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Rand Paul got the following video taken down on Youtube for daring to contradict the Covid fearmongering.

Rand Paul posted the following video in response to this which also got taken down and resulted in Rand Paul getting a 7 day suspension from Youtube.

Covid fearmongering does not exist

7549533 The death tolls have been spun/exaggerated since day one. The mainstream media has been framing this whole thing which in most people is a mild illness like it is the next Spanish Flu or Bubonic Plague.

how do you know for sure nothing is certain

7549614 Hospitals have been paid off to inflate the numbers by saying someone died of Covid if they are diagnosed with it even if their death had nothing to do with it. George Floyd for example was found to have Covid after he died, but we know that his death was due to a combination of dangerous amount of fentanyl and a shitty cop on a power trip.

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