E.R.A 378 members · 339 stories
Comments ( 52 )
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Luna losing a 1000 years of experiencing life with no chance to make it up is pretty bad though.

(I know I am replying REALLY late but I never got reply, especially since I forgot)

Okay if you insist. I was just trying to figure things out back then and too engrossed in that I suppose. Well I do admit that Luna probably missed out on a good deal of things in her banishment. But you seem to only think from the perspective of someone that views immortality as a gift. Celestia probably experienced a number of things both good and bad. Joy, privileges of being a ruler, but also the loss of many many generations of friends. Students she taught, servants who aided her, and more.

So I will give it to you that you have a point in that Luna missed out on a lot while Celestia ruled on her own. But not all of it would be good. I do not and never will view immortality as a gift. It might have its benefits, but those have little if any interest to me. I would only EVER take immortality as a means to fullfill my goal in life of safeguarding the world and the environment. As for Luna it would have been 1000 years filled with watching ponies she cared about die, that's how I see it, Celestia would have gone through the same thing for sure and possibly convinced Luna that it wasn't worth it. It would likely have joy as well, but the fact is we don't have any canon opinion from Celestia or Luna about it. That leaves it completely up to our interpretation.

As the narrator for Tuck Everlasting says, "You don't need to live forever, you just need to live, and she did."

So it is sad for Luna to have missed out on a thousand years, but I don't view it nearly as bad as you do. For my headcanon I have her satisfied with the few years she got with Celestia retiring and doing whatever they did until they passed away peacefully. I don't expect to change your mind so we are just gonna have to agree to disagree. I doubt we will ever see eye to eye on this pretty much. You can just make Luna live for a thousand years and experience everything as you will.

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