Friendship Is Awesomes 294 members · 14,173 stories
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Group Admin

Out of OCs you have, who are your top 10 favorite OCs to write in term of dialogue and their personalities? Like which OCs do you have fun time writing the most?

I go first.

10. Ryder (He is easy-going guy and very easy to write as well his great relationship with Moon)

9. Arthur (Another fun character who treat his tea sets like his babies, so don't break his tea sets or he will go Mad Hatter on you)

8. Jett (I just love writing Jett to do crazy amd ridiculous things due to her being a thrill seeker)

7. Elektra (Because she haven't able to talk yet, I just love having her writing on her note to let OCs know what is she talk about)

6. Cher (The sex god and he have a charming personality)

5. Everest (I just have fun time writing Everest when he take things too literally or just plain dumb)

4. Insect Girl (Maybe because she's very feisty girl due to her being Mexican and she's very fun character to write, especially her interaction with her babies)

3. Rash and Scarlet (I can't separate those two lovebirds cause they got a wonderful chemistry with each other)

2. Kyan (Essentially me if I was a god)

1. Speed Demon Kid (Out of my OCs, I wrote him the most and it's probably he's very relatable character and he have a fun personality)

Who are your top 10 favorite OCs to write and who are the most fun OCs to write? The keyword is fun so don't pick the one that all it do is make you angry... just fun ones.

Group Admin

10. Logan - the first OC I used for this site, I will always enjoy his rebellious and determined nature. Every time I don’t know if I can do something, I hear his voice, telling me I can. Of course, doing so can make me a little angry - hence why he’s farther up on the list, but I still really love his personality and how he helped me get into writing on this site.

9. Luco - being able to write a guy who doesn’t really care what others think of him can be great stress release, and Luco’s Jokester nature makes him a lot of fun to imagine various antics for.

8. Fox Hound - her relationship with Rash is adorable, and I like her passionate energy and enthusiasm for her job.

7. Wildvine - the part of my mind that always tells me to chill out and relax speaks with her voice, so I associate her a lot with peace. I like writing her when I need to calm down about something.

6. Bang Fifigara - my pink boyyo! :pinkiehappy: I just love his energy and how over-the-top I can make him. He’s a real joy to write.

5. Celine - I enjoy her dynamic with her family, and feel she’s the most stable and put together of my wolves. Darius would be second after her, but I don’t really know what I’m doing with Darius, while with Celine, I’ve got a plan for her and I like where it goes, even if the path won’t always be a happy one.

4. Diamondback - her prim and proper demeanor combined with her ability to strategize and be pragmatic makes me really enjoy her, along with how morally gray she can be sometimes, while still being affable enough that everyone likes her and sees her as a hero regardless.

3. Swift Winds - Similar to Speed, I enjoy how relatable he feels, as well as how he’s developed and grown from when he first started. Also, figuring out how to give him little bird like tics is always fun to research.

2. Jackknife - My water boy Rainbow Dash. I absolutely love the way I pictured him along with his energy. If I had thought of a way water dragons oils be pink, he and Bang would’ve been the same character. As unlike Bang, I feel like I got a plan with Iack, and I enjoy seeing where that plan will take him.

1. Wing - Easily my favorite character; one of the first I came up with, and one who makes me smile every time I think of her. With her happy go lucky personality, her design with the night scales and electric green eyes, and the fact that she feels the most ‘alive’ of my characters. She’s the embodiment of my joy for a reason, and I always find myself wanting to find ways to include her, or have to remind myself to be careful not to make her into a Mary Sue, since I love spoiling her so much.

This is interesting since when I write them I always try to play them out in my head and become them. Some are difficult, but others are fun while some can be a way to let my imagination run rampant.

10. Saki - A muscle bound flirt who thinks with his groin rather then his head. With scenes that are similar to Brock from Pokemon where he would flirt with every girl he met, it is actually fun to come up with how Saki would hit on a girl, or best yet, making him flustered when a girl flirts back.

9. Crystal Rosaline - More of the mom of the group and similar to Rarity. I do like trying to give her a mystical vibe and writing her is a great way for me to keep myself calm if I'm starting to get frustrated.

8. Inanis Anima - I have always liked the Joker from Batman and dark counterparts like Shadow the Hedgehog and Dark Pit. So I combined them and made a dark counterpart that was the exact opposite of Aura in every way. That and while writing him I get to vent out until I feel better after a long day of work.

7. Levi Oricalcum - Writing how noble and loyal is actually very tricky to do, but that's why I like writing Levi. A half Samurai and half knight kind of demeanor, while showing how loyal he is to Aura as if he's a loyal family dog. Always happy to see his family, and willing to destroy any enemy that would do his family harm.

6. Shadow Fang - I. LOVE. SAMURAIS AND NINJAS! So creating something that can use powerful and aw inspiring techniques really gets me going! But mostly I like him since he is relatable to teens. The love for video games, constantly listening to music, and the try to act cool attitude. I also enjoy seeing how he develops from his annoyed personality into a fully fledged Samurai.

5. Aura Kaiser - He is the character that I would use in my first Video Game that I create. So getting practice in and developing his character really hit it home for me.

4. Shao Dasheng - I enjoy how he can have a balance of having fun and playing around like a monkey, to his more serious and stoic nature when there is a real threat. Just like real monkies, they may act all cute and funny, but if they get mad then you would want to run.

3. Jason Umbra/Hati - I've always had a soft spot for Noble Thieves. From Joker in Persona to Robin Hood, creating my own and writing his heists is fun in every way. Plus with the addition of the grandmaster and wise voice that is Hati, he does his best to be a good All-Father, but he also wants his children to become more independent and mot have to always rely on him. Stern yet caring.

2. Mystic Knight - Mystic was the younger version of me, so writing down how I acted so long ago is like opening a time capsule. I get filled with so much nostalgia that I lose thought of myself.

1. Aster Frost - I actually enjoy writing him since I can really let my inner child out. When writing him I always try to make his positive energy and high energy as over the top as I can, so much to the point that I feel happy inside and I just keep rambling on as if he was the making it. What's more, he just gives of that feeling that makes you warm and fuzzy inside, like seeing such a cute dog that you just want to pet them no matter what.

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