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Group Admin


I bet playing Scar was amazingly fun!

Group Admin

Sure was. Now I'm no Jeremy Irons, but I was pretty scary. Heck I do a pretty mean 'Be Prepared' with my own sinister cackle.

Granted my death scene wasn't as epic as a movie but... It's the 'Junior' version and we had a very tiny budget, we could only work with what we had.

Group Admin

Lol, I bet you were on point!

Hee, I think it'd be fun to just get to join a theater group!

I used to be part of one, back in school, though was usually relegated to props and stage duties.

Group Admin

If you had one role you ever wanted to do and didn't want to do props, what would you want to do?

Group Admin

I would've loved to try and act, but prob would've messed it up.

Maybe instead of like a main part, just a nice little background part.

The experience itself would be totally fun I think

Group Admin

Well fortunately background parts are mainly 'acting' and 'reacting' with as minimal or little dialogue. And when you sing, it's in harmony with the other background performers and since they all sing in one voice you can hardly tell anyone apart (Unless you're that one performer who wants to be heard).

Group Admin

Sounds something up my alley, I think I'd enjoy something like that.

Group Admin

Though if you love prop work, they make great use of it in those 'slapstick' routines that is guaranteed to make folks laugh.

So long as you know the difference between a 'fake' hammer and a 'real' hammer.

Happened to this screwball right here:

Group Admin

Lol, they always out me on stuff like background art etc.

I enjoy props, but would love to be in charge of like costume design!

That'd be amazing!

Group Admin

What's your specialty when it comes to designs?

Group Admin

I'm very decent at creating backgrounds, especially fantasy based ones.

Group Admin

I dig fantasy myself. My favorite being the Christopher Paolini books. I'm talking Dragon Riders, elves, dwarves, demons, world travelling, swords, and magic. Just recently, Mr. Paolini released his first adult novel... using Science Fiction.


I like fantasy too!

Group Admin

If you were to ever prepare a fantasy project, not strictly just MLP related, any ideas you have in mind?

Group Admin

Hmm, I've had this idea about a young girl who lives on the streets.

Unnoticed by society and forgotten by most.

She stops an act of arson at this abandoned park on the outskirts of the city, doing so an earth spirit which has weakened over the many generations of neglect and pollution. It offers her the mantle of guardian, unknown to her bringing forth lost magic into the world. She finds herself gaining Faun like qualities, as she helps stop corruption and destruction in the city.

Finding santuary in a new world which also wasn't accepted.

It'd be a Young Adult idea.

I have a few other ideas, which lean more into Sci-fi and Horror.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Ooh, that actually sounds awesome 😋👌

Group Admin

That sounds like a very promising idea. I can see it doing well as a novel or even one of those graphic novels. Depending on the story's popularity, maybe it will either inspire a motion picture or a television run.

Group Admin

Lol, very wishful thinking.

But I'd just be happy if people enjoyed what I wrote, that an idea I created brought forth joy or excitement, that's the true happiness.

Group Admin

Yeah well to have folks to enjoy your work is one thing. But then there's the matter of thinking the long term. Not to mention the percentage you'd make granting the rights to your story to a studio and then receiving a share of the profits from what it makes in either the box office or the numerous showings on T.V.

Group Admin

Hmm, maybe.

But I'm not the fortune seeking type.

I'm just searching for that joyous journey.

Group Admin

Well if that's all it is, at least that's a journey you have worth seeking.

Group Admin

Hee, I want to wake up everyday and look forward to the future, I feel my path is something to do with helping others. I just can't quite find it yet. But I know I'm being lead closer.

Group Admin

You could always apply in the nursing department. People are always looking for folks hoping to help patients whether it's through a surgical procedure or helping those seeking counsel. Maybe you can be the first woman to be President of the United States.

Group Admin

You're absolutely a Sweetheart.

Hmm, that's interesting.

Nursing or Caretaking, I think that actually sounds wonderful.

Group Admin

Well some of the patients you have to work with won't be easy. But if it sounds like something you'd want to know and you already know what to expect, as long as you enjoy the job that's all that matters.

Group Admin

Thank you, I'm honestly going to look into this path.

I'm very patient with others, and love to help in anyway possible.

This could be the path I've been searching for.

Group Admin

Well I am most pleased I was able to offer a suggestion or two. Nothing a little research into the job won't hurt.

Group Admin

Totally agree, a bit of research couldn't hurt.

Group Admin

Absolutely. Especially if you want to meet the qualifications you have for the position. After all, they won't just hire anyone off the street. There's certain propagandas to look into and whether certain degrees can help to obtain the position of hire.

Group Admin

That's what I'm researching, which classes needed to take etc.

Group Admin

Sounds good to me.

how's everyone doing during COVID?


Could be worse, I was a bit annoyed when the building manager decided to enforce the face mask in my appart building - but you get used to bring the mask all around....

Group Admin

The fact that I'm still able to go to work at all, rather than doing the tasks at home, is satisfying enough for me. Sure I still have to wear a 'mask' but I don't care. For I'm a librarian and all I care about is my duty to the students and the faculty. I'll be lucky if there are places I can still go to provided the whole 'social distancing' junk is at least acknowledged, but I refuse to be cooped up in my own house like I do every weekday. Heck, I was willing to compete for a spot in this karaoke contest where the winner gets $500 bucks (I didn't get the first of six spots Saturday, but I got five more chances).

Andddddddddddddd I just got the message that the zone where I live will be (partially) confined again. :facehoof:

Jésus Christ! When are we going to get through! :raritydespair:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Oof, sorry to hear that, friend.

Just hang in there, you can get through this /)


It's not as heavy as it could have been after checking the details, but it's annoying - places like restaurants are to close by tommorrow midnight for one month, restrictions on personal regroupements (no more than two persons). Least they leave open shops and even marts, but they are going to be hard on masks and paths. and moving in and out of the red zones is discouraged/monitored.
And who know, it could be extended. Uusual fare now....

Group Admin

It could always be worse buddy. The future could be exactly like the events of 'The Last of Us', where the virus evolves so violently that it turns us into walking zombies.


True, it could be worse like a deadly mutation indeed...

It will be a bit harder for dad who is recuperating from his stroke and now retired, because it will take away some options of things to do, and less visits... so do mom, as well. :(

Group Admin

I know what you mean. Tons of folk who 'want' to work are unable to do so either because there's no money in the budget to pay for their service or there 'is' money but they're desperately trying to save it. Heck, the biggest target this pandemic has afflicted on are those already undergoing a preexisting medical condition and I can understand why you worry for folks like your father. Although, suffice to say, even the healthiest of Americans and other citizens around the world are not even safe. Anyone can get sick, it's just a matter of 'praying' that this 'vaccine' material is legit and we can feel safe to walk the streets even for a simple jog around the neighborhood.

But even when we do get through this, there is so much we still have to atone for like some of the actions that were already done. And we must wonder: Can we be truly forgiven for any mistakes we made during these trying times?

I hate wearing the masks cuz it's hard to breathe through it

Comment posted by Iredwolf deleted Sep 30th, 2020


It's uncomfortable on hot summer days, I agree! Open the windows!

Group Admin

Not like we have much of a choice. Not to say we don't have to wear masks all the time... except if we do go to work instead of working offsite... or if we have to go to a store or a restaurant... or pretty much any place where there's bound to be loads of people. But until the virus is taken down for good and we can all move about our own business like before, words from the higher-ups don't really give us a choice. It's one thing not to wear masks at home because in a way it's our haven and especially if most of our families are not sick. Heck, you don't have to wear a mask when you're jogging in your neighborhood because either no one else is outside or those that are out mostly come home from work or are in their cars or as 'far' away as possible whether it be yard work or riding horses or something.

But like I said: Until we get the word that the virus is truly wiped out, that we don't have to obey those rules (But we can still wash our hands because we've been doing that for years) then we'd never have to wear a mask (Except if you're a luchadore or a surgeon).

2020 has been (excuse my language) B****! first, it was COVID but now we have to deal with those riots and protesters

Group Admin

My family and I are just lucky we don't get riots happening in our neighborhood and keeping us up at night. I swear, sometimes I feel like humanity has taken a few steps backwards in terms of progress.

It's like that 'SpongeBob' Broadway musical where during one incident everyone seeks someone to blame, to follow, to exploit, or even to control. They are so terrified, they are turning against each other.

right! just yesterday (eastern time) last night a man was killed at a gas station for something (probably something offensive) he said. I swear, this world is going to absolute s**t

oh...I'm just being curious but where do you guys live? if you don't mind...

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