Free Speech Group 72 members · 71 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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I find it interesting how leftists will pretend to care about private property rights while conveniently ignoring the CIA ties of these companies and the cartel like nature of their behavior. There is nothing whatsoever free market about any of this, what is next phone companies shutting off service because they don't like your political opinions? That very well could happen unless something is done soon.

Probably, but did you have to poison the well and put leftists on the defensive right from the start? I may like free speech, but I'm not eager to read the freely spoken replies this gets.

Are you kidding, I love seeing everyone get extremely but hurt and whine about it, all the while never lifting a finger to change anything about the world they live in

Like what? Go to a protest, get arrested or shot and give them an excuse to crack down even more?

Perhaos not join a current protest, as all of them have some very bad publicity, make one, keep it friendly, or if you just HAVE TO, join one
You don’t have to succeed, you just need to at least try
But don’t whine when things don’t get done if you aren’t willing to put in the effort yourself

Or better yet, write a proposal to the governor if you feel so inclined, encourage them to fix things around your local area


There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.

What’s this quote from?

Not really in the mood to spoonfeed underageposters; sorry.

No problem, have a nice day

7412735 That is a good point, people don't pay as much attention to state and local politics as they should, successful social movements tend to start from the bottom up.

Exactly, people just forget that they do have that influence

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