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- Princess Luna joins the Mane Six, Shining Armor and Cadence to protect the Crystals from the enigmatic Golbez.Vimtrust5 · 26k words · 10 0 · 478 views
- Twilight's nightmares lead her and her friends into a world where the balance between light and darkness is at stake.Vimtrust5 · 52k words · 15 0 · 782 views
- Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence take on the Palamecian Empire.Vimtrust5 · 52k words · 18 2 · 854 views
- Twilight and her friends are transported to the world of the first Final Fantasy.Vimtrust5 · 39k words · 29 0 · 1.8k views
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No problem! It may be a bit til I get to them since I can be a bit of a prograstinator, but they'll be there for when I do~!
Also I read another Final fantasy X My Little Pony fanfic and I found out you can take inspiration from this idea. It's how pegasi can cast final fantasy spells. Well in that story the pegasi use their wings to cast their spells.
Ih can I ask you a question? Will Luna play an active role in Final fantasy 4 as in actually go to the world of Final fantasy 4?