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shining paladin
Group Contributor

The Battle of France is the myth started that the French are COWARDS in war, but that is far from the truth the french were brave and fought to the bitter end regardless of which side they fought with

Group Contributor

I mean, the French are the only nation who lost WWII twice.

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor

France did last longer than Italy when their country was invaded. France loses France, they still fight on. Italy loses Sicily, they want to give up.

Many French units fought on and those that got away continued to fight. The French Resistance did a lot to help with the D-Day landings and keeping German forces occupied throughout the country. Still, it's always fun to make that joke.

Want to buy a French rifle? Never been fired only been dropped once.

Still, I do acknowledge that nations like Poland and France fought as long as they could. Poland was attacked on two sides and as for France, not so much their forces that were the issue, but not fully ready for this new type of war. It's like my old History Professor said. Generals are always ready to fight the last war, never ready for a new one.

Group Contributor

People laugh at France for surrendering in ww2
Not realizing Denmark surrendered in 10 hours durning ww2

Group Contributor

for France it was a combination of their political Leaders being weak and most of the General Staff of France being WW1 Vets
most generals thought the next war after the Great War was going to be fought the same way as the last one and wanted to mitigate that but the Political leaders didn't think the Germans were gonna go through with their invasion plan as fast as they did

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