The Insane Creators Guild 641 members · 2,357 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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TCan't Make Friends
Cozy had a plan to make friends. A secret plan that no-one could know about. But someone did.
Leondude · 2.6k words  ·  40  7 · 1.2k views

In the world of Equestria Girls, a young Cozy Glow intends on starting up her own little "friendship network". But her methods of doing so are very, very illegal, and someone's got to stop her.

TBetter To Rule Tartarus
Cozy Glow had been trapped in stone for two years, more than enough time to reflect on her mistakes. Was it time for her to be given a second chance?
Leondude · 5k words  ·  43  4 · 1.8k views

The sort of sequel-epilogue-thing to A Cozy Tale (which I haven't completed yet BTW) has Cozy thinking about what went wrong in her plan for becoming the Princess of Friendship and how she could get her power back.

Group Admin

7295273 I added them to my bookshelf. Keep up the good work. :)

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