Cinematic Adventures 245 members · 24 stories
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They are scared of what's in the big water. There's even a song about it.

Group Admin

Who wouldn't be scared? The ocean's a big mystery. Aside from all the little fishes and the creatures we know, who knows what else is down in those depths? Why in the deepest regions of the Mariana Trench, it is theorized that there are creatures down there that man has rarely encountered nor ever seen. And folktales even believe that within the Lochs of Scotland, there be a sea creature though science has tried to prove otherwise and some dismissing the claim as a myth. And because we don't know what other creatures lie in the sea, we can neither confirm nor deny that any of those undiscovered creatures are dangerous.

My Little Pony: Cinematic Adventures: The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island

Apple Bloom talks to Littlefoot and Cera about Babs Seed's Troubles

The sun is setting across the ocean as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Babs Seed, Littlefoot and his friends are still stranded on the island after their failure for getting across the ocean to the other side when the Megalodon AKA The Swimming Sharptooth attacked them.

Babs Seed: (she's pacing back and forth) This is just great! We're stuck here on this island again and there's no way we can get back! (she turned to Littlefoot and Cera, angrily) And it's all because of you two!

Littlefoot and Cera looked stunned right after what Babs Seed said to them.

Apple Bloom: Babs, that's enough. We know you're still upset, but we'll figure out something we can do to get out of here.

Babs Seed: (sarcastically) Yeah, right. Unless they come up with a better idea. (she walked faraway from the group and sat down all alone)

Sweetie Belle: (concerned) Still mad at Littlefoot and Cera. (she turned to the others) I think I better check up on Babs. (she walked towards Babs Seed)

Scootaloo: Yeah, me too. (she followed Sweetie Belle towards Babs Seed) Babs, wait up!

Spike: (worriedly) Eh...

Ducky: (worriedly) Oh... Poor, poor Babs.

Petrie: (worriedly) Me getting worried about her. Hope Babs okay.

Apple Bloom is a lot concerned about her cousin right after everything what happened yesterday and today with Littlefoot and Cera.

Apple Bloom: Babs... (then she turned to a guilt Littlefoot and a guilt Cera)

Cera: (she felt very guilty) Babs was right... It was my fault that I started the fight with you, Littlefoot.

Littlefoot: No, it wasn't, Cera. It was my fault for leaving the herd last night and we made our folks worried.

Cera: (sighed) We should've listened to Babs sooner about telling Twilight and the others.

Littlefoot: All we ever wanted was to look for food, so we can't be apart. But now we're stuck here.

Cera: Oh well, I wouldn't blame Babs if she never wants to be near us again.

Apple Bloom: Hey, don't be too hard on yourselves, you guys. Babs is just having a hard time, that's all.

Littlefoot: What do you mean, Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom: You probably didn't know about it, but Babs was once being bullied back in our world in Manehattan.

Cera: She was?

Littlefoot: But for what? And why?

Apple Bloom: For not having her cutie mark when she was a Blank Flank. (Littlefoot and Cera were stunned as she continues talking) You see, when Babs came to Ponyville, she was a bully to me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just for fun so won't get picked on from anypony. But when Applejack told us the whole story about her life, we have no idea how she was feeling back then.

Littlefoot: Gosh, I didn't know that she was bullied.

Cera: Me neither. It must've been hard for her, hasn't it?

Apple Bloom: It was, Cera.

Littlefoot: Maybe that's why she hates us to begin with. She thought that me and Cera were bullying each other, and not being friends anymore.

Cera: But that was not true, we were having a disagreement.

Littlefoot: Yes, I know. If only we know how to make Babs understand us a little more. But we don't know how.

Apple Bloom: Don't worry, Littlefoot. I'm sure Babs will find a way how to get along with you and Cera. but only when the time was right. We just got to be patient.

I would love to see a Willy's wonderland cinematic adventures story but that's up to Mr E to decide

My Little Pony: Cinematic Adventures: Ready To Rumble
Fluttershy's Promo

(Imagine If Fluttershy was brainwashed by Raven's Flock)

Fluttershy is in a hooded jacket, hiding her face while reciting the poem: The Raven by "Edgar Allen Poe"

Fluttershy: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain

Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;

So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating

“’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door—

Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;—

This it is and nothing more.”

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;

But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,

And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,

That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;—

Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;

But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,

And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”

This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—

Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.

“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something at my window lattice;

Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore—

Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—

’Tis the wind and nothing more!”

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;

Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;

But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—

Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—

Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,

“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,

Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,

Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;

For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being

Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door—

Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,

With such name as “Nevermore.”

But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only

That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.

Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—

Till I scarcely more than muttered “Other friends have flown before—

On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before.”

Then the bird said “Nevermore.”

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,

“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store

Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster

Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore—

Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore

Of ‘Never—nevermore’.”

But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,

Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;

Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking

Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—

What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore

Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing

To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;

This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining

On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er,

But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er,

She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer

Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

“Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee

Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore;

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!”

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—

Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,

Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—

On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—

Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!”

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!

By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore—

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,

It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore—

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.”

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting—

“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!

Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!

Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

(Raven then lifted her jacket and revealed Fluttershy with a new look, a messed-up hair, wearing a rugged jacket and baggy pants and have her with black eyeliner, As Raven proceeds to Finish The Poem.)

Raven: And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor

Shall be lifted—nevermore!

(Fluttershy then proceeds to burn the photo that has her with her friends together.)

Fluttershy/Raven: Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.

Group Admin

All it goes to show is that you shouldn't judge people until you truly get to know them. Yes, Littlefoot and Cera have had their arguments, but this wasn't as bad as when they were first trying to get to the Great Valley. And while Babs may not like how they are behaving like... well, kids... Babs herself is being a bully... again.

(Spike off pies Forever)

As Spike and Gabby were taking a walk through Ponyville, Pinkie came by dragging a pie cart.

Pinkie: Good morning, you two!

Gabby: Morning, Pinkie Pie!

Spike: What's going on?

Pinkie: I'm just doing a pie sale. Can I offer you two a delicious slice?

Spike backed away in fright.

Spike: No! No pie for me!

Gabby: Spike?

Spike: Sorry, after our last adventure and realizing what was in that pie I ate... I've lost my love for them.

Pinkie: Sorry about that, Spike. At least now you and Rainbow Dash have something in common.

Potential season 3 opener

Applejack: Ah tell ya, everypony. Whatever world we step into next through that darn screen, better be somethin' pleasant.

Pinkie: Pleasant sounds nice. I mean... (takes deep breath) Last season, we fought a resurrected King Sombra, helped a small village rediscover the meaning of Christmas, saved a young girl from an evil cult, helped a guy put on the greatest show on Earth, took on a bunch of scary heels, solved the mystery of a missing dolphin and the guy who runs Discord's theater, teamed up with a non-superpowered superhero to save his city, saved fairy tale creatures, survived the dinosaur theme park, lived through the horrors we witnessed in Victorian London, helped some prehistoric creatures bring a child back to its family, and endured another year at magic school!

The whole group looks at Pinkie, amazed at her memory.

That would be a great line for Pinkie next season!

Yakko: Good Recap, Pinkie.

Group Admin

That's like reeling back against pancakes after having a stomachache for eating gosh knows how many.

My Little Pony: Cinematic Adventures: Space Jam

The Monstars Finally Had Enough with Mr. Swackhammer

Mr. Swackhammer is furious at the Monstars for losing the game against the Tune Squad.

Mr. Swackhammer: Losers!

Monstars: Sorry.

Mr. Swackhammer: Choke artists!

Monstars: Sorry again.

Mr. Swackhammer: Wait until I get you back on Moron Mountain.

The Mane Six, Spike and Michael walked over to the Monstars as Mr. Swackhammer stomps on Bupkus's foot in anger, which causes him to howl in pain. Fluttershy feels very sorry for the Monstars when Mr. Swackhammer treated them very badly.

Fluttershy: You know, it kind of makes me feel sorry for them.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. And did you see the way Mr. Swackhammer stomped Bupkus's foot? (she crossed her hooves) I mean, what kind of boss is he?

Michael Jordan: I'll have a word with them.

Mr. Swackhammer: (to the Tunes) All right. The party's over. Get in the spaceship.

Michael Jordan: (to the Monstars) Why do you take it from this guy?

Bupkus: (scared) Because he's bigger.

Pound: (raising an eyebrow) He's bigger.

Bang: (figuring it out slowly) Then we used... to be.

Monstars: (finally realizing that they're now bigger than Mr. Swackhammer is) Wait a minute. (then they turned to Mr. Swackhammer glaring angrily at him. Mr. Swackhammer feels something is not right)

Mr. Swackhammer: (nervously) What are you doing?

The Monstars reached for Mr. Swackhammer, grabbed and dragged him through the court.

Bupkus: Come here!

Twilight Sparkle: (shocked) What the-!?

Mr. Swackhammer: Hey! Wait! What are you doing? Wait! Let go!

The Monstars ignored Mr. Swackhammer as Michael looks on with interest. But as for the Mane Six and Spike, they were stunned by this moment. The Monstars laughed as they put Mr. Swackhammer in a rocket, Bugs and Wile E. smiled. The rocket takes off and heads for the ceiling as the Monstars waved goodbye to their new ex-boss.

Outside the arena, the rocket blasts through the ceiling and it heads for space. Mr. Swackhammer screams as he zooms fast as he heads for the moon and he landed it on.

Back in the arena, the crowd and the Tunes cheered. The Mane Six and Spike looked up at the hole in the ceiling where the rocket went through.

Twilight Sparkle: (stunned) Sweet Celestia...

Spike: (stunned) Whoa...

Rarity: (stunned) I... can't believe they did that.

Applejack: (nervously chuckled) I guess the Monstars finally had enough of Mr. Swackhammer for one day.

Pinkie Pie: (she looked at the hole in the ceiling, curiously) Speaking of that, where are the fireworks? That rocket's gotta have fireworks, right? (The rest of the Mane Six and Spike looked at her in stun) What?

I always enjoy seeing the Monstars having enough of their boss.

Bugs Bunny: Best not to overthink it, Pinkie.

Group Admin

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Especially when it's that one boss who's 'smaller' than them, and those aliens are no longer the puny little wimps who couldn't even lift a stick with marshmallows.

No argument. Swackhammer got what was coming to him.

Group Admin

And we never saw or heard from him ever again after that feature. He may be a cartoon character, but who's to say he's a 'toon'?

Ghostbusters (1984)
Containment breach

After the city health department shutdown the containment unit‚ All of the ghosts that the Ghostbusters and the mane six including spike captured escaped‚ And busted a hole through the firehouse roof.

Louis/keymaster: This is it! This is the sign!!!!

Janine melnitz: Yeah, it's a sign, all right. "Going out of business."

Fluttershy: (scared)All the ghosts are escaping!

Just then‚ the Ecto-1 pulled over and out came ray and Winston‚And they are confused and shocked of what happened‚ Meanwhile Louis aka the keymaster was walking to where Dana Barrett's apartment was‚ As cops were driving down the road to where the explosion came from.

Ray stantz: What happened!?

Egon spengler: The storage facility blew‚ He shut off the protection grid.

Ray stantz: oh great!

Winston zeddemore: That's bad isn't it?


Twilight sparkle: calm down rainbow dash!

Ray stantz: she's got a point though it is bad.

Spike: Well it can't get worse‚ As long as we don't lose the keymaster.

Peter venkman: Speaking of which‚ Where is the keymaster!?

Pinkie pie: HE'S GONE!!

Egon spengler: Shit!!!

Applejack: That vermin must've left‚ when we weren't looking!

Twilight sparkle: Well we have to find him!!!

Peter venkman: she's right!

Ray stantz: who's the key master?

Egon spengler: come on!

But as Egon was leading the group to find the keymaster‚ Walter peck and the cops blocked their way‚ And boy peck was not happy.

Walter peck: Hold it! I want this man arrested! Captain, these men and ladies are in criminal violation of the Environmental Protection Act! And this explosion is a direct result of it!

Egon spengler: YOUR MOTHER!


Twilight sparkle: GUYS STOP!!!!!

Then a fight broke out‚ as Egon and rainbow dash attempt to fight Walter peck‚ as the cops the 3 other Ghostbusters the main five and spike tried to break up the fight‚ As all hell just broke loose
: This is my first time writing a quote suggestion so I decided to do Ghostbusters so I hope you guys enjoy it

It's just too bad Mr. Enigma isn't using the movie for a Halloween event...

Oh well.

Group Admin

Karma was going to bite Mr. Swackhammer eventually. Eventually the little kids one picked on in school will eventually get bigger, maybe even more muscular. And if those people are extremely unlucky, all the bullying that did to those kids unintentionally turn them into monsters. Not like all those bedtime stories, I mean literal monsters whose legacies are suddenly expanded in 'Investigation Discovery' programs.

Madagascar (2005)
Grand Central station/Nana vs Alex and rainbow dash

When Alex Gloria melman the mane six and spike went looking for Marty before he got himself into trouble‚ Marty arrives at the New York grand Central station to go to the wild.

Marty the Zebra : Grand Central Station. It's grand, and it's central.

Meanwhile the group arrived aswell‚ hoping Marty would be there before it was too late.

Spike: Marty has to be here!

Alex the lion: Well come on‚ I hope we're not too late!

The group quickly ran out of the subway train and ran towards the stairs‚ But melman tried to get out but got his head stuck in the doors‚ Pinkie pie looked back and noticed.

Melman the giraffe: Ow ow ow ow!

Pinkie pie: Don't worry melman I'll help you!

Pinkie then zoomed over to him and grabbed him I tried pulling him out‚ Then melman's head was free but then his head hit the back of the Grand Central station sign.

Pinkie pie: Whoops sorry come on let's go!

Melman the giraffe: I'm coming!

But he was slipping because of the tissue boxes he wore over his hooves‚ Then while he was slipping he accidentally destroyed a blind drummer's drum set‚ And a cymbal fell and his head then the drummer hit it with his drum stick.

Meanwhile every human was panicking because they saw Alex‚ And while they were panicking Alex and the mane six tried to calm them down but they couldn't understand them because they were animals.

Alex the lion: Move aside‚ we have an emergency here!

Twilight sparkle: remain calm Everyone!

Fluttershy: We mean no harm‚ we're just looking for a zebra here!

Rarity: And as soon as we find him‚ ”we'll leave”!

Alex the lion: This is a emergency situation‚ hey hey just chill out it's not that big of an emergency.

Just then a old woman noticed Alex‚ And started hitting him with her handbag.

Nana: Upstairs! Downstairs! (Kicks him in the crotch)‚ How do you like that! (Sprays pepper spray).

Alex the lion: YEOW!!!!

Rainbow dash noticed Alex getting attacked‚ and flew over there and tried to tell the old woman why he was fighting him.

Rainbow dash: whoa lady why are you hurting him!

The old woman noticed rainbow dash‚ And do to the humans not understanding the animals‚ All she Heard coming out of rainbow dash's mouth were just pony noises.

Nana: Oh you want some of this too!?

Rainbow dash: Wait what!?

The old woman was then hitting rainbow dash with her handbag and then grabbed her by the wings and threw her to the ground‚ And then she grabbed Alex by the hand and did the same thing to him too‚ Then Alex and rainbow dash stood up in pain.

Alex the lion: Lady! What is wrong with you!

Rainbow dash: Yeah what was that for!?

The old woman wasn't done yet she kept hitting Alex and rainbow dash with her handbag‚ Then Alex and rainbow dash walked away.

Rainbow dash: relax woman!

Alex the lion: yeah! Get a grip on yourselves people!

Nana: you're a bad horse and a bad kitty!

Note: I'll do a part 2 to this quote suggestion later I hope you enjoy it and I thought it would be funny If rainbow dash encountered Nana aswell


Ah, one of the classic and memorable scenes from the movie.

And of course, there is the encounter in the 2nd movie

I remember this scene.

The Dark Knight

The Joker's Demands

Twilight: Bruce, Alfred. Look...

She points to the TV news report showing the dead Batman impersonator. Bruce turns up the volume.

Mike Engel: ...sensitive viewers, beware: the image is disturbing.

A video of said impersonator is shown where he is tied up and his captor's voice is heard offscreen.

Joker: Tell them your name.

Brian: Brian... Douglas...

Joker: Are you the real Batman?

Brian, frightened: No...

Joker, mockingly: "No?" Then why do you dress up like him?!

The Joker takes off the man's mask and laughs, enjoying the man's fearful reaction. The Mane Six look on with anxiety.

Brian: 'Cause he-he's a symbol... that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you.

Joker: Ah, you do, Brian. You really do. So, you think Batman's made Gotham a better place, hm? Look at me. (bellows, making the girls jump)) LOOK AT ME!! (Brian does so, growing more afraid. The Joker then has the camera reveal his face, covered in ghastly makeup with mouth forming a Glasgow grin) Y'see, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want... order in Gotham? Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. And as for these, er "Power Ponies" I've heard a lot about... (the Equestrians hold their breath) I want... their corpses brought to me... sometime this year. And every day these... demands aren't met, people will die... starting tonight.

Fluttershy: He... he can't really--

Joker: I'm a man of my word.

He lets out a psychotic laugh and off-camera has his way with his victim.

Scenarios like this prove that The Joker is such a monster and a psychopath! I’m now imagining that Pinkie Pie might be horrified and disgusted at The Joker for using the look of a clown to commit terrible crimes upon Gotham.

Yeah I bet Alex and rainbow dash would want a rematch with Nana

It's one my favorite scenes from Madagascar

Same, wouldn't surprise me if The Main 6 try to help Harley see that.

Like in the Batman animated series, even Batman could see and tell how badly and horribly The Joker treats her, and tried to get her to realize that he never cared about her

Madagascar (2005)
Caught in Grand Central station

Meanwhile Marty was waiting for the train so he can go to the wild‚ But unfortunately the schedule changes meaning he missed the train.

Marty the zebra: Dagnabbit! I missed the express. Looks like I'll have to take the Stamford local.

Suddenly Marty was was tackled to the ground by Alex and rainbow dash.

Alex the lion: we got him!

Rainbow dash: We've got him!

Gloria and Applejack: they've got him!

Twilight and rarity: they got him!

Fluttershy and spike: They did it!

Pinkie pie: WOOHOO WE DID IT!!!

Melman the giraffe: they've got him! They've got him! They've got... whoa!!!

All of sudden melman started slipping again‚ And the old woman that Alex and rainbow dash got beat up from noticed him and hit him with her handbag.

Nana: I got something for you!!!

Melman the giraffe: whoa whoa whoa!!!!

Then melman crashed into the grand Central station clock and broke it‚ Fluttershy noticed it and panicked and ran towards melman.

Fluttershy: Are you okay melman!

Melman the giraffe: (head in clock) yeah I'm okay! I'm okay! I'm okay!

Meanwhile Marty was confused and surprised that the mane six spike and his friends were here.

Marty the zebra: whoa! What are you guys doing here?

Alex the lion: oh I am so glad we found you.

Gloria the hippo: we were so worried about you.

Applejack: Are you alright sugercube?

Marty the zebra: Don't worry I'm fine I'm fine look at me I'm fine.

Alex the lion: you're fine? Oh‚ he's fine. Oh‚ great.You hear that? Marty's fine. That's good to know. Because I was just wondering....

Then all of a sudden Alex grabbed Marty's neck and started shaking him meaning that he was still upset Marty chose the wild over his friends.

Alex the lion: How could you do this to us? I thought we were your friends!

Marty the zebra: What's the big deal? I was coming back in the morning!

Rainbow dash: Still Marty did you know how much it took us to get here! Me and Alex got beat up by an old woman!!!!

Alex the lion: Don't you ever do this again. Do you hear me?

Twilight sparkle: Alex stop!!! You'll strangle him!!!!

Pinkie pie then started shuddering‚ And then she Heard police sirens and her eyes widen in fear knowing that they were in trouble.

Pinkie pie: (shaking) u u h m e l m a n I t h I n k w e ' r e in t r o u b l e!!!!!

Melman then looked at pinkie and heard the sirens aswell knowing that she was right. And and tried to warn the group that were still scolding him while Twilight tried getting Alex to let go of his neck.

Gloria the hippo: Do you hear him?

Rarity: you should be ashamed of yourself Marty!

Melman the giraffe: (head in clock) guys! We're running out of time!

Gloria the hippo: Oh‚ melman‚ You broke their clock?

Fluttershy: He didn't mean too!

Gloria the hippo: Rarity help me get the clock off of him.

Rarity: sure thing darling.

Meanwhile Alex was still scolding Marty while Twilight was still trying to get him to let go of his neck.

Alex the lion:..... do This again! Don't you ever‚ ever do this again!

Twilight sparkle: Alex stop that!!!

Spike turned around and he saw the grand Central station lights turned off and noticed helicopter lights and told the group about the police charging in the building.

Spike: Uhhh....guys?.

Meanwhile Gloria and rarity were trying to get the broken clock off of melman's head.

Gloria the hippo: (pulling clock) Come here! (Notices cops)

Rarity: (while pulling melman) why did you stop pulling? (Notices cops) (gasp!)

Fluttershy: (notices cops) (worried) uh oh.......

The fire alarm was going on the entire police men came charging to surround the group that escaped the zoo‚ Meanwhile the penguins were reading a newspaper until they noticed the police and dropped the newspaper.

Skipper: we've been ratted out‚ boys.

They rose their wings up meaning they've surrendered‚ Then Twilight Alex and Marty noticed when a cop said hold your fire!
There were a bunch of police men there were firemen‚ Then there was the blind drummer angry that his drum set was destroyed and the old woman that beat up Alex and rainbow dash joined in.

Alex's eyes went wide knowing that they were in trouble as the police surrounded the animals the ponies and the dragon‚ meanwhile behind them the penguins were walking backwards.

Skipper: cute and cuddly‚ boys cute and cuddly.

Meanwhile mason and Phil were buying tickets for the train while in their disguise but unfortunately they've been caught aswell.

Mason: If you have any poo‚ fling it now.

Note: I'll do the final part in a little bit so I thought I can finish it but I didn't want it to be too long.

Group Admin

They could try... but what's the point of prolonging the inevitable? The only way Harley would ever learn that The Joker is truly a horrific monster who cares little for her well-being is to experience it for herself. It's not as easy to take someone's word nowadays.

Madagascar (2005)
Tranquilized /Candyman

After the group were surrounded by the police‚ They didn't know what to do they were worried and frozen in place‚ until Marty begins whispering.

Marty the Zebra : (whispering) It's the man.

Rainbow dash: (whispering) we're surrounded.

Pinkie pie: (whispering) I don't wanna go to jail.

Fluttershy: (whispering) What do we do?

There was nothing but silence until Marty spoke out loud.

Marty the zebra: (loudly) Good evening‚ Officers.

Alex the Lion : No. No. Nope. You don't talk now. Okay? You're not so good with the "putting the words together and they're coming out good" thing. You keep it "shh"!

Alex then let go of Marty's neck and stood up to try and explain the situation to the police‚ Until he saw Twilight walked beside him.

Twilight sparkle: (whispering) I help you explain the situation.

Alex the lion: (whispering) Thanks Twilight.

Alex then turned the police and began to speak.

Alex the Lion : Hey! How you doing? Yeah. You know what? Everything's cool. We just, uh, had a little situation here. Little internal situation.

Twilight sparkle: Yeah this has been a big misunderstanding we didn't mean to leave the zoo. We were just looking for our friend here.

The police then pushed out an animal control employee with his dart gun out of the crowd who was scared of the lion in front of him‚ And tried to leave but the police blocked his way with their shields.

Alex the lion: Yes and actually our friend here just went a little crazy happens to everybody. The city gets to us all just went a little cuckoo in the head.

Twilight sparkle: Yeah very Cuckoo.

Marty the Zebra : (interrupting) Hey! Don't you two be calling me cuckoo in the head.

Rainbow dash: (whispering) Marty! Be quiet!

Alex the lion: Just shush!

Twilight sparkle: Marty just remain silent okay.

Alex the lion: yeah! Let me and her handle this.

But while they weren't looking the old woman that beat up Alex and rainbow dash was walking towards them and kicked Alex between the legs.

Nana: (kicks him in the crotch) I got him! (Gets dragged away by police)

Police: Go! Go! Go!

Alex the Lion : Oh! Would you give a guy a break? Aw! We're just gonna take our little friend here home and... uh, forget this ever happened.

Twilight sparkle: And this won't ever happen again.

Alex the lion: Yeah and No harm, no foul, right? (Gets close to the crowd)

Police and animal control employee: (backs away in fear)

Alex the lion: Oh, no, no, no. Hey, it's cool. It's me, Alex the lion and this is twilight one of the ponies. From the zoo. Rrrr!

But when the scared animal control employee looked in the scope he gasped in fear because the grr Alex made in his perspective were just Lion sounds‚ And then he moved to his sight on to twilight and just heard pony noises.

Alex the lion: Rrrr! (crowd gasping in fear)........(turns to group) What's the matter with them?

Twilight sparkle: yeah we're not hurting anyone.

Just then the animal control employee shot Alex in the butt with a trainqullizer dart.

Alex the Lion : Ow! Ow

Twilight sparkle: Alex! Are you ok- (gets shot with a dart) OW!

Twilight then looked at at her leg and realized she got by a dart too.

Twilight sparkle: what in th- (pupils shrink) whoa.

Just then Alex and Twilight start getting woozy and start losing their balance‚ And just as when their about to fall the mane 5 including spike catch twilight while Gloria catches Alex.

Rarity: Twilight Alex are you darlings ok!

Spike: yeah speak to us!

Alex the Lion : Wow! Whoo! I feel really, really weird.

Twilight sparkle: ugh I feel weird too.

All of a sudden Alex and Twilight's eyes began dilating and they make goofy smiles and began acting drunk.

Alex the lion: Hey! Aw. We love you guys.

Twilight sparkle: (laughing) Haha yeah you guys are the best.

Alex and Twilight: (in slow motion) we love you so much.......

Just then the worried group surrounded the trainqullized lion and the purple pony in Alex and Twilight's perspective they began spinning and morphed into a kaleidoscope‚ With multiple patterns of their friends while the candyman theme started playing in the background.

Then all of a sudden the vision turned into a vision with multiple Martys Pinkies rainbow dashes and melmans dancing‚
Then their vision zooms onto melman's neck pattern with the pattern morphing into New York City buildings and then it zooms out in to sea while fireworks are going off with the statue of Liberty the resembles Gloria.

All of a sudden the statue of Liberty Gloria flies close to screen and began swinging the torch and hit the screen causing a glass shatter with little stars flying.

All of a sudden Alex started to wake up with his vision all blurry and saw that he was in a crate and the zoo with a protest in front of it.

News reporter: Last night's dramatic incident in Grand Central is an example of what animal rights wackos have been shouting for years: The animals clearly don't belong in captivity.

Then all of a sudden Alex saw in the distance Twilight being carried by a zookeeper sleeping and being put in a crate aswell.

Alex the lion: (weakly) twilight?

News reporter: Now they are to be sent back to their natural habitat, while the six colorful female horses will be sent to the open grassland‚ Where they will live their lives in the freedom they so clearly desire.

Alex the lion: (sticks out his hand weakly) Hey. Little help?

Guard: (audience runs away) He's awake! He's awake, aah! (shoots more tranquilizer darts with different colors, the blue one lands in the middle of his palm revealing it in his perspective)

Alex the lion: Oh, man...

Alex and Twilight's The Candy Man dream plays again, but speeded up.

Note: I finally finished the grand Central scene from Madagascar I hope you all enjoyed it.

I enjoyed this, and I don't the girls would be happy to know that the humans can only hear animals sound when they talk.

Yeah probably when they first got to the zoo and when the zookeeper couldn't understand what they were saying they would probably be confused.

Group Admin

We have to understand that not 'every' universe grants the humans the ability to communicate or understand animals. There's that communication barrier between races that proves to be a headache for animals, not just our heroes. Otherwise, if 'every' universe gave humans that ability, there wouldn't be a 'special' universe now would there?

Yeah, that's true. I remember that not every film that has animals has them talking to humans in the same language.

Group Admin

Exactly. Like that 'Babe' movie for instance. We love the movie for its talking animals and of a pig's attempts to find his place in a world where things are 'The way things are'. But he's never been able to talk to the humans, much less the farmer who uttered fewer words. But they have this natural bond where they can just feel something without having to say a word.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

My Name is Black Beauty / Meet Flora-Fauna's other dimensional self


As The Equestrians, Miles, Gwen and Paviter were trying to catch up with Spot, they soon heard another voice join the fray!

??? : "I love to bring out the Chaos inside of my dear Fluttershy."

Everyone soon turn their heads and saw something that they were both Shocked and a little horrified by....

Twilight: OH MY FAUST!

Spike: No, Is That?!

Suddenly, coming from out of nowhere and another Spider-Watch Portal was a Spider-Girl, but this one had a black goopy suit on! She soon stretched a black gooey fist at Spot and actually hit him in the spot less back and he landed in a billboard from the impact. All the Spiders soon stopped and landed on a skyscraper as the Symboite Spider Girl faced them after she landed.

???: “Almost as much as I love bringing out the Kindness inside of my dear Discord.”

Miles: What the heck is that?!

Rainbow: It's the Symboite suit and those are never good.

Twilight: Whoever you are, You got to take that suit off now before....

Gwen: No, Relax, she's good.

But soon the Spider-Girl let the symboite return to the inside of her body revealing it to be...

Fluttershy: Wait, What?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, you have got to be kidding me,.....

Miles & Equestrians: Fluttershy?

Other Fluttershy: (Gasp) .....GIRLS! SPIKE!

It was indeed the Spider-Girl version of Fluttershy aka Flora-Fauna! Or so, Miles and the Equestrians thought....

Twilight: Flora? What happened to you? You need to get the symbiote out of you! It's Dangerous!

Rarity: Not to mention kind of disgusting....

Other Fluttershy: I wouldn't call him dis-

But soon, the symbiote soon stretched out of Fluttershy's arm and right up to Rarity and to everyone's shock, took the face of Discord!

Symbiote: Who you calling disgusting?!

Rarity: GAAH!

Other Fluttershy: Discord! Just calm down and let me explain!

Pinkie: Oh boy, Deep Spider Lore Time!

[Landing right on top of Paviter's Comic was the comic cover of...]

[ Black Beauty: “Hi… I’m Fluttershy.” "But not a fluttershy that you all think you know, if you get what i mean..." "I bonded with a symbiote named Discord three years ago and have taken the mantle of Black Beauty ever since. We work together joined in harmony to help those who are helpless.” "And get to bring the pain on anyone who tries to hurt my Flutter butter!" "Discord can be a handful, but he just wants to help me be the best I can be.” "And in turn, She helped me be the better best of me that i can and still trying to be!”]

BIO Backstory: In Another-Another Spider Verse Earth, This Fluttershy never found or got bit by the radioactive spider and instead got bonded with a symbiote first. Black Beauty is Fluttershy with the Venom symbiote (aka Discord). She has a lot of the abilities Discord has in canon mainly shapeshifting, teleporting, summoning chaos from the snap of her fingers, etc. but also combined with the Symbiote race powers and abilities. She is also slightly more agile then Flora and uses a lot of those skills and powers, along with her own ability to talk to animals, in order to become different animals that will help her either help the helpless or fight the bad guys. Fluttershy was and still is a surprising entity for the symbiote to latch onto due to her gentle nature and her defensive style of fighting but she has iron resolve, strong kindness toward Discord, and the bravery to deal with all kinds of creatures and villains. Like Equestria Fluttershy and Flora-Fauna, she also has The Stare. But unlike most symbiotes and their hosts, Beauty and Discord can communicate with and understand other symbiotes while they’re still inside their host body.

Sexuality: Autosexual/Aroace but married in a platonic relationship with Discord.*

Home Dimension: Earth-11179302023

Inspired by Tom Hardy's Venom and Eddie Brock, Mania, Gwenom the Symbiote Spider-Gwen, Black Cat (Earth-258), The Symbiote-Verse Stories by SpyroForLife, Titan Luz and Art made by Miranda (Twittеr’s Version)@CarouselUnique / Carousel Revival Era @carouselunique

Pinkie: Wow! A Venom Good Guy!* Man, I'd pay good money to see that!

Note that this takes place after the Sam Raimi’s Spider Man trilogy which is a planned CA and so the equestrians would recognize a symbiote.

Cool concept to have Discord be a symbiote in another universe! This reminds me of a fan fiction series on this site known as the “Symbiote-Verse”. In those stories, inspired by the 2018 “Venom” film and its sequel, “Let There Be Carnage”, Twilight bonds to and forms a friendship with the Venom symbiote while working to take down a corrupt scientist pony. Her friends, including Spike, later bond to symbiotes of their own, each of whom have personalities that are similar to or the opposite of their hosts. The first story in the series even has an audio reading on YouTube.


:rainbowlaugh::ajsmug: You know what, it's very ironic that Venom and Discord have the same personalities. Just picturing Discord as a symbiote is just too funny!

Group Admin

I wouldn't say they are 'similar'... but I can see where you are coming from. They both thrive on the chaos. Least they are not like 'Carnage' who's just in it for the bloodshed and the suffering of innocence.

The Sandlot
Carnival Scene
I can see Rainbow, AppleJack, and Pinkie Pie chewing tobacco.
The Sandlot 1993 Carnival scene - YouTube

With the FNAF Movie on the way, I'll possibly do some of the quotes from the trailer with the Mane 6, Spike, and possibly the CMC (though the trailers of the two are limited so I guess I can go with it).

Taxi Scene

In a Taxi, a man prepares to take Abby, Spike, and the CMC.

"Where to?" The Taxi Driver said,

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" The CMC replied.

Before he replied, the Taxi Driver adjusted his rear mirror and was caught off to see a Yellow Freddy Fazbear that looked a bit withered with a glowing blue eye on the right, missing his left eye and left ear, staring at him.

"Why do I always get the weirdos..." The Taxi Driver muttered.

The scene cuts back to Abby & the CMC smiling, Golden Freddy sitting there, Spike feeling a bit agitated in the backseat

"Trust me." Spike said to the Taxi Driver, "You don't see three little fillies and a Baby Dragon around earth nowadays, nor an animatronic bear..."

:rainbowlaugh:🎃 Oh, I just love the breath of fresh SCARE!!!!

Group Admin

I don't know about that... but I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few members of the Mane Six actually tried. In Pinkie's case, she'd think it be like a candy or something. Rainbow Dash would try it thinking that it would add to her coolness. But I don't know about Applejack... that's a 'maybe'.

The Mask (1994)

Arriving in edge city/meeting Stanley ipkiss

Meanwhile at a Alley a gust of wind was blowing rapidly causing trash and paper to fly around and soon the crystal Portal opened and the equestrians and spike came out of it.

The gang looked around their surroundings and rainbow dash frowned after seeing they were in a Alley the same way they met ace during their last adventures.

Rainbow dash: okay why did the portal have to put us in a Alley way again!?

Applejack: calm down rainbow as soon as we find out why it brought us here the better.

Spike: hold on let twilight work her stuff.

Twilight then closed her eyes and took a deep breath and activated her location spell to find out where they were‚
The light expanded scanning the area.

Twilight sparkle: huh it looks like we're in a town called edge city during the 90s and located in the American East Coast.

Rarity: is that where we are are darling?

Twilight sparkle: looks like it.

Pinkie pie: well come on! Let's get this crazy fun adventure started!

But when they turned around they froze and saw a garbage man holding a trash can with a shocked expression meaning he has been there since they've arrived.

Fluttershy: Uhhh hi?

Garbage man: AHHHH!!!!!! (Runs away) TALKING ALIEN HORSES AND A GIANT LIZARD!!!!!!

Spike: I'm not a lizard! I'm a dragon!!!!

Twilight sparkle: Come on! We need to get our of here before anyone else sees us but we need to stay low.

The rest of the group: got it!

Luckily twilight activated her invisibility spell the group were invisible walking trying their best not to bump into anyone.

Rainbow dash: How much longer do we have to be invisible twilight?

Twilight sparkle: I don't know rainbow dash we're going have for a while till we figure out why the TV brought us here.

Suddenly while walking on the sidewalk they bump into a man wearing a light brown suit and carrying a briefcase.

???: Oh pardon me I didn't see you ther-.

The man was confused when he didn't see anyone in front of him.

Twilight sparkle: (whispering) no one make a sound.

Pinkie pie: HI!!!

The group: PINKIE!!!!

The man's eyes went wide and almost screamed until twilight quickly covered his mouth and pulled him into another alley.


Twilight then deactivated her invisibility spell and the group revealed their selves.

???: what the?

Twilight sparkle: ok don't freak out but we're ponies and a dragon.

???: Who are you?

Pinkie pie couldn't notice that the man looked like ace a little bit.

Pinkie pie: ace is that you?

???: (Confused) who?

Twilight sparkle: nevermind that look I'll explain everything.

After the explanation the guy understood now and spoke to them.

???: so you guys are talking magical ponies and a dragon from another dimension?

Rainbow dash: yep that's pretty much it Mr.... what's your name?

???: it's ipkiss Stanley ipkiss but Charlie just calls me stan

Twilight sparkle: so is it ok if we stay with you until we figure out why we're here?

Stanley ipkiss: uhhh sure I'm just going to the auto repair shop to pick up my car for tonight.

Twilight sparkle: well hold on we can't go out looking like this a guy saw us and freaked out.

Stanley ipkiss: ok I'll wait right here.

Twilight then closed her eyes and activated a human disguise spell for her friends after that they were fully disguised.

Stanley ipkiss: wow you guys look great.

Rarity: why thank you darling.

After that they began walking to the repair shop not before when they were crossing the street a car honked its horn at them startling them.

Driver: Hey morons watch where you're going!!

Fluttershy: (scared) sorry!

Rainbow dash: (angrily) You watch where you're going!!!!

Note: I wrote this just for fun and just in case there's ever going to be a the mask cinematic adventures story and sorry if this was too long.

The Mask (1994)

Finding the mask

After Stanley the equestrians and spike were kicked out coco bongo club line after that they decided to drive to Stanley's apartment‚ Driving in the broken car the mechanics that scammed Stanley earlier which they called the loaner.

And the car had a lot of problems the engine kept sputtering it kept backfiring and it stopped driving for one second.

Rainbow dash: (angrily) I can't believe those jerks at that club kicked us out of the line and threw us in a dirty puddle!

Rarity: I agree darling they ruined my outfit!

Stanley ipkiss: well girls at least it can't get any worse.

Then all of a sudden the car's engine died and the car stopped in the middle of the bridge.

Spike: I knew this would happen.

Twilight sparkle: you want me to use a spell to fix the engine Stanley?

Stanley ipkiss: no thanks twilight I got this.

Stanley tried turning the ignition on and off to get the car working but it wouldn't work.

Stanley ipkiss: (upset) Oh....gee! (Bangs head on steering wheel) Ow!

Applejack: you okay sugarcube!

Stanley ipkiss: yeah I'm okay.

Rainbow dash: darn those mechanics they've absolutely lied about Stanley's car being broken!

Stanley ipkiss: ya think rainbow dash. (Gets out of car)

Twilight sparkle: let's go out and help him with the problem.

Pinkie pie: agree this is gonna be a piece of cake!

The group got out of the car as Stanley went to the engine compartment to see what the problem was‚ But after touching the compartment he burned his fingers due to the stem heating it.

Twilight sparkle: Stanley! Are your fingers okay!

But all Stanley responded was angrily yelling.

Stanley ipkiss: Ahh! Ugh! God!

Then Stanley kicked the front of the car furiously‚ but he shouldn't have done that because after he did pieces of the front fell off‚ as the group gasped in shock.

Pinkie pie: uhh I'm sure that's repairable.

But then another piece of the front and the back passenger door fell off and clattered on the ground.

Pinkie pie: (nervously) ummm nothing but a little glue can fix hehehe.

But then the car completely fell apart as the tires and the car fell as the car began wheezing‚ as the group minus pinkie gasped in shock.

Pinkie pie's smile slowly disappeared into a frown and turned to Stanley.

Pinkie pie: sorry Stanley.

Stanley then sighed disappointed that this night had gotten worse and then he sadly walked near the edge of the bridge.

Fluttershy: you okay Stanley?

Stanley ipkiss: (sighs) yeah I'm okay Fluttershy it's that I don't know how to impress Tina so she can love me...

Applejack: don't worry Stanley I'm sure tina likes you for your looks and your funny personality.

Stanley ipkiss: (smiles) thanks Applejack.

Suddenly the group heard thunder starting in the sky and lightning struck scaring Fluttershy a little bit.

Then all of a sudden twilight spotted something in the water as her eyes went wide.

Twilight sparkle: oh my chelestia! Stanley look!

Stanley then looked at what twilight was talking about and his eyes went wide.

The group spotted a guy floating in the water not moving a inch.

Stanley ipkiss: (panicking) Hey! Hey‚ Mister!

The group rushed down to save the poor guy before it was too late.

Stanley ipkiss: Hold on!

Rainbow dash: don't worry dude we're coming!

Pinkie pie pulled a lifeguard raft out of her hair and continued following the group.

Stanley ipkiss: I know cpr!

Pinkie pie: And I know mouth to mouth!

The group then jumped in the water as Stanley grabbed the body but then realized the body felt plastic and rubbery.

The group then realized the person was nothing but garbage.

The group's worried expression turned into upset expressions knowing they jumped into the water for a bunch of garbage as Stanley slammed his fist in anger.

Rainbow dash: (angrily) oh come on! Can this night get any worse!!!

Twilight sparkle: I'm afraid so... come on everypony let's just go.

Stanley ipkiss: hold on guys I'm coming.

But as Stanley lifted his other hand he noticed something made out of wood stuck to wet newspaper.

Stanley ipkiss: hey guys look at what I found.

The group turned as Stanley tore the wet newspaper off as it was revealed that the piece of wood turned out to be a green wooden mask with a piece of metal bolted into it.

Rainbow dash: a mask? What's a mask doing in the ocean?

Twilight sparkle: I don't know what do you think Stanley?

Stanley then turned the mask backwards as he did the back of the mask glowed and sparkled Stanley's eyes went wide as he heard Twilight's voice all muffled.

Twilight sparkle: (muffled) uh Stanley are you ok?

Stanley then rose the mask closer and closer to his face but before he could put it on a loud voice and light shine caught him and the group's attention.

Police officer: Hey‚ you! What are you people doing down there?

Stanley ipkiss: uh...

Twilight sparkle: umm us?

Stanley ipkiss: we were....just looking for....

Stanley the equestrians and spike looked at the mask and improvised.

Stanley ipkiss: my mask! We got it!

Note: I'll probably do the other scenes and probably the transformation aswell I hope you enjoyed it.

Nice work! I can't wait to see what happens next!

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