Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
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Group Admin

Well, if I was playing white my thought would be ...

does my opponent see b5 trapping my queen? :facehoof:


I'm almost thinking move the rook on c8 to c3, going after the e3 pawn and threatening the knight.

First move that comes to mind is b5, which leads to a threat to trap the queen with Bd8 next. Of course, queen won't actually be trapped because of Bc7 but you win that bishop

Your idea to sort of save white does not work ...
Black plays BxB (rather than capture with the rook) and the queen remains trapped.

Oh right. Funny thing is BxB is exactly what I was thinking but for some reason I forgot that still had the queen trapped.

Group Admin

That's it. Interestingly, I just played a game where another guy blundered the queen in a very similar fashion, except he played on until he had no pawns left, unlike in this game, where my opponent resigned after b5 and Bd8.

The knight is defended, though, and it's probably eyeing c5, though. It does stand in the wrong place, but for a different reason.

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