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Comments ( 6 )
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The Ranger
Group Admin

I'm currently debating myself over which game to pick: The Sinking City or Alone in The Dark remake. Lately, I've listened a lot to narrations of the work of H.P Lovecraft, and I've gotten an ich for more of the whole horror-1920's style. I've read and watched reviews on both games, and they are pretty mixed. Some enjoy the detective work in Sinking City, while some find it tedious. Some think the shooting in Alone in The Dark is too barebone and basic, and others think it suits the game fine.

Has anyone played both games and might be willing to offer their opinions on this? I'm having a real hard time choosing which game to pick..

Group Admin

Well Alone in the Dark is a lot better in terms of gameplay. As intriguing as the Sinking city is it is a very janky game whose gameplay can pull you out of the immersion so I would suggest Alone in the dark..

Group Contributor

I heard Alone in the Dark is a good game, I don't know about the other game, I'm sorry.

Group Contributor


Check out the reviews.
You might have different criteria than everyone else.

Since I live in the stinkin city, I don't have time for either game.

The Ranger
Group Admin

'pologies for taking so long to answer, everyone; let's just say my anxiety wasn't very happy yesterday..

Yeah, that's what I've heard, that it's janky as all hell, but honestly, jank is something I can look past if I like other aspects of the game. As an example, have you heard of the Two Worlds games? Fantasy RPGs, often called the worst RPGs ever made. But I loved both of them, and played them both to completion many times. I can look past problems in certain cases.

Thanks anyway :twilightsmile:

I'm already a member of that group, have been for some time now :twilightsheepish:


You might have different criteria than everyone else.

Exactly, and as I said above here, I can look past problems with games and still enjoy them.

In the end, I decided to go with Alone in the Dark :twilightsmile: I'll take Sinking City in the future, when it might've dropped a bit in price.

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