Cinematic Adventures 250 members · 24 stories
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Group Admin

Me: “Oh, that must’ve been a rough flight for sure…”

Plymouth: Rough as balls, I tell ya. (eats another chip) And at the end of it, the car turns sentient and drives into the forest like it's become Tarzan or something. Weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Well at least Hermione has a backup plan in case it fails since we all know what's gonna happen to her.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

"Not Until 4"

*Discord and Peeves start their antics once more waging war on them again*

Storm Shield:(he and Moondancer dodge the books) Discord! Peeves! Stop attacking us whilst class is in session!

Moondancer:(irritated) Peeves and Discord, don't the both of you have to be stupid and rowdy somewhere else?

Discord & Peeves:(unison) Not until 4

Comment posted by CortezDude deleted May 14th
Comment posted by Postwarmonkey50 deleted May 14th
Comment posted by Dramamaster829 deleted May 14th
Comment posted by CortezDude deleted May 14th

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Bald Joke

*After Adagio loses her hair, Silverstream makes a joke about it*

Silverstream:Hey, Adagio. Is it okay if we call you "Baldagio"? Get it?

Gallus:(everyone laughs on it) That was a good one, Silv!

Adagio:(raging) I….AM....GOING.…TO....DESTROY ALL OF YOU!!!!! (she then bawls afterwards) Oh my hair! My precious locks! All gone! All gone! Whhhhhyyyyyyy?!

Scootaloo:Suck it up, Siren. At least you get the "Bald is Beautiful" look

Sweetie Belle:(everyone chuckles on it as well) Not bad, Scootaloo!

Adagio:(she angrily snaps at them) Shut up! (she bawls again) Oh why? Oh why? Oh why? My poor sweet hair.....

Andromedis:(he disgustingly sneers at the Dazzlings) You're all pathetic!

Group Admin

Ooh! How about the heroes “pun-ishing” the Dazzlings, with puns to further add insult to their injuries.

Chamber of Secrets
Final Battle — Bald Adagio’s Punishment

“MY HAAAAAAAAAIIIIRRRRRR!!!!” Adagio wailed in horror at the loss of her pride and joy — her hair.

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!” The heroes and villains alike all pointed and laughed at Adagio’s humiliation.

Discord’s Theater(s)

Plus, Adagio’s embarrassment is broadcast all over the multiverse, and preserved for historical posterity, on live TV!

Audience: “HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

“Now that’s a CLOSE SHAVE!” Scootaloo laughed.

“I guess what Rarity said is true!” Sweetie Belle laughed. “Hair today, gone tomorrow!”

“She’s no Hairity,” Apple Bloom laughed, pointing at Adagio, while clinging to her friends for support. “But she’s HAIR-LARIOUS!!!”

Adagio’s face was boiling red with anger and embarrassment.

“Rrrrrgh! I’ll have your—C’mon! Stop it! Stop laughing at me! It’s not funny!” Adagio whined.

“Actually, it’s very funny,” Aria laughed, clutching her side. “It’s baldly going where no pun has gone before!”

“Golly!” Cozy Glow chortled. “I guess we won’t count on you for anymore hair-raising experience!”

“I’m gonna cry!” Sunset Shimmer laughed.

“So am I!” Sonata laughed, as she holds onto Sunset for support.

“I haven’t felt this happy in a long time!” Sunset added. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna bust my gut out!”

“So cut it out!” Sonata added.

“Huh?” Sunset and Sonata both stopped to look at each other, and their friends, then at Baldagio, and they resumed laughing out loud, and rolling on the floor laughing.

“Where’s Harry Potter, by the way?” Gallus asked. “He should be here with us, enjoying this!”

“Yeah! I’m sure even Harry…” Silverstream immediately remembers the situation at hand, and snapped her finger. “Oh! That’s right! HARRY! We have to save him from the Basilisk!”

Unfortunately, the Students’ and friends’ rescue was blocked off by an angry Adagio. Complete with yellow red Sith Eyes.

“JUSTICE TO MY HAIR!!!” Adagio snarled with foams drooling from her mouth.

“…Baldy Waldy,” Spike whispered, resulting in his friends laughing at Adagio again.

Adagio sulked in misery. It’s clear, from this point onward, without her hair, no one will ever take her seriously again.

Group Admin

Conga parody song

We Have Punished AdaGIO
And we jinxed her hair OFF

Now she’s very BaaALD!
And we’re very glaaAD!



Laughing so hard from this!


Now that would be a Conga line everyone would love to be apart of

Group Admin

Actually, I have a better song in mind!

Adagio is bald (A Hermione Can’t Draw parody song)

Adagio is bald
Adagio is bald
Adagio is really bald~

She only sings songs
She has no hair
Even if she sings a
"Grow hair, grow hair" song!

It’s a work-in-progress. But I can’t wait to sing this when Adagio loses her hair!


HA! That would be something better and satisfying :rainbowlaugh:

Adagio just can’t catch a break, can she? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Adagio just can’t catch a break, can she? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

My current progress for the song I'm writing for the next commentary.

The objective of this song was for me to sing to Sunset Shimmer, saying she is the MVP (Most Valued Person), but Discord being Discord had to jump in, insisting he's the MVP because (In Discord's saying: 1. He's better than Sunset. 2. He's better than Sunset. 3. He' get the idea).

Me: (Singing to Sunset) Once again you need some help
From your faithful friends from CA, including myself!
Check my previous contributions for yourself!
(Game Quest! Elements of Justice! Oh my Disney!)

With a press of the "Post Comment", bro
A WAP-BAM-BOOM, quote suggestions are pitched, yo!
Hasbro really did you dirty since Anon-a-Miss, y'know!
But we're here to right their wrong, amigo! (Sunset Shimmer: "Thanks amigo!")

Me: (To Sunset)

Who needs an OC when you’ve got the OGs?
(Wow o o o o o o)

Character development is our top priori-TY
I’ll rig the story scenes for you cause you’re the MVP!

Game Quest, Cinematic Adventures,
I’ve worked for them all to Disney—

*Discord takes over

Discord: (Takes over the song)

Who's been here since Season Two?
Who put the Q in IQ?
Who put together your hearty crew?
ME! Your favorite, beloved Chaos MASTEEEEEEEEEERRRR! (Sunset Shimmer: "Et tu?")

Discord shoves Sunset out of the scene.

I'm your guy, your day-to-day
Your chum, everybody's beloved Hogwarts Professor
Remember when I fixed that clog today?

Moaning Myrtyle: "I was stuck, thank you sir!" (Fluttershy: "Oh you!")

We've found something fantastic and I don't wanna let it go! (Fluttershy: "Aw!")
Who needs a Stupid Sith when you've got someone like ME? (Sunset Shimmer: (Insulted) "Excuse me?!")
I'm more faithful to you, like the wife I'll always hold (Sunset Shimmer: "Uh..say what?)
It's a little funny, you could say I'm the real MVP!

As Discord sings and holds the last note, he turns his head and gives Sunset Shimmer an insulting glare. Triggered, Sunset Shimmer whips out her guitar and aggressively plays a note in Discord's face. But Discord responds by dropping a piano on Sunset Shimmer and plays some swinging upbeat tunes of his own, until...Sunset deliberately blows an off-key flute note, which shatters lots of glasses. Harry Potter's glasses included.

It’s a WIP (work-in-progress) Needs more work...

Group Admin

I wonder…

What-If: Adagio gets turned into an eagle, then gets her head roasted by Spike, and her hair singes off in that order?

Adagio Dazzle: “MY HAAAAAAIR!!!”

Scootaloo: “Well, what do you know? A BALD EAGLE!”

Spike: “Nah. I’d call it a Mongolian Barbecue.”

Group Admin

All drafts need work before anything is truly finalized. If one is not happy with their work, or at least not satisfied, they should take all the time they need until they are confident it is just right.

Group Admin

Would this be me falling to the Dark Side if I were to chuckle deviously at the thought of shaving Adagio’s hair off, and making her the butt-monkey of this Season 2 finale?

I don’t care. I’ve been holding on this for a LOOOONG time since the Star Wars trilogy.

So…let’s make Adagio pay back…with FOUR YEARS INTEREST!!!

Chamber of Secret
Calling Adagio “Fuzzy Wuzzy”

“MY HAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR!!!!” Adagio wailed in despair at the loss of her hair.

“Wow,” Spike laughed. “That went fast. From Fuzzy Wuzzy to Baldy Waldy.”

“I guesa it’s true!” Sweetie Belle laughed, before she sang:

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy!
Was she?

No! She’s a Baldy Waldy!

“I am NOT going to be remembered for that stupid nursery rhyme! You HEAR ME?!” Adagio snarled, with her mouth foaming. “THAT’S THE MOST CHILDISH THING EVER!!!”

“Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was she?” Sweetie Belle snickered.

“No! She’s a BALDY WALDY!!!” Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sonata finished, before they all laughed together, much to Adagio’s ire.


Adagio then breaks down crying.

Now this comedy gold right here! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Woah, Adagio’s really steamed now!

Group Admin


Woah, Adagio’s really steamed now!

Totally worth it!


Oh man, this would be totally worth it and be a funny moment to remember for future events too come :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

Cinematic Adventures’ Commentators’ Mob song

Gonna shave Adagio’s hair off
She’ll pay for Season 1 to Season 2!

Gonna shave Adagio’s hair off
If it’s the last thing that we dooooooo~

Group Admin

WANTED POSTER for Adagio Dazzle

NAME: Adagio Dazzle
CA criminal records:

  1. Attempted world domination
  2. Dabble in dark magic
  3. The mastermind of the kidnap and torture of Sunset Shimmer.
  4. Betraying and attempted murder of Sonata Dusk

Reward: One Discord Cut Ticket to the Emerald City

Group Admin

Just need to hold onto this feeling.

Let me tell you something. CA’s Season 1 finale did a bang up job ruining Sunset Shimmer’s character in Star Wars.

So…it’s only fitting that we return the favor to the Dazzlings (minus Sonata) in this Season 2 finale!

“This means war!” — Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny: (Singing)
How do!

Welcome to my shop
Let me cut your mop
Let me shave your crop
Daintedly, daintedly

Hey, you!
Don't look so perplexed
Why must you be vexed?
Can't you see you're next?
Yes, you're next
You're so next

How about a nice close shave?
Teach your whiskers to behave
Lots of lather, lots of soap
Please hold still, don't be a dope
Now we're ready for the scrapin'
There's no use to try escapin'
Yell and scream and rant and rave
There's no use, you need a shave!

Proceeds to attack Adagio.

Adagio Dazzle: (Screaming in agony) "Ooh! Ouch! Ouch! Ooh! Ouch! Ooh! Ooh! Ouch!"

Bugs Bunny: (Singing)
There, you're nice and clean
Although your face looks like it might have gone through a machine

Group Admin

It would kind of imply that this would be the case. But for reasons entirely your own, you seem to harbor a fascination for a bald Adagio.

Group Admin

Given how Adagio's sometimes not likeable in the franchise, as well that much hair on a person, I can't exactly blame him.

Group Admin

I suppose I can understand that logic. Whether or not it actually happens in this series will depend on where we see this going in the next few seasons.

Group Admin

Chamber of Secrets
Redactum Skullus

Redactum Skullus!” Apple Bloom shouted, firing a spell at Zoe Pink Star.

After the dust cleared up, the third siren looked herself over, before she scoffs at the filly.

“HA! Was that your best shot?” Zoe taunted, and resumed singing.

We will be adored? (Notices her head is shrinking, with her voice pitching higher)
Tell us that you want us?

Zoe Pink Star stood, with her head shrunken to the size of a speck of dust.

Or how about Tirek?

Tirek was sucking the powers right out of Sunset and Sonata, when—

“PEEK-A-BOO!!!” Spike shouted, startling the centaur.

“BWAH!!!” Tirek yelled, dropping the two girls to the floor, patting his chest to ease his rapid heartbeat.

”Redactum Skullus!” Sweetie Belle shouted, firing the spell at Tirek, hitting him square on the face.

”Pathetic! Was that your attempt to stop—“ Tirek paused mid-sentence when he realized a sudden change of development. ”Hey! Why? How are you all so big? And…Is that my voice? Is that my voice? What’s the matter with my voice?”

“Golly, Mr. Tirek!” Cozy Glow exclaimed. “What tiny head you have!”

”What?” Tirek was given a mirror to look, and he was horrified to find his head shrunken. ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

7969854 This has got to be one of the most hilarious spells in the “Harry Potter” franchise alongside the Boggart Banishing Spell. It’s something Bugs Bunny himself would be proud of. :rainbowlaugh:

I love that Bugs Bunny segment

Group Admin


It would kind of imply that this would be the case. But for reasons entirely your own, you seem to harbor a fascination for a bald Adagio.

It ain’t just me. The majority of the entire Cinematic Adventure wants to see Adagio get her laser-guided karma for what she did to Sunset Shimmer and Sonata Dusk.

(To everyone) Ain’t that right everyone?

Given how Adagio's sometimes not likeable in the franchise, as well that much hair on a person, I can't exactly blame him.



I suppose I can understand that logic. Whether or not it actually happens in this series will depend on where we see this going in the next few seasons.

A possibility I see this is going in the next few seasons is to make into a running gag!

After this, Adagio will be wearing a wig, for the entire run of Cinematic Adventures to Season 7 (Deathly Hallows). Yeah. The plan is our heroes jinxed her head so badly, that her hair will never grow back!

And on some occasions, our heroes could exploit her wig, by snatching it off, blowing it off, etc. and in her panicked freak out, a la Hacker (Cyberchase), Adagio is left stunned and mortified, letting our heroes accomplish their mission.

Ha ha ha ha 🤣😆 It’s hilarious! No. Make it “HAIR-LARIOUS!”

Group Admin

Chamber of Secrets
Everyone’s reaction to Calvorio

Calvorio!” Sweetie Belle shouted in impulse, firing the spell that hits Adagio Dazzle.

When the dust cleared up, everyone immediately paused what they were doing and looked at Adagio in bewilderment.

Sunset Shimmer was in the middle of battling Demetria and Andromedas, when both she and the two Siths paused and gawked at Adagio. Andromedas was slack jawed, one of Demetria’s eyes was twitching, and a corner in Sunset’s mouth was curling up into a smile.

Sonata Dusk was in a tussle with Aria Blaze and Zoe Pink Star, when they stopped to look at Adagio. Sonata was the first snicker, with her eyes watering and her cheek bloating up, until she ends up laughing out loud.

“HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!” Sonata laughed, pointing at Adagio.

“What’s so funny?” Adagio asked, before she looked to see the Student Six and CMCs rolling on floor, laughing. “What? What are you laughing at?”

Storm Shield had locked Cozy Glow in for a noogy, and Cozy Glow was just about to sucker punch is jewels, when they paused and laughed at Adagio.

And it wasn’t just the heroes. Soon, the entire Chamber of Secrets was filled with laughter, as the villains laughed at Adagio.

“Golly!” Cozy Glow laughed. “That is a B-A-D haircut!”

“There's hardly any hair left!” Chrysalis laughed.

“What?” Adagio scratched her head, trying to figure out what the punchline meant.

Her eyes immediately widened in horror when she feels, not her curly locks of her pride and joy, but the skin of her scalp.

“What the?!” Adagio feels up the top of her head, until her horror has been realized. Her hair is gone. Every last on of it, clean off her head.

”MY HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!” Adagio wailed at the top of her lungs, immediately covering her bald head with her hands, trying to preserve her modesty.

This makes everyone laugh even louder at Adagio’s humiliation.

What’s worse, Adagio’s humiliation is being broadcasted, via Discord’s Theater, across the Multiverse, on LIVE TV!!!

Discord’s Theater

Gilda: “Now THAT’S FUNNY!!!”

Bon Bon: “Funnier than the time Rarity lost her hair! Ha ha ha!”

Steven Magnet: “And I thought Cranky had a bad hair day!”

Cranky Doodle Donkey: “Normally, I shouldn’t be laughing.” (Chuckles) “But…But…PFFFFTTTT!!! SERVES HER RIGHT! HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

Flurry Heart: “Ha ha ha ha!” *HIC* “Oh no! Oh no! Look what you’ve done to me! I got the hiccups!” *HIC HIC*

Pomni: (Lol) *Wheezes and tries to catch her breath* (Rolls on floor laughing)

Caine: “HA HA HA HA HA HA!” (Accidentally chomps on his own eyeballs) “OW! My eyes balls!”

Starswirl the Bearded: “That’s the most funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!”

Cheese Sandwich: “It’s HAIR-LARIOUS!”


It ain’t just me. The majority of the entire Cinematic Adventure wants to see Adagio get her laser-guided karma for what she did to Sunset Shimmer and Sonata Dusk.

(To everyone) Ain’t that right everyone?

Oh definitely, I been also wanting to see her getting this type of Karma for a long time now.



Looks like karma finally caught up to Adagio, and I thought Heather having her head shaved in “Total Drama” was brutal.

Tell me about it.

Group Admin

Now, to raise the stakes higher. What-If: There’s more dangerous things in the Forbidden Forest to keep our heroes on their toes than just spiders?

Chamber of Secrets
Escape from spiders…and predators

After their cars came to a pause, the heroes all took a moment to catch their breath.

“Thank you, Discord!” Fluttershy thanked, hugging the draconequss in his limousine.

“I would never let anything hurt you, Fluttershy,” Discord hugged the pegasus tenderly. “Unlike some bacon head.”

He glared a death glare at Sunset who simply shrugged in response.

“Hey!” Sandbar called to Ron and Harry in the Flying Angela Ford. “You guys okay?”

“Glad to be out of there,” Ron replied, only for his words to be eaten, when suddenly, an acromatula broke through the window and grabbed at Ron’s neck, trying to eat him.

“ROOOONNNNN!!!” The friends all shouted to the screaming boy, who fought with the giant spider.

Sunset Shimmer immediately whips out her lightsaber-wand, pointing at the spider from Discord’s limousine, with Harry whipping out his, also pointing at the spider, from his passenger seat.

Together, the two spellcasters work their magic together and shouted, “Arania Exumai!”

With that, blue lights were fired from the two wands, causing the spider to be blown off of Ron. Sunset Shimmer ignited her lightsaber and hacks away the acromatula for good measure.

“Thanks for that,” Ron breathed heavily, shaken from the adrenaline

“No problem,” Harry replied.

“At least it’s over now,” Sunset sighed.

“Uh, Sunset?” Spike tapped the Jedi Sorceress’s shoulder. “Look!”

Sunset looked ahead, with everyone following her gaze and their horrors were realized to see the nightmare was far from over.

Appearing over the hills of the Dark Forest, like a massive army ready to attack, are the entirety of Aragog’s children.

“Sweet Celestia!” Ocellus whimpered. “There must be thousands of them!”

Discord looked to the left and his eyes widened even bigger to see something even more terrifying.

“They’re not the only ones we need to worry,” Discord moaned. “Look!”

Looking to the side, the friends were horrified to see some wendigos joining the spiders.

But the most terrifying of all these wendigos was the one that has the face of a deer, or a ram.

“Oh no,” Sunset moaned, recognizing that particular wendigo. “Not you again…”(See Scooby-Doo:Wrestlemania Mystery.)

The wendigo let out a spine-chilling howl, to which several more howls answered back. Before anyone had time to realize, several black flames erupted in the air, as a million pair of red eyes blinked. Then, the shapes of wolves, panthers, snakes, bears, eagles, and all kinds of predators emerge.

And to complete the line-up, stood the ghost of a huge bear. The bear that was revered from Wrestlemania, Vicious. The real deal this time.

Plus, the ghost a familiar saber-toothed tiger.

“What are those things?!” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Predators! That’s what they are,” Discord answered.

“I know they’re Predators, but…are they…ghosts?!”

“Never mind that!” Sunset shouted. “We have to get out of here!”

Agreeing with Sunset, Harry told Ron, “Get us out of here…NOW!”

With that, Ron started the cat’s engine and speeds off through the forest. Discord also punched his limousine into high gear, as everyone raced out of the forest.

“C’mon!” Harry shouted. “C’mon move faster!”

Back in the limo, Spike and the Students turned to Sunset and asked, “So, what’s the plan now, chief?”

“We get the hell outta here!” Sunset shouted. “Drive faster!”

“Best idea Jedi said all day!” Yona exclaimed.

“Well, coming into the forest was kinda worth it,” Spike reminded. “We’ve learned a few things.”

“Yeah? Like what?” Smolder asked skeptically. “That there are such things as giant spiders that can eat a grown person?”

“And yaks?” Gallus asked, earning himself an elbow to the ribs.

“No! That the fact that Hagrid was innocent!” Spike brought. “And the monster from the Chamber of Secret is not a…spider…”

Spike and Fluttershy both looked at each other, before they, and the Student Six, plus Discord, all gave Sunset Shimmer a disappointing look.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Spike pointed at Sunset. “You also realize what this means?”

“It means Twilight was right! Wasn’t she?!” Fluttershy scowled angrily.

It didn’t take long for Sunset Shimmer to blush in embarrassment, with a sheepish chuckle to go with it.

“Eh he he he,” Sunset chuckled. “Uh…maybe? I mean—Uh…Um…Who are we talking about?”

“You know darn well what we’re talking about,” Spike frowned. “Twilight was right! Wasn’t she? There was actually MORE to the story than what you were seeing! You haven’t learned your lesson since Star Wars! Haven’t you?”

“As Hufflepuff Professor, I FIND that lower, even for you, stupid! 50 points from Gryffindor!” Discord declared.

“Not now, Discord,” Fluttershy sighed.

“What? It’s my job,” Discord replied.

“Admit it, Sunset!” Spike demanded.

“Not now, you guys,” Sunset pleaded for mercy.

“We wanna hear you say it!” Gallus demanded.

“Can we please talk about this some other time?” Sunset asked.

“Say it!” Gallus demanded.

“Not now!” Sunset replied.

“Say it!” Smolder joined.

“Not now you guys!” Sunset repeated.

“Say it, or I’LL TOSS YOU OUT THE LIMO!” Fluttershy threatened, picking Sunset up and opening a window to toss the Jedi out.

“NOOOOOO!!!” Sunset screamed, holding her arms and legs out, holding the frames to keep herself from being thrown out, “Don’t you even think about it!”

“Say it!” Spike continued.

“C’mon!” Sunset whimpered.

“Say it!” The Student Six added.

“Okay!” Sunset finally relented. “Twilight was right! And I was wrong! I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!”

“And?” Fluttershy asked.

“And I should definitely apologize to Twilight!” Sunset added.

“And?” Spike asked.

“What more do you guys want from me?” Sunset moaned.

“How about admitting that you’re the biggest idiot?” Discord suggested.

“Oh c’mon!” Sunset whined.

“Ah-ah-ah,” Discord wagged his finger.

“Okay! I am an idiot!” Sunset cried out loud. “The biggest idiot in the Galaxy!”


“THE MULTIVERSE! The Biggest Idiot In The Multiverse! There! You guys happy now?”

“I am,” Discord grinned. “I hate to say I told you so, but…I TOLD YOU! All OF YOU~”

“Now can we please focus on getting out of here now?” Ocellus asked.

“Eeyup!” Everyone said in agreement, right when a wolf jumped through the window and into the limo.

“Get outta here!” Sunset kicked the phantom wolf out.

Another word from Mr. E is…he wants Fluttercord moments.

Group Admin

Chamber of Secrets
Sunset Shimmer trapped in the Wizarding World

Sunset opened up a portal and tried to escape back into Ponyville. Unfortunately, like the gateway at King’s Cross, she hits her face against a wall.

“NO!” Desperate, Sunset opened up another portal, back to the Galaxy, and Discord’s Theater, but was met with the same problem. She cannot escape. “NOOOOO!!!! UGH! SH—“

She pounded her fist in the ground in frustration. Once again, Sunset has been framed for a crime she didn’t commit, just like Hagrid. She felt so alone, because this time, Twilight isn’t coming to save her. And Sunset felt it was all her fault.

Sunset Shimmer running from the law

The next morning, after the skirmish in the Dark Forest…


Spike: “Looks like Malfoy senior is true to his words.”

Smolder: “What gave that away?”

Sunset Shimmer: “I have to find that Chamber of Secrets and end all this madness. It’s the only way to clear my name…”

Gallus: “I’m all for that, Sunset. Question is: How do we get pass those guys? They look tough!”

Ron: “Those are aurors! They’re highly trained professionals to enforce the laws, and to hunt and arrest any Dark Wizards they find. They’re the best of the best.”

Ocellus: “Even better than Gilderoy?”

Ron: “…Honestly, I don’t think of him as an Auror.”

Sunset Shimmer: “Can we please get back on topic? I need to sneak pass those guys. Especially him!”

Storm Shield: (Talking to Rufus) “Sir! Please! Let’s just all calm down and talk this over civilized. No need for all this drama…”

Rufus Scrimgeour: (To Storm Shield) “Jedi! Sith! Two sides of the same coin! As long as you carry lightsabers, no one is above the law!”

Later, after the heroes discover the Chamber
"THERE SHE IS!" Someone shouted, to which Sunset Shimmer and friends looked to see a whole squadron of wizard officers flooding Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!"

One of the cops had snatched Sunset's lightsaber off her belt, while another had telekinetically restrained her, as if she was handcuffed. Stepping forth, possibly the leader of the squad is the wizard, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Sunset Shimmer! Also known as Darth Seraphina! You're under arrest!" Kingsley declared. "I'm taking you to Azkaban!"

"No!" Spike, Sonata, and Storm Shield shouted as they tried to protect their friend.

"Do not interfere!" Kingsley warned. "We've been ordered by an official of the Ministry of Magic to arrest this criminal!"

"No, you don't get it!" Spike shouted. "Sunset's innocent! She's our friend!"

"She didn't do any of this!" Sonata added. "She didn't open the Chamber of Secrets!"

"Nor has she made any attempt on Twilight's life!" Storm Shield vouched. "Or any of our other friends' life, even when they're bedridden and helpless! Or she would've done them in now!"

"And I have to get down there and save Ginny!" Sunset added. "You have to let me go!"

"And then what?" One of the auras challenged. "Wait for another disaster of you turning over to the Dark Side again? Endangering millions of innocent lives?"

"You're too dangerous to be let loose!" Another auras spatted.

"But none of that was her fault!" Sonata sobbed tearfully. "It was my fault! If...If I hadn't been so mean to Sunset back then, none of that would've happened. Arrest me instead!"

"Sonata! NO!" Sunset shook her head.

"None of you are getting arrested, if I have anything to say about it!" Storm Shield barked, before he turned to Kingsley. "As Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, Sunset Shimmer is my responsibility, and I am not ready to turn her in to you!"

"You forget where you are, Grandmaster," One of the aurors spatted back. "This is the Wizarding World! We uphold the laws in this world. And not you, or any of your Jedi Codes, apply here! And if you continue to interfere, then you are branded as a traitor, thereby terminating the alliance between the Wizarding World, Equestria, and Jedi!"

Suddenly, a Lightsaber went off against Kingsley's neck, revealing to be Postwar with anger in his eyes, startling them.

Postwar: Don't even think about it. I have proof that Sunset wasn't involved and we can vouch for her as there are many witnesses around. So you have the count of three to put that stupid stick down, or you'll find your head on the floor.

Kingsley: Pff, you and what army?

Postwar: *smirks* This one.

Suddenly, Arctic, the Rainbooms, and twelve Jedi in robes appeared, turned on their Lightsabers and pinned and surrounded the Aurors.

Arctic: (smirks a little) So, what was that you were saying earlier? Because my friends and I here didn’t like what you were planning to do with Sunset.

EQG! Rainbow Dash: That’s right! We aren’t going to let you take our friend away!

Storm Shield: Where did you get them?!

Postwar: I also trained more Jedi in secret, but I asked them to stay hidden unless absolutely necessary.

Kingsley: You dare to point that thing?!

Postwar: Give me a reason.

"Enough!" Sweetie Belle shouted, finally having enough. "We're all wasting time here! Listen! We don't care whether or not Sunset's a criminal, or public enemy to the entire Wizarding World. But right now, Ginny Weasley is down there, taken prisoner by the Heir of Slytherin, while the rest of our friends are bedridden, and you're all bickering each other like children! We're running out of time! And we need all the help we can get! Sunset is coming with us, whether you wizards like it or not! But we need you guys to protect Twilight and our friends, until the Mandrake Draughts are ready! And after all this, THEN you guys can take Sunset Shimmer to jail..."

Postwar: More importantly, you will do no such thing. Sunset Shimmer may have been away for a while, but she's both a Jedi of the Order from the Galaxy and she's also a citizen of Equestria. If you hereby terminate our Alliance for both sides right here and now whilst unlawfully arrest an innocent civilian, we will consider this an act of war, and will launch a full offensive that would wipe out every single wizard from the Ministry of Magic, and I doubt the rest of the Wizarding Government will join your cause after such false evidence.

Arctic: So, will ask this again. Will you do things the easy way and let Sunset go? Or do this the hard way and cause a war with Equestria?

Postwar: What's it going to be?

Though taken aback, not to mention surprised by Sweetie Belle's sudden assertiveness, the grown-ups in the room all exchanged looks before they all nodded in agreement. Kingsley returned Sunset's lightsaber-wand, and released her from her invisible shackles.

"I'll be waiting until you get back," Kingsley frowned.

"I'm not coming back," Sunset shook her head.

"Go! Go!" Kingsley barked, ordering Sunset and friends to enter the Chamber of Secrets.

After they left, Postwar deactivated his Lightsaber and walked over to Kingsley, who was glaring at him. He couldn't help but smirk at him:

Postwar: *whispers* Face it, you're only doing this because you wanted to protect Harry when you thought he was in danger because his parents were in the Order, weren't you?

Kingsley: *looks at him in shock and whispers* How did you...?

Postwar: I have my ways. *Looks around and handed him a folder* My bosses wanted me to give this to you. They said that this is proof that Sunset Shimmer wasn't responsible as she has many alibis. Go to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, they'll help you with this.

Kingsley: *whispers* Why are you giving me this?

Postwar: *whispers* Because you're important to the cause and the only level-headed member of the Ministry. A cause that will one day come to this world. And the Dark Order will make things worse. And when they do, you can count on us for support.

Kingsley was hesitant, but accepted them before Postwar moved away and signaled the Jedi to disappear, which they did:

Postwar: Arctic, come on, we got a job to do.

Arctic: (nods) Right. (He said and looks towards the Rainbooms) Alright, Rainbooms. Let’s get going and help Sunset out.

Postwar, Arctic and the Rainbooms went down to help Sunset.

Group Admin

The quote about “two sides of the same coin,” came from Gwen’s dad in the Ultimate Spider-Man.

Group Admin

Oooh, nice one Phantom, very impressive.

Group Admin

I got something. Don't know if this will be added or anything. This is after Storm woke up.

Sunset opened up a portal and tried to escape back into Ponyville. Unfortunately, like the gateway at King’s Cross, she hits her face against a wall.

“NO!” Desperate, Sunset opened up another portal, back to the Galaxy, and Discord’s Theater, but was met with the same problem. She cannot escape. “NOOOOO!!!! UGH! SH—“

She pounded her fist in the ground in frustration. Once again, Sunset has been framed for a crime she didn’t commit, just like Hagrid. She felt so alone, because this time, Twilight isn’t coming to save her. And Sunset felt it was all her fault.

She heard a throat clear, startling her. When she turned around, she saw Storm Shield, much to her surprise and relief.

"Storm Shield!!" said Sunset in relief as she turned around. "I..."

However, the look on his face said otherwise. He looked at her with a glare, which surprised her.

"So...Twilight was a horrible friend, was she?" said Storm Shield, "You didn't need her, did you?"

Sunset winced, and realized that the others told her, making her look down in guilt.

"Sunset, what in the name of the Force and Harmony were you thinking in saying that?" said Storm Shield. "I get it that you were frustrated, but you didn't have to take it out on her. Did you forget what you did to her counterpart back at CHS?"

Sunset looked down in guilt.

Storm Shield shook his head. "I have to admit, I had my doubts when you wanted to be a Jedi. But then my mother told me everything. I knew you had a temper, but not as far as from when you were still a child."

"Look, I just wanted to prove myself." said Sunset.

"By lying?" said Storm Shield, which caused Sunset to pause. "My mother told me that she told you to be humble and humility, but then you said they were boring. Then she told you to make friends, but you ran and lied to her, and you've been lying until the Fall Formal. And after everything Twilight did for you when she asked the school to give you a chance to redeem herself, as well as Celestia reassuring that you weren't that same person anymore. And how did you pay her back, you told her right in her face that you didn't need her. Because you busy trying to..."

"What are you saying?" said Sunset.

"By you pretending to be a Jedi."

"Pretending?!" exclaimed Sunset, "I trained hard and did everything I could to earn that right!!"

"When it comes to wielding a Lightsaber and mastering the Force, yes," said Storm Shield, "But when it comes to emotions, that's a different story. You may be a Jedi, but no one, not even Luke or myself will make you a master."

"What?!" said Sunset, "But...but that's not fair."

Storm Shield then teleported right in front of her faced whilst floating and said, "Neither was blaming Twilight for you turning into a monster. All Twilight did was try to protect you, and no thanks to Rainbow, you dismissed everything she did for you and treated her like garbage instead of talking things out. Who did you think tried to reach out to you for more than a year when you wanted to stay behind and she wanted to know that you were okay. More. Than. A. Year. And suddenly you decided to show up, from Harmony knows where, and you have the gal, to think that what happened to you was Twilight's fault?"

Sunset looked down in regret, with Storm Shield adding, "Was it also her fault that you were expelled from my mother's school. Cause let's not forget that you had your chance to be an obedient student, but you wanted to be a magic power-hungry delinquent instead."

Storm groaned and said, "This is really Anon-a-miss all over again."

"I wasn't responsible for Anon-a-miss!!" said Sunset.

"No, but you did the same thing your friends at CHS did," said Storm, "By accusing someone when it 'looked like' they did it. Does that ring any bells with you?"

That's when Sunset was shocked, for Storm was right. She made the same mistakes her friends did when they accused her of being Anon-a-miss because it looked like she did it, and she pinned it on Hagrid, just like her friends did.

Storm groaned whilst face-hoofing himself and said, "I can't believe you're making the same mistake the Jedi Order did back then."

"Wait, what?" said Sunset in confusion, with Storm Shield sighing.

"Ahsoka left the Order long before it fell." said Storm Shield, "She was framed for a crime she didn't commit, and when her loyalty was questioned, the council turned their back on her. She was cleared, but she felt betrayed and felt she couldn't trust the Order anymore. And you're making the same mistakes they did."

Storm Shield sighed and said, "Look, mistakes were made, we can admit that. But you were the one who chose to side with the Emperor and thought that Hagrid was the culprit. And one thing you have know about being a Jedi, they can't let their personal feelings or emotions cloud your better judgment, and that's precisely what you did."

Storm hovered over to Sunset and said, "Plus, where was your common sense. We were on a different planet, we didn't know where to look, we didn't have any armies or resources, and the girls didn't have any experience. Cause if we had split up, then the girls would've been killed or captured like you were."

"You don't know that." said Sunset.

"Applejack was a stubborn mule," said Storm as he listed them down, "Rainbow is cocky, Pinkie is random, Fluttershy was afraid of her own shadow, Rarity's vanity always get the best of her, and from what the others had said, Twilight constantly panicked over the smallest things. None of them would've survived within five minutes, because they didn't know how dangerous the galaxy was, and if we had died, everything we did would be for nothing."

"And I saw what you went through," said Storm whilst remembering from what the Force Ghosts had told and showed him, "But you don't know what we've been through. We were trapped in a world outside our domain, we were stranded on another planet, we went to go thirty different planets controlled by the Empire that was trying to kill us. You think you had problems; we were this close into being taken in and killed by bounty hunters that wanted to do us in. Meantime, here you are, galivanting around on both worlds, thinking that you were the center of attention, and pushed everyone else out of your life. Plus, we didn't know where they'd take Spike. Cause I knew you were there too, and you could've helped him too."

"And I'm not the one being selfish here." said Storm. "And about you not needing them and thought they were horrible? Is that what you said and think when you chose to abandon your Rainboom friends at Canterlot High? And when was the last time you did call them or hear if they were okay?"

Sunset was surprised by this but looked down in guilt. She didn't even bother to try and contact her friends.

"Ugh," groaned Storm Shield, and said, "Sometimes I wonder why Twilight and I didn't stop you from staying behind in the Galaxy. The Galaxy that you had no place in and wasn't supposed to be there."

"I wanted to make up for my mistakes," said Sunset, "I just thought that, if I trained to be a Jedi, I'd be better prepared to help my friends and to make sure nobody was being hurt."

"Yeah well," said Storm Shield before turning to Sunset and said, "Being a Jedi, as well as a Guardian of Harmony, are not the same thing. And your father would be ashamed to see how selfish, how pigheaded, and narrowminded his own daughter had become."

Once again, Sunset was guilty and sat down whilst holding her legs.

"Look, I'm not mad." said Storm, "I'm just disappointed. We had such high hopes for you, but when things got tough, you'd rather go right for the exit. Nobody in Equestria and Canterlot City blamed you for what happened. You were lied and tricked by the Emperor, and you didn't know that the Dazzlings were there. But we also struggled to get to you, we didn't even know where to look. You could've at least tried to give us a chance."

"Look, I did the best I could, okay," said Sunset, "But I just didn't want anyone else to pay for my mistakes. And I didn't want to put both Celestia and my mother through anything else."

"What would you know what your mother and mine went through, you never came home ever since you chose to stay at both CHS and Galaxy." said Storm. "Remember, you left for my mother's school, after your dad died. Who did you think took care of everything when you were gone?"

"My mother did," said Sunset, "She's always a busy body."

Storm scoffed and said, "Your mother was a hot mess. Your brother was a clueless guppy who couldn't even comb his own mane. My mother had to look after the both of them, twice now."

Sunset was shocked and taken aback by this. "But...but I talked to Celestia and my mother from time to time. If she was upset, she and Celestia would've told me."

"They were protecting you, you hotheaded idiot!!" said Storm before moving past her, "Just like everypony and everybody who cared about you always does!!"

Sunset was taken aback by this again, then turned to Storm and said, "If things were that bad, why didn't you and Twilight tell me?"

"Because we were protecting you too!!" said Storm when he turned around and faced her.

Sunset was shocked and taken aback. She had no idea her actions on both occasions, her abandoning Celestia, and abandoning Twilight on both occasions, had caused so much pain. Storm sighed as he saw that she didn't know.

"Look," said Storm after calming down, "You're our friend Sunset, and you always will be. And I know life hasn't been fair and easy for you after what you went through. But that doesn't mean life has been fair and easy for the rest of us."

Sunset looked down in sadness as she never realized how much she had hurt. Not just because of her bad days as a Sith, but because of how many she had left behind, and how she had been unfair with Twilight instead of talking things out with her and the others.

"I guess I...didn't think about anyone else or what they went through...when I chose this life." said Sunset.

"It's alright," said Storm, "Your temper and frustration has a habit of doing that."

Sunset looked at Storm in regret, and said, "I know I'm supposed to save this for Twilight and the others, but...I'm sorry Storm. I'm sorry I couldn't be...what others wanted me to be."

"To be fair, I felt the same way." said Storm Shield, "When I became a Prince I wanted to help, only to miss so much of my life and felt I wasn't needed. But I carried on...for them...and for every one of my loved ones that I lost. Especially...her."

Sunset understood, then sighed and said, "I wish I could make things right."

"You still can." said Storm, as he floated over and held her shoulder, "I couldn't do much for you back then. But I am doing it now. For all of us."

Group Admin

Brilliantly done, Postwar!

Group Admin

Hehe, thanks.:twilightsmile:

If you wanna know some references. Justin and the Knights of Valor, Big Bang Theory, with a hint of...NSR and Gravity Falls.

Group Admin

During the final battle.

“Aw…how cute,” Darth Andromedis scoffed. “The former Emperor’s Fury, Darth Seraphina needs help from children. Misfits helping a misfit. Tell me, do you believe you can stand a chance against my colleagues and I?”

“I will do what I must,” Sunset replied, standing her ground. “Besides, I made the mistake of leaving my friends behind. I’m not going to make that same mistake again…”

“Friends?” Demetria spatted in outrage. “Including that traitor, Twilight Sparkle? The same you’ve spent your whole life hunting down to kill?!”

“Demetria. Wait—“

“I gave you the perfect chance to kill her! She was petrified! You had opportunity to kill her! You taught me that! Never waste an opportunity! Remember?!”

“I was wrong, Demetria! I wasn’t in my right set of mind! That wasn’t me talking! I’m not Seraphina! I never should’ve been her to begin with.”

Different names, same traitor,” Demetria snarled. “You promised me the Galaxy! The power! And I’ve lost everything I had…BECAUSE OF YOU!”


“And as if that wasn’t enough, you abandoned me in favor of that boy! Darth Vader’s grandson!”

“No! I…Ben is my responsibility. But so are you. You can still come back to me. And I promise, I’ll take better care of you as your teacher.”

“WHO SAID I NEEDED YOU AGAIN?! I have a new teacher now!”

“Yes,” Andromedas sneered as he stands by Demetria’s side. “And now, Demetria, is your chance. Prove yourself worthy of a Sith Apprentice. Destroy your former master the same way she had made you murder your previous one.”

“As you wish, Master Andromedas,” Demetria bowed, before she ignited her lightsabers.

“Demetria! No!” Sunset blocked the Twi’lek’s attacks.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Andromedas cackled, taunting Sunset Shimmer. “How appropriate for you to be slain by your former pupil, Seraphina. For what they say is true: What goes around, comes around. It was you who ordered for her to kill her master before you. A courtesy she will gladly extend to you. And this time, not even Princess Twilight Sparkle will be here to save you. Now, you will die pathetically as you have lived. A TRAITOR! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!”

Scottie Ray will forever be my all-time favorite Shredder from TMNT.

I’ve watched a lot of Ch’rell/Oroku Saki (Demon Shredder) scenes for inspirations of this scene.

Group Admin

Then Spike came and kicked Andromedas in the face, making him stagger backwards.

"That may be!!" said Spike, "But at least she's not some big bad turn stooge for a glorified mystery man!!"

Group Admin

Also, what did you mean by Sunset being framed again? I know she was now framed for the Sith Lightsaber thing, but what was the previous? Just to refresh my memory.

Group Admin


I know she was now framed for the Sith Lightsaber thing, but what was the previous?


Group Admin

Ooooh, right, right. I keep forgetting about that.

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