge only for Dragonfly to tell her they weren't doing either of those this time.

Star clapped her hooves in glee. "Oh-ho-ho, so we're going to do something new, eh?" She grinned at the rest of her team. "Oh, you guys are in for a treat now. Who knows what adventures await us!"

Dragonfly brought them over to a set of ten tower-like structures with two levels and bridges between each tower, the set traveling over a dark pit.

"Okay team, welcome to the Mineshaft Towers and your next challenge. Now one of you will move along this path gathering statues as you go, there are four including the Ruby. However the path is set with obstacles and to get pass them your teammates will be above you pulling levels, lifting poles, lowering bridges, and pushing crafts to open the path for you. When you're ready push down on the Griffin skull behind us, it will release the first ramp but will also seal the door so wait until we're past the down and above you to help out. When you press the skull you'll have 2 minutes and 50 seconds to get from here to the end because once time runs out a bundle of TNT, which is also connected to the skull, will have its' fuse lit and when it explodes it will knock lose a hanging pallet of crates that will swing down and knock the supports of the final bridge to the exit down and send the bridge into the pit below." Dragonfly explained.

"Question?" Tex asked.


"If we don't get the the end it time, why can't the one below fly out?"

Swift gaped at her. "What makes you thinks the one below will be capable of flight?"

"Relax Swift," Wing said. "There's only a fifty fifty chance it'll be you."

"That's not as comforting as I think you think it is!"

"Anyway, Tex does raise a good point," Wing noted. "If it was Swift or me down there, would it only be good sportsmanship that would keep us from flying across, or do you have something more fun in mind?"

"Well as you might have noticed the walls of the towers and bridges have cage walls built into them; that was a safety feature that was turned into a trap of its' own, for at the end when the crates knock the supports out it will also knock loose an old counterweight that will cause a cage door to slam upwards, sealing the one below in."

Swift gulped, but Tex was giving him a proud look, and motioned the others into a huddle.

The team talked for a moment, and though Swift still was sweating feathers again, Tex spoke softly to him, letting him press his head against hers. And while what she said to him was inaudible, it got him to stand tall as Dragonfly lead the others out the entryway and up a set of stairs to the things they would be using to help their teammate.

"Okay you ready?"

"Yes sir!" the trio declared.

Swift himself took a massive breath... and a change came over him. His fidgeting ceased, his feathers stopped shedding. And when he opened his blue eyes, they were sharp and focused like an eagle. "Ready," he said.

"Go for it!"

Swift ran through the course with a precision that his nervous, twitchy demeanor from before had never even implied he was capable of. Marcus and Star almost panicked themselves, fearing that he would try to clear obstacles before they had managed to fix them.

But Tex showed that while her agility had suffered, her bond with Swift had only strengthened, and she flew through the mechanisms like a champ, clearing the path for Swift and allowing him to snatch up one, two, three... finally the Ruby statue was snatched up by his talons. And with a shocking full one minute left on the clock, Swift sped across the finish line and lined up his four statues before Tex.

Comically, once his victory was assured, Swift let out a massive breath like he had been holding it for the whole minute and fifty seconds he had been sprinting through the course. He then fell right onto his side, trembling once more and mumbling, "I can't believe I managed that."

Tex, however, grinned like a proud mother and hugged him. "You always had it in ya, Swift. And you showed that today."

[Would Dragonfly have any reaction to Swift managing to go from cowardly to focused and then right back again like flicking on a light switch?]

Jewel's Team

Jewel, smiling at Fox's cheer, called them over once the ammo had ran out.

"Well done guys, how many statues did you get?" The team counted and they had gotten all five statues. "That's 50 seconds and with what you have that's a total of 2 minutes and 40 seconds of time. How did you find that challenge?"

"Exciting," Fox admitted, spinning a handcuff on her hoof. "I learned how to use nunchuks and handcuffs to sling things at others. So it was fun getting to adapt my skills a little."

"And the pumpkin pie on the side didn't hurt," Brock noted, enjoying a slice for himself.

Diamondback huffed. "I can make pumpkin pie..." she noted pompously.

"Probably not as good as this though," Brock teased, grinning as Diamondback sputtered and jingled her diamonds at him before realizing he was teasing her, leading her to turn her back on him with a haughty 'HMPH!'

Jewel pulled out the map, but before she could read the next challenge the two Drones came over to them with a large fresh-out-of-the-oven pumpkin pie and offered some slices, which Jewel gladly took one.

Brock happily took another one, while Fox helped herself to a slice as well. Diamondback tried to play it aloof, but Brock took a piece for her and set it down next to her, patting her leg as a sign that he meant no ill will, and neither did the drones.

Though even then, Diamondback waited until the others had turned their backs to take the pie. Brock and Fox just shared a knowing grin as they heard Diamondback enjoying her pie behind them.

"Okay, now with that little snack your next challenge is... at the Gem Lagoon."

Diamondback's eyes widened and sparkled. :raritystarry: "Gem... Lagoon? Did you just say 'GEM' Lagoon?"

"This should be good," Brock mused, sharing a smirk with Fox.

"Alright, grab your bags and let's go."

Jewel - barely keeping ahead of a very excited Diamondback - lead her team into a large chamber with a large lagoon surrounded by five tall waterfalls and the walls and floor were covered or made of various gemstones where the Drones were tossing large green crystals into the lagoon as the group arrived.

It shouldn't have been possible for Diamondback's eyes to get any bigger. But somehow, she managed it, as her eyes got so big, she looked like an anime character.

Behind her, Brock and Fox were struggling not to crack up.

[Jewel's reaction to Diamondback going full anime fangirl mode upon seeing the Gem Lagoon?]

"The Gem Lagoon, the most beautiful place in the Changeling Kingdoms and the most sacred place to the Changelings as it was also the only source of crystal clean fresh water so pure it could heal even the worst of wounds."

Brock hummed. "So, I take it that washing our pits in the water is an out."

Diamondback gasped and pointed at Brock. "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, MISTER!"

"DB, calm yourself before you have a heart attack," Fox recommended. "He's messing with you."

"ARRGH!" Diamondback huffed in frustration.

Fox stepped forward. "Let's go ahead and get to the explanation and challenge, please. I'd rather these two not start brawling..." she paused, glancing at Brock as he was grinning more flirtatiously at an indignant Diamondback :raritywink:. "...or doing anything else other than winning this challenge."

Brock heard her, and shook off his teasing side, looking to Jewel with a stone cold professional look. "Right. Details?"

"As a tribute Drones would toss in large crystals every week. Your task is for two of you to swim down and open those crystals to find statues while the other holds this net here that the others throw the statues in. I don't know which crystals have the statues to open as may as you can, also the Gem Lagoon formed over a volcanic vent so once you enter the water you'll have two minutes before the heat reaches dangerous levels. Are you ready?"

"More than ready," Diamondback declared. "My diamond skin survived the heart of a volcano. A mere vent won't be enough to..."

"DB!" Fox hissed. "Don't you remember the rules? No special powers or abilities that will give you an unfair advantage."

"Oh," Diamondback mumbled. "Er... right. Yes. Jolly good."

"Then go!"

After a quick head count, Fox and Brock leaped into the water, Diamondback pouting as Brock took the time to smirk at her and raise his arms to show off his pits... or more possibly his abs; he was a rather rugged individual. :raritywink:

If Jewel asked what was going on between Diamondback and Brock, she sighed and said, "We dated in the past." :ajbemused:

She didn't say much more, mainly because at that moment, Fox and Brock's technique came into play. Being the heaviest of the group, Brock sunk right to the bottom, and with his earth dragon strength, he easily cracked open crystal after crystal. Every time he found a statue, he'd hurl it up to the surface, where Fox was waiting to grab the statue and toss it into Diamondback's waiting net.

For the first minute and a half, their technique made good progress, and they soon had a collection of five statues (I think, I'm not sure how many statues were down there)

However, as the thirty second mark was reached, they encountered a massive problem: Brock was so heavy that he couldn't swim his way back to the surface.

As the temperature of the water began to rise, Fox tried with all her might to tug him back up, but not even her strength was enough to move him.

For a scary moment, it seemed like he was going to be stuck down there when the water reached dangerous levels.

But at the very last second, Diamondback swooped into the rescue, her earth dragon strength tipping the scales enough so that she and Fox managed to pull Brock from the water right before it got too dangerous for them.

Diamondback's pull put her on her back while Brock was left straddling her.

"You... saved me," he noted, for once not teasing.

Diamondback was blushing, but covered it with a scoff. "Well, I'm certain the drones would have found a way to help you in time. I just decided it'd be generous to save them the effort."

Brock smiled warmly. "You're a good woman, DB." He then stole a kiss before Fox batted him off.

"Save your love-making for after the challenge," Fox insisted. "DB, on your feet."

Diamondback just barely obeyed, touching where Brock had kissed her as her diamonds began to resemble rubies.

[Jewel's reaction to Diamondback and Brock's mutual attraction?]

Was going to post yesterday but things came up and by the time it was done I wasn't in the mood, but now;

Note: I did some research on Google, and it turns out dogs actually do lack the necessary enzymes for digesting lactose sugars, meaning it's not usually a good idea to give them things like cow's milk.

Good to know for the future, never given any of my dogs milk as far as I can remember, but still nice to know.

[Would Dragonfly have any reaction to Swift managing to go from cowardly to focused and then right back again like flicking on a light switch?]

Surprise at first, then impressed followed by wonderment no how it happened and eventually concluding that perhaps the bond Tex and Swift share had something to do with it.

Diamondback's eyes widened and sparkled. :raritystarry: "Gem... Lagoon? Did you just say 'GEM' Lagoon?"

Of course she'd get excited. :twilightsmile:

[Jewel's reaction to Diamondback going full anime fangirl mode upon seeing the Gem Lagoon?]

Jewel would be smiling wide, happy to see DB's joy. :twilightsmile:

[Jewel's reaction to Diamondback and Brock's mutual attraction?]

Jewel would smile knowingly, letting them have their moment.

Dragonfly's Team
"Well Swift I have to agree with Tex, you did very well and now have the record for the fastest time on this challenge." Dragonfly said.

(Swift's response?)

"Indeed, so you got all four including the Ruby. That's 1 minute of time and with what you have that's a total of 3 minutes and 10 seconds and one last challenge to go. So that will be... back at the Fortress, first time I think a team has had two challenges at he same place. Grab your things and let's move."

Arriving at the Fortress again Dragonfly lead his team to the Fortress and up the tallest tower, finding a ballista with a large scope mounted on top that was on the smaller size but still large waiting for them. When they reached the top they paused for a moment to catch their breath.

"I think an elevator for this tower would be a good idea. Okay team." Dragonfly began after the rest. "This challenge is quite simple; all you need to do is use this ballista here to snipe those eight moving targets down there." He pointed at the targets, which were quite a distance from the two both because of the height and distance from the base of the tower. "Four statues are up for grabs, but you only have nine shots so you can afford to only miss once if you want to hit all eight targets."

(Teams' response?)

"Okay team, are you ready? GO!"

Jewel's Team

Once DB and Brock had their moment Jewel gathered them together.

"Well team how did you find that?"

(Team's response?)

"So looks like you got five statues (that was the number I was going for. :twilightsmile:), that's 50 seconds and your total is at 3 minutes and 30 seconds of time which is great and we still have one challenge left. SO for the last challenge... it's at the Mines. Grab you gear and let's go."

Jewel lead the team into the Mine and up to the large mine cart.

"Welcome team to the Mine, it was once dug out by Griffin explorers looking for treasure but after a series of mishaps and disasters, many of which fatal, they left disgraced and empty-clawed. The Changelings took over the place and turned the series of mineshafts and tunnels into sort of a jungle-gym and training ground, though some believe the place is haunted from strange sights and noises.

(Team's response?)

Your job here is to ride that mine cart down a series of rollercoster-like track grabbing statues as you go around a few laps, with four statues to collect including the last two Sapphires and because the cart moves fast you'll need to be quick to grab them. Now soon after the challenge starts the Drones will arrive in their own cart armed with a gel ball cannon firing a barrage of the things at you. Now Gel Balls hit no harder than a snowball would as just a heads-up. You ready?"

(Team's response?)

"Alright, when you're ready just pull the brake lever on the front back. I'll meet you at the end." Jewel said then as the team climbed into the cart she took a hidden path to the end of the track.

Group Admin


Was going to post yesterday but things came up and by the time it was done I wasn't in the mood

No worries, I get that. Earlier today, I had to do a massive rewrite of one of my novel drafts and was worried I was going to be late in responding to posts.

Luckily, my rewrite is complete, and I was able to get to the posts anyway, so...

Good to know for the future, never given any of my dogs milk as far as I can remember, but still nice to know.

:twilightsmile: 👍

Surprise at first, then impressed followed by wonderment on how it happened and eventually concluding that perhaps the bond Tex and Swift share had something to do with it.

It had a little to do with it, yeah. I've been experimenting a bit more with characters, and I liked the idea of Swift having that ability to be fidgety when casual while being focused when in really tense situations.

It's sort of a nice mix between his current characterization and his previous characterizations, where before I brought him onto the forum, I had the idea of him being more straight-laced like Applejack or even pompous like Rarity, before I decided that him being nervous made for a more fun character.

Of course she'd get excited. :twilightsmile:

She loves her gems. :twilightsmile:

Dragonfly's Team
"Well Swift I have to agree with Tex, you did very well and now have the record for the fastest time on this challenge." Dragonfly said.

Swift gasped. "Really?" He even made a face similar to this:

"Indeed, so you got all four including the Ruby. That's 1 minute of time and with what you have that's a total of 3 minutes and 10 seconds and one last challenge to go. So that will be... back at the Fortress, first time I think a team has had two challenges at he same place. Grab your things and let's move."

The team did so, Tex and Wing patting Swift on the back and even Marcus hugging Swift, as the griffon-dragon looked almost ready to pass out from sheer glee.

Arriving at the Fortress again Dragonfly lead his team to the Fortress and up the tallest tower, finding a ballista with a large scope mounted on top that was on the smaller size but still large waiting for them. When they reached the top they paused for a moment to catch their breath.

"I think an elevator for this tower would be a good idea," Dragonfly noted.

Tex and Marcus in particular gave thumbs up on that idea, as both were leaning over, panting.

"You two okay?" Star asked.

"Do you need me?" Swift asked in concern, already wafting cooler air towards them.

"Nah, I'm fine, Swift," Tex assured him with a grin. "Just realizing I need to work on my cardio."

"That or you're not as young as you used to be," Marcus offered.

"You don't get to talk, kiddo," Tex said, though she was grinning. "You're panting worse than I am."

"Hey," Marcus teased right back. "I'm a dog, remember? Panting helps us cool off; I sweat through my mouth."

Wing paused to consider that. "Does that mean your spit is salty like sweat?"

"You don't know?" Marcus asked, humming. "I could've sworn you and Celine..."

"SO! Dragonfly, my love-my-darling!" Wing declared, getting a sudden burst of energy as she shot over to her lover. "What's next on the challenges?"

"Okay team." Dragonfly began. "This challenge is quite simple; all you need to do is use this ballista here to snipe those eight moving targets down there." He pointed at the targets, which were quite a distance from the two both because of the height and distance from the base of the tower. "Four statues are up for grabs, but you only have nine shots so you can afford to only miss once if you want to hit all eight targets."

Immediately, Star, Marcus and Tex's eyes turned to Swift, who sighed.

"Sorry, Swift," Star noted. "I hate to ask for you to carry this team twice, but you're the best shot with a bow and arrow."

Swift indicated the ballista. "That's not a bow and arrow, guys; that's a ballista."

"Which is pretty much a giant bow and arrow," Tex replied.

Marcus scoffed. "Look, Swift already did awesome on the last challenge. Let's give him a rest." He stepped up to the ballista. "See what the next generation has to offer."

"Okay team, are you ready?"

Marcus nodded.


Marcus took careful aim, fired... and missed.

"Wow," Tex drawled, as Marcus went bright red from embarrassment. "Next Generation's got a lot to offer, don't they?"

"Tex, be nice," Star chastised.

Despite Star's defense, Swift came up. "Alright, Marcus," he said. "Let me take the rein."

"No, wait!" Marcus insisted. "I can..."

"Marcus," Tex said firmly. "Ya heard the Prince; we can only afford to miss once, and you missed." She nodded at Swift. "Let him do his thing."

Marcus gave a longing look at the targets, before sighing and letting Swift take over. "If it had been with guns or something..." Marcus muttered as he took a seat next to Tex.

Sure enough, letting Swift take over proved the better option: his first shot not only plugged a target, but netted them a statue as well. Then he hit another, though that was empty. And another, which bore a second statue.

Soon there were only three targets left and one statue left to find. Swift took careful aim, but noticed Marcus looking morose.

Swift's eyebrows knit in concern, but when Marcus looked back up at him, Swift tried to look away... and hit the trigger too soon.

"NO!" Swift yelped as his shot went wide. They still had three targets, and now only two shots were left.


"Swift, what happened?" Tex demanded.

"I... I..." Swift stammered, running his talons through his head feathers as he backed up. His feathers were getting as pale as snow.

"Hey, don't panic now," Tex warned him. "Breathe!"

As Tex calmed Swift down, Marcus looked to Star, who was watching him.

"Please," he said. "Let me try again."

Star looked uncertain, but with Swift needing to sit down, hyperventilating from his mistake while Tex tended to him, she could see this was Marcus' chance to shine.

"Okay," she decided, offering the ballista to Marcus.

Marcus stepped up, and took more time with the bolt launcher, checking its systems and trajectory. He swiveled it towards one of the last three targets, shut one eye, aimed...

And their second to last shot flew clean over his target. Three targets were left, one containing the statue, and now they only had one shot left.


Tex now needed to give Swift a paper bag, he was hyperventilating so badly. "Star, this ain't a good idea," Tex insisted.

"He'll be fine," Star insisted, giving a comforting look to Marcus. "Try again."

Marcus swallowed, and adjusted his aim. His fingers trembled on the release trigger.

"Oh, man..." he whimpered. "What if this is the wrong target? What if it...?"

"Don't overthink it," Star warned him. "That's what Swift did, and that's why he's panicking right now. Just breathe, and trust your gut."

Marcus briefly looked at her, before looking at the target again. He adjusted the ballista, took a breath, fired...

And the last bolt not only hit the target dead center, but dropped the last statue they needed.


Star whooped and picked Marcus up, putting her on her shoulder. "That's how you do it, kid!" she cheered for him.

Tex was shocked for a second, but she couldn't help but smile, Star's laughter being very contagious. "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle," the gunslinger noted with a laugh of her own.

As for Swift... his laugh wasn't too breathless. And if Dragonfly was watching closely, he might've seen a mischievous glint in Swift's eye as he joined in congratulating an extremely happy Marcus.

[Dragonfly's thoughts on Swift faking his panic attack so Marcus could get a win?]

Jewel's Team

Once DB and Brock had their moment Jewel gathered them together.

"Well team how did you find that?"

"Exciting," Fox replied. "Brings me back to my hunter days."

"Yeah, it was pretty fun," Brock replied neutrally, though he was also grinning.

Diamondback gave him a side eye before chuckling. "This man..." she sighed with a shake of her head.

"So looks like you got five statues, that's 50 seconds and your total is at 3 minutes and 30 seconds of time which is great and we still have one challenge left. So for the last challenge... it's at the Mines. Grab your gear and let's go."

Jewel lead the team into the Mine and up to the large mine cart.

"Welcome team to the Mine, it was once dug out by Griffin explorers looking for treasure but after a series of mishaps and disasters, many fatal, they left disgraced and empty-clawed. The Changelings took over the place and turned the series of mineshafts and tunnels into sort of a jungle-gym and training ground, though some believe the place is haunted from strange sights and noises."

Brock and Diamondback chuckled, looking around happily.

"We'll see about that," Diamondback noted, before stepping close to the edge. "Attention all ghosts and ghouls," she called into the depths. "As of now, you are being graced by the presence of the Terra-Drakes Diamondback and Brock. Haunt us at your peril, for the earth is our kingdom!"

Brock shook his head, and glanced at Fox and Jewel. "Watch us fail abysmally just because DB decided she was going to be cocky."

"I'd rather not," Fox said. "I want to win this thing."

[Jewel's input?]

"Your job here is to ride that mine cart down a series of rollercoster-like track grabbing statues as you go around a few laps, with four statues to collect including the last two Sapphires and because the cart moves fast you'll need to be quick to grab them. Now soon after the challenge starts the Drones will arrive in their own cart armed with a gel ball cannon firing a barrage of the things at you. Now Gel Balls hit no harder than a snowball would as just a heads-up. You ready?"

Diamondback was already in the cart. "Come along, darlings," Diamondback declared. "And fear not, dear Fox; with two earth dragons on your team, in a mine, you have no chance of losing!"

"Don't get the girl's hopes up," Brock noted as he joined Diamondback in the cart. "Forget tempting fate, you're downright seducing it at this point."

Fox herself had a bit of a comical time trying to get into the cart, as both Diamondback and Brock were such giants by comparison that the cart barely fit both of them. Finally, Fox managed to perch herself on Brock's head, nodding at Jewel in confirmation that she was ready.

"Alright, when you're ready just pull the brake lever on the front back. I'll meet you at the end." Jewel said then with the team already in the cart, she took a hidden path to the end of the track.

"Well," Diamondback noted. "Here we go." She pulled the brake lever... and the cart stayed in place.

Diamondback sighed. "Brock, what have I told you about those extra snacks?"

Brock smirked before leaning forward. His extra weight allowed the cart to finally move forward into a very bumpy rollar coaster ride.

Since Brock was such a big guy, the cart would go down faster and then have trouble climbing up. Though he also had his uses: since Fox was able to perch on his body, he just had to lean his arms out, and Fox was able to hang off him like a jungle gym, making it easier for her to snatch the first statue, since he could just hold her out like a little kitten.

Unfortunately, their plan hit a bit of a snag when the drones and their gel cannon showed up. Though their gel balls didn't hurt, they did cause Brock to get distracted, trying to wave them off and accidentally leading to him using Fox as a mare shield.

"Brock-BROCK-BR-ACK-PHBBBBTT!" Fox stammered as she was pelted with gel balls.

"Oh, for goodness' sake!" Diamondback whined, barely managing to snag the second statue. Even so, doing so left her hanging halfway out of the cart, with her flank on full display.

[Would the drones have any reaction to DB accidentally mooning them?]

If the drones took the opportunity to shoot at her exposed rear, Brock moved to protect his ex-lover, even trying to catch a gel ball to throw back. Unfortunately, his hands were incredibly big and clumsy, and the gel balls either exploded against his hands or got crushed when he tried to grab them.

To add insult to injury, Brock's lumbering to try and defend Diamondback caused the cart to lurch forward and go even faster. And though Fox tried to make a grab for the third (and first sapphire) statue, she had to avoid Brock's flailing limbs, and cursed as the third statue passed them by.

"So, guys?" Fox asked. "We lost the third statue."

Brock took a moment to glare at Diamondback. "What did I tell you, DB?" he asked. "Those drones must be named Karma and Fate, because you mooned them and made them want you."

"Oh, hush you!" Diamondback insisted. "It's on a lap system; we can try again, and still get the fourth one."

"Speaking of which!" Fox noted, pointing out the fourth statue, which was coming up fast.

Acting quickly, Brock threw himself backward, and his weight helped slow the cart down enough for Fox to snatch the statue, while Diamondback covered her from the drones.

As they did another lap, Brock continued to utilize his weight to make it hard for the drones to hit their cart, regularly causing it to slow and speed up. Though he got a little too into his dodging skills, and Diamondback and Fox missed the final statue a second time when he once again made them lurch forward too fast.

"Brock, this is not a game of dodgeball!" Fox barked. "We need that last statue."

Brock hummed, before glaring at the drones.

[What would the drones be doing, considering that they've kept them from getting the last statue so far?]

"Then it's time to do what I do best," Brock said, before shifting and planting himself before the girls, making himself a shield for them.

Though his actions were well intentioned - and the drones were unable to hit anything but him - he also caused the cart to lean dangerously to the side. Diamondback and Fox threw their weight against the other end of the cart, but it just barely balanced them out.

Acting fast, Fox once again climbed outside the cart. "DB!" she barked.

Understanding, DB hung onto her for dear life. And with Brock keeping them safe from the changelings, Fox merely had to lean back, reach out her hoof, and when the final statue passed them for the last time, she snatched it right off its perch.

"WOO!" Fox cheered, before pausing. "Please tell me Cat wasn't watching that. I know he's waiting to make some jokes about how he rubbed off on me."

"Don't worry about that, dear," Diamondback replied with a grin. "Just be happy that we achieved victory."

"On this challenge, sure," Fox agreed, as the ride came to an end, and the cart neared Jewel. "But we still got one more to go... don't we, Queen Jewel?"


It's sort of a nice mix between his current characterization and his previous characterizations, where before I brought him onto the forum, I had the idea of him being more straight-laced like Applejack or even pompous like Rarity, before I decided that him being nervous made for a more fun character.

Well I think it works. :twilightsmile:

She loves her gems. :twilightsmile:

She's gonna be revisiting the Gem Lagoon. :twilightsmile:

"NO!" Swift yelped as his shot went wide. They still had three targets, and now only two shots were left.

Dragonfly winced but didn't say anything, not wanting to make the situation worse.

And their second to last shot flew clean over his target. Three targets were left, one containing the statue, and now they only had one shot left.

Dragon's ears pinned to his head. "Ooohhh crap."

And the last bolt not only hit the target dead center, but dropped the last statue they needed.

Dragonfly joined in on the cheering, congratulating Marcus.

As for Swift... his laugh wasn't too breathless. And if Dragonfly was watching closely, he might've seen a mischievous glint in Swift's eye as he joined in congratulating an extremely happy Marcus.

Dragonfly spotted the glint, and after a moment smiled in approval 'Nice going Swift.' He thought to himself.

"I'd rather not," Fox said. "I want to win this thing."

Jewel chuckled. "Well I don't think we have to worry about any hauntings this time around.

"Don't get the girl's hopes up," Brock noted as he joined Diamondback in the cart. "Forget tempting fate, you're downright seducing it at this point."

:rainbowlaugh: He's not wrong you know.

"Brock-BROCK-BR-ACK-PHBBBBTT!" Fox stammered as she was pelted with gel balls.

:rainbowlaugh: Wonder how Cat and Rico are going to react to that when they find out.

[Would the drones have any reaction to DB accidentally mooning them?]

Both would be stunned for a second, then start focusing their fire thinking she did it on purpose, only later finding out it was by accident.

Brock hummed, before glaring at the drones.

Both Drones returned the glare with smirks, though those smirks disappeared when their gel cannon suddenly jammed, forcing them to fix it.

(Team's reaction?)

"WOO!" Fox cheered, before pausing. "Please tell me Cat wasn't watching that. I know he's waiting to make some jokes about how he rubbed off on me."

Hold that thought for a moment. :trixieshiftright:

"On this challenge, sure," Fox agreed, as the ride came to an end, and the cart neared Jewel. "But we still got one more to go... don't we, Queen Jewel?"

"Well first Fox; you don't have to call me Queen. I gave up my Royal Titles long ago to become a Valkyrie as a final "Buck you" to my father. Never regretted it for a moment. But to answer your question; let me check... Oh, that was the last challenge, next is The Den."

Dragonfly's Team

"Well done guys, you got all four statues and with the others you now have a total of 3 minutes and 50 seconds of time. You ready to tackle The Den?"

(Team's response?)

"Then grab you gear and let's go!"

Jewel's Team

As the team was getting out of the cart Fox felt something tap her shoulder and she turned to see Cat's eye's and grin in the darkness before he winked and vanished.

(Fox's response?)

"Well done Team, how did you find that?"

(Team's response?)

"Oh and DB; the Drones' send their apologizes for pelting your rear with gel balls, they honestly thought you were mooning them on purpose."

(DB's response?)

"Only so you got all four including the two Sapphires which is 1 minute of time and with you other statues you now have a total of 4 minutes and 30 seconds which is the maximum amount of time you can have in The Den, which is our next spot. You guys ready to tackle The Den?"

(Team's response?)

"Then grab your gear and let's GO!"

The two Teams met-up and they quickly reached the Den, stopping at the top of the stairs seeing the four Drones having a little game playing a form of "Dance Dance Revolution" when Dragonfly turned the music off, causing the Drones to look at him.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but..."

(Teams' response?)

The four Drones nodded in understanding, picked up the boombox they had been using and ran off as the teams went to the twin podiums.

"Well teams," Dragonfly began. "You've done well and now we're standing right at the twin entrances of the Den."

"The very birth place of the Dragon Changeling Breed, though like the other locations this is a replica and little is known about the place itself as it was razed to the ground long ago." Jewel explained. "Only a few Dragon Changelings, though the exact number is unknown, were created before they broke free and scorched earthed the place."


"What we do know is that Dragon Changelings are by far the most powerful Breed; be able to easily withstand blows that by rights would level a city. In a way I think they could be considered Kaiju." Dragonfly said.


"But onto the task at hoof." Jewel said. "Now place your statues into the slots though give me and Dragonfly the last ones." She said. The teams did so as Dragonfly continued.

"Now once the last statues are in place the Dragon heads will open and you can enter the Den's rooms; inside you'll find a series of puzzles (Same as before, for the last puzzle I had a hard choice between two; Skoll, referencing the first one, and Demon, in the end I picked the latter with the question being "An Entity from the Nine Circles"), simple ones, and to unlock the next room you must complete each one. After the first puzzle you'll start finding the four Changeling Icons: the Topaz Soldier, the Opal Skirmisher, the Tanzanite Juggernaut, and finally the Diamond Dragon at the end. You must complete the puzzles, grab the Icons, and get out of the Den before time runs out or anyone left inside when it closes will be locked inside and lose. Also while are two of the first three, there is only one Diamond Dragon. The way the chambers are set up is like two L-shapes meeting at the bent section, the cover for it is cut in half and only the puzzle on the respective sides will open that same side."

"And when you hear this sound: *Airhorn alarm* That means you'll only have 30 seconds and must get out of there ASAP, and remember that even getting just one of the Icons still counts as winning.


"Also," Dragonfly said, "I feel like I should address something; while getting out with even one Icon counts as winning, the point is to get as many as you can. Jewel's last team had a.... bit of an issue with one member not understanding that."


"Okay teams," Dragonfly and Jewel smiled at each other and placed the last statues, Ruby for both, in the last slots.

"GO!" Both shouted as the Dragon heads opened wide.

Star, remembering last time, tested to see if the barrier was still there and discovered it was. But, while she couldn't do the puzzles herself, that didn't stop her from helping her teammates do it.

Group Admin


Well I think it works. :twilightsmile:

Awesome. :pinkiehappy:

She's gonna be revisiting the Gem Lagoon. :twilightsmile:

Oh, absolutely. :raritystarry: Get herself some nice spa equipment and just have fun down there.

Dragonfly spotted the glint, and after a moment smiled in approval 'Nice going Swift.' He thought to himself.

Let it not be said that Swift doesn't have a heart or is willing to take some risks.

Jewel chuckled. "Well I don't think we have to worry about any hauntings this time around.

"Certainly not," Diamondback replied happily. "My announcement surely scared them all off."

:rainbowlaugh: He's not wrong you know.

😆 Yeah, and that's honestly the best part.

:rainbowlaugh: Wonder how Cat and Rico are going to react to that when they find out.

Cat would just shake his head and note that was why he was happy with just one run through the challenges, while Rico would recognize it wasn't entirely Brock's fault, and that besides that, Fox has taken worse.

Both Drones returned the glare with smirks, though those smirks disappeared when their gel cannon suddenly jammed, forcing them to fix it.

This time, Brock got to return their smirk, before sitting up and noting to the girls how he had an idea that would lead them to finally get that last statue.

"Well first Fox; you don't have to call me Queen. I gave up my Royal Titles long ago to become a Valkyrie as a final "Buck you" to my father. Never regretted it for a moment.

"Oh," Fox looked uncertain for a moment. "Right, sorry, you were associated with Dragonfly, so I thought a title was appropriate, but... anyway, that wasn't our last challenge, right?"

"Let me check... Oh, that was the last challenge, next is The Den."

Dragonfly's Team

"Well done guys, you got all four statues and with the others you now have a total of 3 minutes and 50 seconds of time. You ready to tackle The Den?"

Star, Marcus, Swift and Tex all cheered.

"Then grab you gear and let's go!"

Jewel's Team

As the team was getting out of the cart Fox felt something tap her shoulder and she turned to see Cat's eye's and grin in the darkness before he winked and vanished.

Fox groaned and face-palmed. "I knew it." She sighed. "Yes, ha-ha-ha, very funny, wasn't it, Cat. The noble officer of the law had sticky fingers. Or sticky hooves... whatever!"

"How do you think they got so sticky?" Cat teased from the shadows.

Fox's Nidrik form nearly flared up, but Brock caught her attention.

"Fox, we gotta go," he noted.

Fox sighed, but glanced at the shadows. "You just wait until this challenge is done and I find you."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it, babe," Cat replied mischievously.

Sighing, Fox joined her team.

"Well done Team, how did you find that?"

"I had fun with the cart," Brock admitted.

"I suppose I learned not to be too certain of victory," Diamondback admitted. "No matter how many advantages we have."

"And while this was fun," Fox noted. "I'm eager to get to the Den so that I can start hunting down Cat and making him pay for that joke he just told me."

"Oh and DB; the Drones' send their apologizes for pelting your rear with gel balls, they honestly thought you were mooning them on purpose."

Diamondback tilted her head. "They tried to shoot my rear? But I didn't..." She suddenly noticed just how wet Brock was with gel. "Oh..."

Brock gave her a grin. "I gotcha covered, DB."

"Only so you got all four including the two Sapphires which is 1 minute of time and with you other statues you now have a total of 4 minutes and 30 seconds which is the maximum amount of time you can have in The Den, which is our next spot. You guys ready to tackle The Den?"

Diamondback tossed her head with a grin, and Fox and Brock both cracked their knuckles. "Let's do it."

"Then grab your gear and let's GO!"

The two Teams met-up and they quickly reached the Den, stopping at the top of the stairs seeing the four Drones having a little game playing a form of "Dance Dance Revolution" when Dragonfly turned the music off, causing the Drones to look at him.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but..."

"We've got a game to win," Fox declared.

"Oh, so NOW we can be cocky?" Diamondback teased.

"What are you talking about?" Swift teased. "I don't see any roosters."

That got a laugh out of even Brock.

The four Drones nodded in understanding, picked up the boombox they had been using and ran off as the teams went to the twin podiums.

"Well teams," Dragonfly began. "You've done well and now we're standing right at the twin entrances of the Den."

"The very birth place of the Dragon Changeling Breed, though like the other locations this is a replica and little is known about the place itself as it was razed to the ground long ago." Jewel explained. "Only a few Dragon Changelings, though the exact number is unknown, were created before they broke free and scorched earthed the place."

Diamondback shook her head. "Dreadful-dreadful-dreadful. This is why I'm glad I'm an earth dragon. No fires for me, thank you."

"I heard that griffons could breathe fire if they got angry enough," Swift noted. "But I never managed to figure that part out. Maybe I was just never angry enough."

"And trust us, Swift," Star noted. "You're better off not being angry all the time." :twilightsmile:

"What we do know is that Dragon Changelings are by far the most powerful Breed; be able to easily withstand blows that by rights would level a city. In a way I think they could be considered Kaiju." Dragonfly said.

Brock grinned. "That'd be interesting to see."

Swift flinched. "Please tell me you're not going to make us fight one of these Kaiju Dragon Changelings."

"But onto the task at hoof." Jewel said. "Now place your statues into the slots though give me and Dragonfly the last ones." She said. The teams did so as Dragonfly continued.

"Now once the last statues are in place the Dragon heads will open and you can enter the Den's rooms; inside you'll find a series of puzzles (Same as before, for the last puzzle I had a hard choice between two; Skoll, referencing the first one, and Demon, in the end I picked the latter with the question being "An Entity from the Nine Circles"), simple ones, and to unlock the next room you must complete each one. After the first puzzle you'll start finding the four Changeling Icons: the Topaz Soldier, the Opal Skirmisher, the Tanzanite Juggernaut, and finally the Diamond Dragon at the end. You must complete the puzzles, grab the Icons, and get out of the Den before time runs out or anyone left inside when it closes will be locked inside and lose. Also while there are two versions of the first three, there is only one Diamond Dragon. The way the chambers are set up is like two L-shapes meeting at the bent section, the cover for it is cut in half and only the puzzle on the respective sides will open that same side."

"And when you hear this sound: *Airhorn alarm* That means you'll only have 30 seconds and must get out of there ASAP, and remember that even getting just one of the Icons still counts as winning.

Diamondback and Fox visibly brightened at that, as did Marcus, who was looking very eager to prove himself.

"Also," Dragonfly said, "I feel like I should address something; while getting out with even one Icon counts as winning, the point is to get as many as you can. Jewel's last team had a.... bit of an issue with one member not understanding that."

Star snickered at the memory.

Marcus tilted his head. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you after the match," she replied.

"Okay teams," Dragonfly and Jewel smiled at each other and placed the last statues, Ruby for both, in the last slots.

"GO!" Both shouted as the Dragon heads opened wide.

Star, remembering last time, tested to see if the barrier was still there and discovered it was. But, while she couldn't do the puzzles herself, that didn't stop her from helping her teammates do it.

With her shouting encouragement, Swift shot ahead to the jigsaw puzzle and started trying to work on it. However, at the same time, Brock lumbered into the same room, and solved the puzzle even faster than Swift could, once again proving that underneath all that muscle was one big brain.

With Marcus and Tex quickly taking over for Swift, Diamondback happily began toying with the colors game. Though she got a little too into the colors, and by the time Fox and Brock were able to snap her out of it, Marcus and Tex got the puzzle solved, and Swift sprinted over to the colors game. Once again in focused mode, he solved the colors game faster than Diamondback, and Star's trio rushed to the next jigsaw puzzle.

This time, learning from his previous mistake with the puzzle, Swift put Tex on his back before rushing off, allowing her to leap off and solve the third puzzle by the time Fox managed to reach it.

With Fox's trio still struggling on the puzzle, Star's trio reached the Diamond Dragon and the word puzzle, with it's clue 'An Entity from the Nine Circles')

Both Swift and Marcus were clearly stumped, but Tex grinned. "Oh, I better not get this one wrong," she noted, before trying to spell out I-M-P.

However, she only made it as far as the I before the word fell out from under her.

"What the...?!" Swift stammered. "How?"

Tex was dumbfounded. "I-I don't get it!" she said. "Imps are an entity from the Nine Circles of H311."

"Well, is it some other nine circle?" Marcus asked.

"What other nine circles do you know about, kid?" Tex demanded.

At that moment, not only did Diamondback, Fox and Brock round the corner, but the airhorn sounded for Swift, Tex and Marcus; for they had a full minute less than what Fox's team had.

Nearly leaping out of his feathers from the air horn, Swift once again fell to panic.

"We're out of time!" he yelled, seizing Tex and bolting.

But Marcus - ever the determined one - turned to watch Fox as she gave the word clue a satisfied grin.

"Oh, I can't lose this one," she said, ironically like Tex.

Marcus narrowed his eyes, hoping that she'd fail... but as she spelled out D-E-M-O-N, the word tiles held.

Marcus tried his best, leaping from one tile to the other as he copied her. And as he and Fox balanced on the 'O' tile, the dots connected, and Marcus leaped for the 'N' tile, gasping in glee as it held.

Fox made her own mighty leap, but Marcus snatched the diamond dragon away and bolted for the door.

"Uh, Jewel?" Fox called out. "What happens if a contestant gets the diamond dragon but runs out of time?"

Indeed, even as Marcus sprinted full out for the exit, the clock had run down, and the door to the Den was closing fast.

Regaining his focus, Swift launched at Marcus, even as Tex and Star tried to hold him back, creating a living bungee chord.

Unfortunately, the bungee wasn't far enough for Swift to grab Marcus. But as Marcus saw the Den closing... almost in slow motion... he tossed Swift the Diamond Dragon.

As time sped back up, Swift was bungeed back by Star and Tex, crashing hard into them and rolling to safety as the Den shut tight... with Marcus still inside.

But when Swift, Star and Tex rose up, they found the Diamond Dragon - along with the other Icons - safe in their grasp.

Fox, Diamondback and Brock raced out to join them, as Swift rested his talon on the Den door, and Star and Fox turned back to Dragonfly and Jewel.

"So... how's this going to work out?" Fox asked. "I mean... they got the Diamond Dragon, but..."

"But Marcus is still in there," Star noted, turning sadly back to the Den door containing the trapped Marcus. "So... did we lose? Or...? What happens now?"

[Dragonfly and Jewel's decision?]


"Oh," Fox looked uncertain for a moment. "Right, sorry, you were associated with Dragonfly, so I thought a title was appropriate, but...

Jewel chuckled. "Don't worry Fox, it's a common mistake other's make. To give you the short version; my father was... well let's just say when he was alive every other Royal, even Empress Nebula, hated his guts, and trust me having Nebula hate your guts is not something to take lightly. But after a something really serious happened, I'd rather not talk about that, I fled to the one Changeling who could protect me from him; Nebula Sheen, who at my request, turned me from a Royal into a Valkyrie, which is basically the Changeling version of a Pony Archmage, which I am now as a final "Buck you" to him."

Jewel sighed. "Thankfully I didn't have to deal with him long afterwards; He made the mistake of coming at Nebula with hostile intentions and Saber... well Dragonfly's father sent his head rolling, literally."

(Fox's response?)

Fox sighed, but glanced at the shadows. "You just wait until this challenge is done and I find you."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it, babe," Cat replied mischievously.

:rainbowlaugh: As the quote goes: Don't threaten me with a good time.

"What are you talking about?" Swift teased. "I don't see any roosters."

:rainbowlaugh: Good one Swift.

"So... how's this going to work out?" Fox asked. "I mean... they got the Diamond Dragon, but..."

"But Marcus is still in there," Star noted, turning sadly back to the Den door containing the trapped Marcus. "So... did we lose? Or...? What happens now?"

Dragonfly and Jewel smiled. "Well Star," The former said. "remember earlier, back at the Fortress when Jewel called me about what happened with Luco?"

It took a moment, but the realization of what Dragonfly was talking about hit them.


"And since the card was not used by either team," Jewel started saying and with a wave the Head Marcus was trapped behind opened and let him out, closing again as Marcus rejoined his team.

"You had it ready for this." Dragonfly finished.


"But now we got prizes to hand out." Jewel said, gathering the teams.

"Well Jewel, that's three wins for me now." Dragonfly said, grinning smugly.

Jewel returned it with a grin of her own. "Well just wait until next time."

Dragonfly turned to the teams. "Well guys, congrats for completing the challenges though for my team; you weren't wrong on an Imp being a entity of the Nine Circles, but it's not the only one. Marcus got it right and so did Fox. Funny enough: Something similar happened with Jewel's last team; the question was "Large bird of Prey" and they picked ventus-drakes when the answer was "eagle".

(Their response?)

"And now for the prizes: First First each of you get a Changeling plushie, another new on this time." Dragonfly picked up a box of said plushies. which turned out to be in the shape of Changeling Wyverns that were as big as he was.

"Fresh off the line and ready to end up in homes, and big enough to snuggle with." Dragonfly said. "And this time they have a new feature; there's a zipper under the edge of the backplate with straps inside so you can wear and use it like a duffle bag.

"And to add; they're more than durable enough so you won't have to worry about damaging them." Jewel said.

Setting the box down and pulled one plushie out. "Now if you don't want them you can use them as gifts, your choice and all.


Jewel called attention to her and placed her hooves on the Icons. "Alright teams; for retrieving the Topaz Soldiers you get (Prizes, they're the same for both teams).

For retrieving the Opal Skirmishers you get (Prizes?).

For retrieving Tanzanite Juggernauts you get (Prizes?).

And finally to Dragonfly's team, For retrieving the Diamond Dragon you four get (Prizes?)


After the prizes were given out Dragonfly addressed the teams. "So how to you all find this?"


"Would you have another go down the line, only with different challenges?" Jewel asked.


And with that the fifth Changeling Realms is done. :pinkiehappy: Shame I wasn't able to do what I originally planned but that just means I can save it for another time. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Jewel sighed. "Thankfully I didn't have to deal with him long afterwards; He made the mistake of coming at Nebula with hostile intentions and Saber... well Dragonfly's father sent his head rolling, literally."

Fox flinched. "I guess jail wasn't suitable for him?"

"Considering how eager he was to get 'ahead' in life...?" Diamondback mused.

Brock face-palmed. "That was terrible, DB," he bemoaned. :facehoof:

:rainbowlaugh: As the quote goes: Don't threaten me with a good time.

Yep. :eeyup: 😆

Dragonfly and Jewel smiled. "Well Star," The former said. "remember earlier, back at the Fortress when Jewel called me about what happened with Luco?"

It took a moment, but the realization of what Dragonfly was talking about hit them.

"Wait-wait-wait," Diamondback stammered. "That was supposed to be our card! Are you seriously saying..."

"Since the card was not used by either team," Jewel started saying and with a wave the Head Marcus was trapped behind opened and let him out, closing again as Marcus rejoined his team.

"You had it ready for this." Dragonfly finished.

Diamondback's protests died in her throat, as Swift and Star lifted Marcus up, and Tex led the others in a round of applause for the son of Jazz and Saki, who was looking incredibly happy that he had managed to win them the game.

"But now we got prizes to hand out." Jewel said, gathering the teams.

"Well Jewel, that's three wins for me now." Dragonfly said, grinning smugly.

Jewel returned it with a grin of her own. "Well just wait until next time."

Dragonfly turned to the teams. "Well guys, congrats for completing the challenges though for my team; you weren't wrong on an Imp being a entity of the Nine Circles, but it's not the only one. Marcus got it right and so did Fox. Funny enough: Something similar happened with Jewel's last team; the question was "Large bird of Prey" and they picked ventus-drakes when the answer was "eagle".

Swift blushed. "Yeah, that was our big flub," he admitted. "We honestly thought ventus-drakes counted." He sighed, but Star pat him on the back.

"You made up for it," she noted. "Or rather..."

"I did," Marcus noted with a grin.

"He ain't lying," Tex admitted, looking more than a bit bashful at how her guess had been wrong. :twilightsheepish:

"And now for the prizes: First First each of you get a Changeling plushie, another new on this time." Dragonfly picked up a box of said plushies. which turned out to be in the shape of Changeling Wyverns that were as big as he was.

Star gasped in delight. :raritystarry:

"Fresh off the line and ready to end up in homes, and big enough to snuggle with." Dragonfly said. "And this time they have a new feature; there's a zipper under the edge of the backplate with straps inside so you can wear and use it like a duffle bag.

"And to add; they're more than durable enough so you won't have to worry about damaging them." Jewel said.

Setting the box down and pulled one plushie out. "Now if you don't want them you can use them as gifts, your choice and all."

A round of 'thank you's sounded, though it looked like Diamondback was going to be keeping hers. Same for Marcus and Swift.

Jewel called attention to her and placed her hooves on the Icons. "Alright teams; for retrieving the Topaz Soldiers you get an actual recreation of the topaz soldier from Steven Universe.

That sent Diamondback into a range of hysterical squeeing, as she absolutely adores Steven Universe.

For retrieving the Opal Skirmishers you get a bit prize of 300 bits.

That made Tex beam with delight.

For retrieving Tanzanite Juggernauts you get a set of juggernaut armor.

Fox was particularly happy with the juggernaut armor she got, trying it on, and getting Brock to admit she looked pretty strong with it on.

And finally to Dragonfly's team, For retrieving the Diamond Dragon you four get limited edition remastered versions of the Mortal Kombat video games. Specifically X and XI.

Marcus gasped. "Those feature Cassie Cage." He was beaming. "I love that."

"He is a lot like Cass, isn't he?" Star noted.

"We all get our inspirations from somewhere," Tex agreed.

"Like how you got some inspiration from Erron Black?" Swift asked.

Tex merely smiled.

After the prizes were given out Dragonfly addressed the teams. "So how to you all find this?"

"You even need to ask?" Star asked with a grin.

"This was actually a lot of fun to do again," Swift admitted.

"I'm glad ya'll talked me into this," Tex agreed.

"I had so much fun and learned so much too," Marcus was cheering. "This was the best experience ever."

"I'll admit, I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed that," Fox agreed.

"An excellent adventure," Diamondback agreed.

"I liked it," Brock replied succinctly.

"I had fun too," Luco added, even though he was far back from the teams and had been disqualified.

"Would you have another go down the line, only with different challenges?" Jewel asked.

Marcus was nodding, while Swift glanced at Star, making it clear that he would join if she did, which was very likely.

Tex, however, chuckled. "I think one's enough for me... unless Swift asks me to."

"I agree," Diamondback said. "Don't get me wrong, this was fun, but I've got work I need to get back to."

"As do I," Fox agreed. "Though, I'm sure Cat or Rico will let me know if they want to try it. I'll have to make sure they don't pull a Luco on anyone."

"Speaking of which," Luco noted, "I'll definitely be curious in taking another go the next time you guys do this. Show what I can do when I'm not messing around."

Brock merely shrugged. "If there's room for me, I think I'd enjoy coming back."

And with that the fifth Changeling Realms is done. :pinkiehappy: Shame I wasn't able to do what I originally planned but that just means I can save it for another time. :twilightsmile:

Exactly. And what you have now was still a lot of fun.

Nice job bringing that get out of jail free card back in an epic way. Marcus' day was made today, and I'm so glad I got to share him with you.

Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy:


Fox flinched. "I guess jail wasn't suitable for him?"

"Considering how eager he was to get 'ahead' in life...?" Diamondback mused.

Brock face-palmed. "That was terrible, DB," he bemoaned. :facehoof:

"Surprisingly I've heard worse." Jewel said. "And Fox, I'll explain more after the challenge."

"Wait-wait-wait," Diamondback stammered. "That was supposed to be our card! Are you seriously saying..."

"Actually DB," Jewel said, "both teams have one card."

"He ain't lying," Tex admitted, looking more than a bit bashful at how her guess had been wrong. :twilightsheepish:

"Well this might help for next time; the word in the last puzzle is always a five letter word." Dragonfly explained. "Should that change we'll let you know."

For retrieving Tanzanite Juggernauts you get a set of juggernaut armor.

Wasn't expecting that one, but I'm all for it. 👍

As if Fox wasn't terrifying for the criminals already, now she's got a set of armor that makes her look like one of the Changeling's strongest Breeds. :rainbowlaugh:

Nice job bringing that get out of jail free card back in an epic way. Marcus' day was made today, and I'm so glad I got to share him with you.

I had a feeling after what happened with Luco it might be needed at some point, and since neither team used theirs they had it when they needed it. :twilightsmile:

I quite enjoyed Marcus as well, looking forward to him do this again.

Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to, and looking forward to the next one. :pinkiehappy:

"So Fox," Jewel said. "While I understand jail, out in the Badlands resources could be scarce and while usually crimes are punished in different ways. major ones that would land one in jail, greatly depending on the crime in question, had one of two outcomes: Death, or exile."

(Fox's response?)

"Like I said, it seriously depended on the crime and in most cases those two didn't have to be picked." Jewel said. "But... when it come down to those two, exile was the preferred one since while the Badlands was a harsh land, exile meant there was a small chance the exiled one could escape and find a better life out in the world. More then a few Changelings actually went into a self-imposed exile to escape abusive Hives/Royals, Rhino Beetle being one of those self-exiles for example."

(Fox's response? At this point she knows about the various Changeling Hybrids who call Equestria home.)

Group Admin


"Surprisingly I've heard worse." Jewel said. "And Fox, I'll explain more after the challenge."

Fox nodded. "Alright then."

"Actually DB," Jewel said, "both teams have one card."

I can imagine Diamondback and Brock being like Daffy and Bugs in this gif, with Diamondback's jaw dropping and Brock just shutting it nonchalantly.

"Well this might help for next time; the word in the last puzzle is always a five letter word." Dragonfly explained. "Should that change we'll let you know."

"Thanks," Tex noted. "Though changing up the number of letters could keep new contestants on their toes. Just a thought."

Wasn't expecting that one, but I'm all for it. 👍

Yeah, I was kinda struggling on what to do for that one, and after realizing that the others had something to do with the gemstones they were modeled on, like the Topaz soldier for the... well, Topaz soldier, I thought I'd try something to do with the juggernaut.

As if Fox wasn't terrifying for the criminals already, now she's got a set of armor that makes her look like one of the Changeling's strongest Breeds. :rainbowlaugh:

Top that off with the kirin heritage she got from River, and I imagine there aren't going to be many criminals eager to risk her wrath.

Note: speaking of heritage, I've been writing a version of Fox Hound in my fanfic 'Drake Six' who's a hybrid of zebra and kirin. I was curious what you'd think of such a pairing, since you've got so many different kinds of Kirin, and I kinda consider you the expert on them. :pinkiehappy:

I had a feeling after what happened with Luco it might be needed at some point, and since neither team used theirs they had it when they needed it. :twilightsmile:

Very true.

I quite enjoyed Marcus as well, looking forward to him do this again.


I'll definitely have him and maybe Brock do this again.

Brock's meant to have some traits similar to this character Cofi from the series Chikn Nuggit, and I'm a little worried he didn't get to show this side of him enough.

So, next time, expect Brock to be a little bit more of a trickster. Not to Luco's level, of course, but having a bit more of that sheep in wolf's clothing thing that Cofi's got.

"So Fox," Jewel said. "While I understand jail, out in the Badlands resources could be scarce and while usually crimes are punished in different ways. major ones that would land one in jail, greatly depending on the crime in question, had one of two outcomes: Death, or exile."

Fox grimaced. "Yeah, I figured. Back when I was growing up, we hunted... pretty much anything. If someone on my farm really messed up, they'd have the whole family hunting them, and we were supposed to make it as scary as possible." Fox sighed. "I feel like I'm getting softer with age. Back when I was a hunter, I was hunting for dinner. Nowadays... I hunt for justice. And it just... doesn't feel right to consider killing anymore."

"Like I said, it seriously depended on the crime and in most cases those two didn't have to be picked." Jewel said. "But... when it come down to those two, exile was the preferred one since while the Badlands was a harsh land, exile meant there was a small chance the exiled one could escape and find a better life out in the world. More then a few Changelings actually went into a self-imposed exile to escape abusive Hives/Royals, Rhino Beetle being one of those self-exiles for example."

"Huh," Fox mused. "Sounds a bit like the quarians."

If Jewel was curious, Fox explained: "In essence, quarians are these alien creatures in this game my daughter introduced me to. They lost their home planet to robots, so they pretty much spend all their time on space ships. They have a similar system where they'll usually exile someone who committed a serious enough crime, but funny enough, one of them mentioned that an exile can still have a romance with someone, and if they bear children, those children don't have to worry about being exiled either, and will be welcomed back to the main group." Fox paused. "Though, I imagine the likes of Rhino-Beetle aren't interested in going back, so I suppose that was a poor analogy." She shrugged. "Either way, I think it helped me understand what you meant." :twilightsmile:


I can imagine Diamondback and Brock being like Daffy and Bugs in this gif, with Diamondback's jaw dropping and Brock just shutting it nonchalantly.

:rainbowlaugh: Jaw drops; simple, but effective.

"Thanks," Tex noted. "Though changing up the number of letters could keep new contestants on their toes. Just a thought."

"We've been thing about that, haven't come to a decision yet." Dragonfly replied.

Yeah, I was kinda struggling on what to do for that one, and after realizing that the others had something to do with the gemstones they were modeled on, like the Topaz soldier for the... well, Topaz soldier, I thought I'd try something to do with the juggernaut.

Well I think it works. :twilightsmile:

Note: speaking of heritage, I've been writing a version of Fox Hound in my fanfic 'Drake Six' who's a hybrid of zebra and kirin. I was curious what you'd think of such a pairing, since you've got so many different kinds of Kirin, and I kinda consider you the expert on them. :pinkiehappy:

Zebra and Kirin huh? That is an interesting pairing, rare but interesting. I like it. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Kind of have to go into a bit abut the Kirin so please bear with me.

Now for a Zebra-Born Kirin, since the Kirin takes after their mother's species for the most part, body shape will depend on their Kirin parent, for which there are four: Western, which resemble regular Dragons and are the strongest and most warlike of the four. Eastern, which resemble well eastern Dragons like those in Japanese and Chinese cultures and while more peaceful are very light on their hooves and have a well-earned rep as am "Army of Ghosts". Mountain, which are based on the show Kirin and well known for their theater related-skills but something of an unknown in Military, and finally Valley which resemble Wyverns with their front legs and wings fused together, being well known for both their highly poisonous homeland and their near unmatched skills with a bow.

Now as mentioned generally speaking Kirin offspring will take certain traits for their mother's species, for example Razor Tail's mother was a Pegasus so his wings are massive compare to those with out a Pegasus mother. So in the case with a Zebra mother;

As I said, body shape depends on the Kirin Parent, but beyond that a Zebra-born Kirin will usually have the stripes though this can range from easily visible to faint (and some may dye their stripes out but this is only temporary and very are as most Kirin are proud of their heritage), soft yet fire-proof fur covering the body, mohawk-like manes which they may or may not dye different colors, and a instinctual attraction to gold which they form into rings like the ones Zecora wears.

So in this case: I'd say Fox Hound as a Kirin would either be a Western or a Valley, though which I can't say.

Maybe at some point in the future I'll do a post detailing the Kirin a bit more in-depth.

Brock's meant to have some traits similar to this character Cofi from the series Chikn Nuggit, and I'm a little worried he didn't get to show this side of him enough.

So, next time, expect Brock to be a little bit more of a trickster. Not to Luco's level, of course, but having a bit more of that sheep in wolf's clothing thing that Cofi's got.

Well I'm looking forward to that. :pinkiehappy:

"Though, I imagine the likes of Rhino-Beetle aren't interested in going back, so I suppose that was a poor analogy." She shrugged. "Either way, I think it helped me understand what you meant." :twilightsmile:

Jewel nodded, "You're welcome, and even if Rhino wanted to go back he couldn't because his original Hive is long gone; all but two from that Hive are dead as far as I know, with the only ones left are him... and me. My father was the lead Royal and with his death the Hive just fell apart."

(Fox's response?)

Group Admin


Yeah, I was kinda struggling on what to do for that one, and after realizing that the others had something to do with the gemstones they were modeled on, like the Topaz soldier for the... well, Topaz soldier, I thought I'd try something to do with the juggernaut.

Well I think it works. :twilightsmile:

Thanks. :pinkiehappy:

a Zebra-born Kirin will usually have the stripes though this can range from easily visible to faint (and some may dye their stripes out but this is only temporary and very rare as most Kirin are proud of their heritage), soft yet fire-proof fur covering the body, mohawk-like manes which they may or may not dye different colors, and a instinctual attraction to gold which they form into rings like the ones Zecora wears.

Yep, Fox Fire (as I've been calling her in Drake Six) has the stripes - which she's very proud of and thus tries to make more distinct - and she's got the mohawk-like mane, which she even stylized into dreadlocks (dreadlocks are Fox Hound's favorite hairstyle, not sure I ever mentioned that). The only thing she's missing is the gold, as in the case of Drake Six, Fox Fire is at odds with the show's kirin because they hid away their Nidrik forms with the Stream of Silence; something that Fox Fire considers ridiculous since she likes the Nidrik Form and feels it's their greatest weapon and form of defense.

Which could honestly explain the lack of gold; since she's always using her Nidrik form, the fire melts any gold she does get, which could also contribute to why she's angry and temperamental enough to constantly be ready to go full Nidrik.

In this case: I'd say Fox Hound as a Kirin would either be a Western or a Valley, though which I can't say.

I want to say Western, since as mentioned, Fox Fire's problem is that she's very warlike, but she's stuck with a tribe of kirins that want to be peaceful, so their culture clashes badly with Fox's.

Maybe at some point in the future I'll do a post detailing the Kirin a bit more in-depth.

That'd be cool. :raritystarry: 👍

Well I'm looking forward to that. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks. Me too. :twilightsmile:

Jewel nodded, "You're welcome, and even if Rhino wanted to go back he couldn't because his original Hive is long gone; all but two from that Hive are dead as far as I know, with the only ones left are him... and me. My father was the lead Royal and with his death the Hive just fell apart."

Fox wasn't sure what to say to that. :twilightoops: 'Sorry for your loss' didn't exactly cut it when an entire Hive had been dismantled, and she didn't want to insult them with false assumptions like 'at least you have each other' or something like that.

Though she did try to find something to say, she finally sighed and admitted, "I have no idea what I can say to that."


The only thing she's missing is the gold, as in the case of Drake Six, Fox Fire is at odds with the show's kirin because they hid away their Nidrik forms with the Stream of Silence; something that Fox Fire considers ridiculous since she likes the Nidrik Form and feels it's their greatest weapon and form of defense.

That would make sense, while with my Kirin they have special methods to keep the gold from melting, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. :twilightsmile:

As for the Nirik forms, she is right in it being their greatest weapon and form of defense, provided she can handle the after effects if one's in it for too long, nothing dangerous by itself, just heavy exhaustion and some numbness through the body.

I want to say Western, since as mentioned, Fox Fire's problem is that she's very warlike, but she's stuck with a tribe of kirins that want to be peaceful, so their culture clashes badly with Fox's.

That would make so much sense.

Though she did try to find something to say, she finally sighed and admitted, "I have no idea what I can say to that."

Jewel just smiled. "No worries Fox; Both Rhino and I are happy where we are now; he's the Head of Military matters in Dragonfly's Hive while I'm the head of mages in the same hive, and before that I gathered the Hybrids after the civil war and kept them safe. Most importantly; I know my father can never hurt me again after Saber dealt with him."

(Fox's response?)

Jewel looked at the ground. "To give you an idea on that front; I wasn't his first child... just the first he kept."

(Fox's response?)

Jewel then looked at Fox with a grin. "But as Dragonfly once told me: I'm still alive, my father's not. So in the end I won. in some cases there's no better revenge then living well."

(Fox's response?)

Group Admin


That would make sense, while with my Kirin they have special methods to keep the gold from melting, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. :twilightsmile:

Nah, and Fox Fire has mainly been so focused on arguing for her beliefs that she doesn't have time to look around for more. Though, she later joins the United Species Academy (the Drake Six's version of the School of Friendship Twilight opened in Season Eight), so I imagine once she calms down, she'll start indulging in her interest in gold.

As for the Nirik forms, she is right in it being their greatest weapon and form of defense, provided she can handle the after effects if one's in it for too long, nothing dangerous by itself, just heavy exhaustion and some numbness through the body.

:rainbowlaugh: That gives me a hysterical image where Fox is at first too angry to notice how exhausted she is, but once she calms down, she tumbles right over and falls asleep, leading to some brief panic from Spike as he fears she had some sort of stroke, only for someone who knows Fox, like Autumn Blaze, to explain how the Nidrik form takes a lot out of them, and Fox is just sleeping off the aftereffects - before then warning that the soreness is going to make Fox even more irritable when she wakes.

Jewel just smiled. "No worries Fox; Both Rhino and I are happy where we are now; he's the Head of Military matters in Dragonfly's Hive while I'm the head of mages in the same hive, and before that I gathered the Hybrids after the civil war and kept them safe. Most importantly; I know my father can never hurt me again after Saber dealt with him."

"True," Fox agreed.

Jewel looked at the ground. "To give you an idea on that front; I wasn't his first child... just the first he kept."

Fox's eyes widened. "Miranda?"

If Jewel was curious who 'Miranda' was, Fox explained how she had heard a story about a woman like that, who's father was obsessed with creating a dynasty and so was very controlling and abusive to her, even down to having rejected several previous daughters and sons because they weren't good enough, and threatening Miranda constantly with the same fate if she didn't match up to his standards.

"Luckily, you both have something in common," Fox added with a small smile. "You both got away from those guys. They're gone where they can't hurt anyone anymore... and you both are still here." She smiled fully. "I'd say that's a victory in and of itself."

Jewel then looked at Fox with a grin. "That's what Dragonfly once told me: I'm still alive, my father's not. So in the end I won. In some cases there's no better revenge then living well."

Fox nodded. "I've also heard it said that the greatest insult an enemy can suffer is being ignored. In this case, moving on past the pain he put you through and living well is the best form of revenge you can take on him."


If Jewel was curious who 'Miranda' was, Fox explained how she had heard a story about a woman like that, who's father was obsessed with creating a dynasty and so was very controlling and abusive to her, even down to having rejected several previous daughters and sons because they weren't good enough, and threatening Miranda constantly with the same fate if she didn't match up to his standards.

Ironically That was part of Jewel's inspiration.

Fox nodded. "I've also heard it said that the greatest insult an enemy can suffer is being ignored. In this case, moving on past the pain he put you through and living well is the best form of revenge you can take on him."

Jewel smiled. "Yep, not to mention Saber was quite popular among many Changelings after that."

Group Admin


Ironically That was part of Jewel's inspiration.

:raritystarry: That's cool. 👍

Jewel smiled. "Yep, not to mention Saber was quite popular among many Changelings after that."

"I can imagine so," Fox agreed.

(Sorry this took so long. Real life got in the way.)

Pearl hoped the others were having better luck as she came back to the front entrance. All she'd found was one statue, and just barely stopped herself from punching the drone that scared her into the next multiverse, and there was only a minute left.

"Tell me you found one?" Amber huffed as she joined her as well, another statue under a wing. "Lucky I didn't get lost in here."

Pearl shook her head, showing her statue. "Barely. Found it on my way back here."

"Pearl You can barely find your way around the castle most days," Twilight snorted as she, Orchid, and Lilly, all ran up, each with a statue.

With no time to get back at her wife at that, the group sprinted as fast as they could, just barely getting out before the entrance slammed shut behind them.


(Sorry this took so long. Real life got in the way.)

No problem, I understand. :twilightsmile:

With no time to get back at her wife at that, the group sprinted as fast as they could, just barely getting out before the entrance slammed shut behind them.

Dragonfly walked up to the team as they paused to catch their breath and relax.

"Scary experience huh guys?" He asked.


"So let's see, you got five statues which is 50 seconds of time. That's a great start, so for the next challenge... it's at the Gourd Caverns. Grab you gear and let's leave this creepy place."

Dragonfly lead his team into a series of open-air caverns with pumpkins, melons, squash, cucumbers and other gourds growing all over the place.


Dragonfly brought them over to a large pond which had fourteen baskets made from the hollowed out shells of butternut squash hanging about it and a small boat resting on the clear water.

"Now team, this task should be pretty easy; all you need to do is climb into the boat here, paddle around and gather the baskets. some of them have statues and I know that the Ruby one and a Sapphire are there somewhere, now I don't know which baskets have statues so try to grab them all. and One final note of importance: The Gourd Caverns are a favorite hang-out spot for Drones, they're not here at the moment but I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be long before they arrive. You ready?"

(Team's response?)

"Then go!"

After climbing into the boat the team were able to grab three baskets before the two Drones came out of one of the tunnel entryways.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before-" Dragonfly stopped when one grabbed a rope and started pulling it in.

"Hang on-what are you doing with that rope?!" Dragonfly said, his question answered as the boat suddenly shifted and their was a twin "POP" as two plugs were pulled out of the underbelly of the boat, which started to slow fill with water.

"Oh that changes things; Team you'll only have 2 minutes at most before the boat sinks as grab as many baskets as you can."

Then, as if to add insult to injury, the two Drones started throwing Gel Balls though when they did hit it was more akin to a snowball and they just bounced off harmlessly, not that it made the barrage any better.

(Team's reaction?)

As I've said before, each "playthrough" for lack of a better term for each separate player can end up with different challenges.

Dragonfly walked up to the team as they paused to catch their breath and relax.

"Scary experience huh guys?" He asked.

"Unnerving for sure," Orchid admitted. "If it was this bad with a replica, I can't imagine what the original was like."

"So let's see, you got five statues which is 50 seconds of time. That's a great start so for the next challenge... it's at the Gourd Caverns. Grab you gear and let's leave this creepy place."

Dragonfly led his team into a series of open-air caverns with pumpkins, melons, squash, cucumbers, and other gourds growing all over the place.

Lilly looked around in confusion. "Did we walk into a farm without knowing it? This seems a bit out of place."

Dragonfly brought them over to a large pond which had fourteen baskets made from the hollowed-out shells of butternut squash hanging about it and a small boat resting on the clear water.

"Now team, this task should be pretty easy; all you need to do is climb into the boat here, paddle around, and gather the baskets. some of them have statues and I know that the Ruby one and a Sapphire are there somewhere, now I don't know which baskets have statues so try to grab them all. And one final note of importance: The Gourd Caverns are a favorite hang-out spot for Drones, they're not here at the moment but I'm willing to bet it wouldn't be long before they arrive. You ready?"

Twilight nodded. "As we'll ever be."

"Then go!"

After climbing into the boat the team were able to grab three baskets before the two Drones came out of one of the tunnel entryways.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before-" Dragonfly stopped when one grabbed a rope and started pulling it in.

"Hang on-what are you doing with that rope?!" Dragonfly said, his question answered as the boat suddenly shifted and there was a twin "POP" as two plugs were pulled out of the underbelly of the boat, which started to slowly fill with water.

"Oh that changes things; Team you'll only have 2 minutes at most before the boat sinks as grab as many baskets as you can."

Then, as if to add insult to injury, the two Drones started throwing Gel Balls though when they did hit it was more akin to a snowball and they just bounced off harmlessly, not that it made the barrage any better.

Pearl growled as they paddled faster (which wasn't as much as it turned out). "Oh. If this were a few years ago, I'd blast them for that!"

It would've been a simple task, as she grabbed another basket, for Twilight to plug the holes with her magic. But that felt against the rules and the spirit of the challenge. And she felt they had gotten lucky with the first challenge.

Lilly and Orchid shared a worried look as the clock ticked under a minute now. There were too many baskets left, and they had only found one more statue. Yes, this was meant to be fun (and it was), but that didn't mean they weren't going to go full out.

Pearl sighed, as she grabbed another basket. Luck was a fickle mistress at the best of times. They weren't going to make it, as Twilight grabbed a basket, even as time ran out.

(I figured that the girls shouldn't breeze through all of these. So I get the feeling they'll struggle with whatever comes from now on. All that's being hurt is their pride.)

After the team pulled themselves up the ladder and out of the water Dragonfly came over and handed them some towels.

"Had these packed just in case."


Once the team had dried off Dragonfly opened the baskets, finding four statues and while they had missed the Sapphire they did get the Ruby as the fifth.

(Responses to missing the Sapphire but getting the Ruby?)

"Well guys, that's a full minute of time and add that to what you have and that's a total of 1 minute and 50 seconds of time. So our next challenge is at... the Gem Lagoon. Get your gear and let's go."

Soon Dragonfly lead the team into a large chamber with a large lagoon surrounded by five tall waterfalls and the walls and floor were covered or made of various gemstones. The two Drones on a high ledge over the lagoon as the group arrived.

"The Gem Lagoon, the most beautiful place in the Changeling Kingdoms and the most sacred place to the Changelings as it was also the only source of crystal clean fresh water so pure it could heal even the worst of wounds. Now your challenge here is simple is simple, though not necessarily easy."

Dragonfly walked over to a set of four statues of Changeling Serpents coiled around small clear vertical tubes with a statue at the bottom of each.

"For this challenge you need to use the bamboo chutes hanging from the walls-" He pointed over to said chutes. "to direct the water from the waterfalls into the tubes to float the statues up to where you can reach the statues. Simple, but the Drones up there are going to be lobbing gel balls at you and once time runs out they will pull the chutes up. I'd say around 2 minutes and 30 seconds before then, are you ready?"

(Team's response?)

"Then go!"

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