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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Today, I decided to share with you guys another MLP fanmade music video that I just can’t stop going back to YouTube just to watch it!

In this video, Discord takes on the role of Alameda Slim from Disney’s Home on the Range. In it, he sings, or really yodels, the song that the actual Alameda Slim would sing to hypnotize cows into following him to his hideout.

I realize that Home on the Range isn’t one of the most popular things Disney made, but, I grew up with that movie as a child and I really enjoyed it. The music composed by Alan Menken was my favorite part of the film, this very song being the one that often stood out to me the most among others. So, when I discovered this video, everything about it was just so awesome!

I hope you all like it:

Another great song from a decent movie that I remember watching when I was little.

I'm more of a fan of this song



A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Not really a fan of Nostalgia Critic. As a matter of fact, I loathe him and his work.

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